I’ve already become a titled Douluo, and only now the system arrives?

Chapter 190: Yu Xiaogang’s Martial Soul Abandoned, Liu Erlong Becomes the Holy Light Dragon

Chapter 190: Yu Xiaogang's Martial Soul Abandoned, Liu Erlong Becomes the Holy Light Dragon

Yu Xiaogang was on the verge of tears. He never imagined he would encounter the killer Qin Xiao here.

Isn't it said that the most dangerous place is the safest place?

Why is it different from what the books say?
"Qin Xiao, don't be impulsive, let's talk this over..."

He quickly said, "Qin Xiao, do you know that I was against my father taking action against you back then? But his power was greater than mine, and he was the head of the family. He never listened to my advice."

After hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Qin Xiao sneered, "Yu Xiaogang, do you think I'm a three-year-old? Do you think I'm that easy to deceive?"

"Besides, your family has already submitted to me in exchange for their crimes. What does it matter if I kill you?"


Yu Xiaogang was shocked.

But he knew Qin Xiao wouldn't lie to him.

There was no need for that.

"This happened just a few days ago."

"Never mind, knowing won't do you any good."

Qin Xiao waved his hand impatiently, "Now, summon your martial soul Luo Sanpao."

"You, what are you going to do?" Yu Xiaogang shivered, a bad premonition in his heart.

"Do you have a choice? My patience is limited."

Qin Xiao raised three fingers in front of Yu Xiaogang.

The meaning was clear, he was telling Yu Xiaogang he had three seconds to decide.

However, Yu Xiaogang's response was swift, "Don't be impulsive."

Less than a second later, he summoned Luo Sanpao.

Seeing Qin Xiao, Luo Sanpao also showed fear, hiding behind Yu Xiaogang with only half its head peeking out, blinking at Qin Xiao.

"Good." Qin Xiao nodded in satisfaction, then spread his hand towards Luo Sanpao, his powerful soul force erupting like a gust of wind, blowing Yu Xiaogang away.

Then Qin Xiao clenched his hand, and Luo Sanpao was instantly bound by a strong soul force.

As Qin Xiao's hand lifted slightly, it was raised into the air.

"Qin Xiao, what are you doing!" Yu Xiaogang was terrified.

He even wanted to intervene.

But a mere glance from Qin Xiao made Yu Xiaogang wilt like a frost-beaten eggplant, not daring to take another step forward.

"I'm here to set you free."

At this moment, Qin Xiao's calm voice reached Yu Xiaogang's ears.

Then, his soul force exploded, and Yu Xiaogang watched as Luo Sanpao shattered before his eyes.


Yu Xiaogang felt a heart-wrenching pain.

Blood tears flowed from his eyes.

But he was helpless.

However, in the next moment, he froze.

Because Luo Sanpao did not completely disappear but was reformed into golden energy.

In no time.

A tiny dragon-shaped creature appeared in Qin Xiao's palm.

"Light... Holy... Dragon?"

Yu Xiaogang was stunned.

If he hadn't seen Yu Yuanzhen's martial soul evolve, he wouldn't have recognized that the creature in Qin Xiao's palm was indeed the Holy Light Dragon.

"Yes, it's the Holy Light Dragon."

"But you're truly disappointing, wasting such a martial soul."

Qin Xiao's voice was complicated.

In fact, Yu Xiaogang had an exceptional martial soul, but his talent was too poor.

He couldn't fully manifest the Holy Light Dragon martial soul.

It eventually turned into the strange martial soul Luo Sanpao.

It was like hiding a pearl in dust.

"What? Is this true?"

"My martial soul is actually the Holy Light Dragon, how can it be the Holy Light Dragon?"

"No, no, no, it's just Luo Sanpao, it's just a useless martial soul."

Yu Xiaogang kept shaking his head.

He refused to accept this fact.

Otherwise, wouldn't he have to admit that he was indeed a waste?

And that he even dragged down his martial soul.

If word got out, wouldn't people laugh at him even more?

Qin Xiao sneered, "Trash is trash, there are only useless people, not useless martial souls. Yu Xiaogang, I didn't expect you to understand yourself so well, this phrase suits you perfectly."

Yu Xiaogang was struck as if by lightning.

He originally said this to prove he wasn't trash.

Now it sounded especially ironic.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao felt bored and shook his head, walking past Yu Xiaogang.

"You're not going to kill me?"

Yu Xiaogang numbly looked at Qin Xiao's back, asking in a daze.

"Are you even worth it?"

Qin Xiao's disdainful voice echoed in Yu Xiaogang's ears as he walked further away.

That's right.

Yu Xiaogang was indeed unworthy.

Moreover, now that Qin Xiao had destroyed Yu Xiaogang's martial soul, such a significant blow deserved to be thoroughly savored by Yu Xiaogang.

Rather than killing Yu Xiaogang outright, it was better to let him live and continue to suffer.

With a thud.

Watching Qin Xiao's departing figure, Yu Xiaogang collapsed to his knees, utterly defeated.

He was truly broken.

"It's over, it's really over. My life has no hope anymore..."

Without his martial soul and soul power, how could he prove that he wasn't a waste?

Moreover, he couldn't return to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, losing his last support.

He sank into deep despair, feeling as if his entire world had collapsed, devoid of any light.

"Maybe I should just die..."

He suddenly had this thought.

But soon, he gave up on it.

Not because he found new meaning in life.

But because he lacked the courage to end his life.

"Forget it, a bad life is better than a good death. Not only will I live, but I will live long. I believe someone will take care of someone as arrogant as Qin Xiao..." Yu Xiaogang consoled himself.


Late at night.

Liu Erlong frowned as she heard a knock on her door, "Whoever it is, can it wait until tomorrow?"

"No, it's urgent," came the reply from outside.

Qin Xiao!

Liu Erlong's furrowed brows instantly relaxed. If it was him, she wouldn't be sleepy anymore.

She immediately got up and tidied her slightly messy silk nightgown.

But then, she paused.

She undid two buttons on her chest.

Then she walked to the door.


As she opened the door, sure enough, Qin Xiao was standing outside.

Upon seeing Liu Erlong, Qin Xiao raised an eyebrow.

Well, well.

Big, deep, and white.

He was instantly captivated.


Liu Erlong's face showed an unnatural expression as she lightly coughed, "Come in and talk?"

Qin Xiao was straightforward; he scooped Liu Erlong up by the waist and carried her into the room.

Pressing her down.

In the midst of their passionate encounter...

A long time passed.

Unnoticed, dawn had begun to break.

"Qin Xiao, I can't go on, let's rest..."

Liu Erlong, nestled in Qin Xiao's arms, said weakly.

Qin Xiao looked down slightly and saw that Liu Erlong's body was covered in red marks.

He felt a bit guilty.

Then he smiled, "I have a way to help you recover quickly."

"You..." Liu Erlong, stunned, didn't know what to say.

Finally, she shyly pinched Qin Xiao's waist.

"Let's get started."

Qin Xiao shifted from lying down to half-sitting against the headboard.

His right hand embraced Liu Erlong, while his left hand began to gather light.

"What is that?"

Although she couldn't see the full form of the item, Liu Erlong felt a sense of trepidation.

She vaguely sensed that this object would be extraordinary and have a significant impact on her.

"Just watch."

Qin Xiao smiled mysteriously, and in the next moment, he no longer suppressed the soul power in his hand, fully revealing the Holy Light Dragon's soul he had extracted from Yu Xiaogang.

Liu Erlong felt her body stiffen in his arms.

"This, this is..."

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

She felt a stirring deep within her soul.

Qin Xiao answered seriously, "You should have some sense of it. Yes, it is indeed a wisp of the Holy Light Dragon's soul.

Don't be deceived by its small size; it is enough to help your Purple Lightning Tyrant Dragon martial soul achieve its final evolution to the level of the Holy Light Dragon."

"It's really the Holy Light Dragon's soul!"

Although she had her suspicions, Liu Erlong was still shocked to hear Qin Xiao's confirmation.

"Where did you find it?"

"That's not for you to worry about. Consider it a way of making use of waste."


Making use of waste?

Women are always sensitive. Upon hearing Qin Xiao's words, Liu Erlong's expression immediately changed.

"Ha ha, don't be so sensitive. When I said waste, I wasn't referring to you. To me, you're a treasure."

Qin Xiao's cheesy line might have been corny, but it was effective.

Hearing this, Liu Erlong's face brightened up again.

"Here, you should first absorb the dragon soul."

"Your martial soul will complete its final evolution, and your soul power could even break through to level 90."

As he spoke, Qin Xiao placed the dragon soul into Liu Erlong's hand and stepped aside.

Looking at the dragon soul in her hand, Liu Erlong's gaze became resolute.

She sat cross-legged, letting her hair fall naturally over her chest, covering herself. Then, with a powerful clap of her palms, the soul power barrier sealing the Holy Light Dragon's soul shattered.

To Qin Xiao's surprise, the fusion process went exceptionally smoothly.

The Holy Light Dragon's soul, extracted from Luo Sanpao, showed no resistance and actively entered Liu Erlong's palm.

Soon, Qin Xiao noticed changes in Liu Erlong's body.

Golden light erupted from within her, making her appear almost transparent.

The golden light continued to expand.

"Quite a commotion!"

Qin Xiao's eyes flashed, and with a thought, his powerful soul force surged out, forming a protective barrier around himself and Liu Erlong.

It wouldn't be good if others noticed the anomaly and came over.

While it was fine for him and Liu Erlong to be open with each other, a third person witnessing this would be awkward.


At that moment, a powerful roar erupted from within Liu Erlong.

It was a resonant dragon's roar, so powerful that Qin Xiao's ears rang.

He was glad he had the foresight to set up a soul power barrier; otherwise, this roar alone would have drawn everyone in the academy.

The sound gradually faded.

A giant dragon's shadow appeared behind Liu Erlong.

Golden scales, golden claws, even golden pupils.

Noble, mysterious, powerful...

"It's done!"

"Holy Light Dragon!"

Qin Xiao's eyes gleamed with joy.

His efforts had not been in vain.

However, the surprises weren't over.

After a while, Liu Erlong's soul power began to surge.

Qin Xiao vaguely heard a crack.

He knew it wasn't an illusion.

A more powerful soul force emanated from Liu Erlong.

"Is this level 90?"

At that moment, Liu Erlong opened her eyes, murmuring in surprise.

She looked at her hands, still in disbelief.

"Isn't it amazing?"

Qin Xiao smiled, "You only need to obtain another soul ring, and you'll be a titled Douluo."

"Yes, it feels so unreal."

Liu Erlong looked at Qin Xiao, her eyes filled with excitement, gratitude, and a hint of reminiscence.

"Qin Xiao, you might not know, but before I met you, becoming a Soul Douluo was the highest I could imagine, and even reaching that level would have taken many years."

"But after meeting you, everything changed. How long has it been? Just one year, and I've become one of the few titled Douluo on the Douluo Continent."

"Even my martial soul has changed dramatically, evolving from a mutated fire dragon martial soul to the Holy Light Dragon, which is even more powerful than the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon."

As she spoke, tears streamed down Liu Erlong's face.

From a young age, because of her martial soul, she had suffered so much.

Even if she had awakened the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon martial soul, she and her mother could have returned to the family with honor.

She wouldn't have been called an illegitimate child, and her mother wouldn't have been labeled a wild woman...

Hearing this, Qin Xiao silently walked up to Liu Erlong, gently wiping away her tears. "You're my woman. This is what I should do. There, there, don't cry."

"Everything is better now. No one can look down on you anymore."

"The once arrogant Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan is now at your feet."

At this moment, his heart ached for her.

Who would have thought that beneath Liu Erlong's fiery and tough exterior was such a fragile heart?

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

Liu Erlong's voice trembled as she threw herself into Qin Xiao's arms, repeatedly saying the same words.

Qin Xiao said nothing, just gently stroking her back, comforting her.

After a long time, Liu Erlong gradually fell asleep in Qin Xiao's arms.


Two days later.

Qin Xiao and Liu Erlong arrived at the Star Dou Forest.

"Qin Xiao, I'm not a weakling anymore, nor a woman who hides behind a man.

It's just a soul ring hunt, I can do it myself."

Liu Erlong pouted in mild dissatisfaction.

Of course, despite her words, her heart felt warm.

A classic case of saying one thing and meaning another.

Qin Xiao asked, "Is that so? On your own, how old a soul beast can you hunt?"

Liu Erlong thought seriously and answered, "I could probably hunt a fifty-thousand-year one. Maybe seventy to eighty thousand years if I'm lucky."

Qin Xiao laughed, "Exactly, but with me here, we don't need luck. We rely on strength."

(The End of This Chapter)

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