I've Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 35:

Chapter 35:

On a sultry day in June,

"Am I your manager or what?"

Kim Jinwoo handed over a few books with a displeased face. They were Han Yooil's books that had been left in his school locker. As Yooil couldn't empty his locker due to his busy schedule, Jinwoo had picked them up for him on the last day of the semester.


"If you're thankful, you should at least buy me a meal."

Yooil pulled something out of his bag.


"What's this?"

"Your meal."

Jinwoo's expression, initially devoid of any expectation, transformed in an instant.

In Kim Jinwoo's hand was LoveA's album. He saw a short message written in round, bubbly handwriting.

[Kim Jinwoo! Thank you for loving LoveA >< Always be happy~]

For a few seconds, Jinwoo was frozen, then his jaw moved like a broken wooden puppet.

"Th-this this!"

If this moment were animated, surely Jinwoo's eyes would've popped out like springs.

[- LoveA Byul]

Upon confirming Byul's signature, he began to rejoice as if about to fly.

Is he that happy?

Yooil couldn't help but chuckle.

* * *

A few days later,

Director Jang Jaeyi gave Han Yooil a smooth smile, one that conveyed friendliness without losing professionalism.

"Yooil, you're looking good?"

"Yes. It's because the semester ended."


Jang Jaeyi, chuckling as if amused, quickly got to the point.

"You know, right? About the promotional variety show offer for Yooil."

Han Yooil nodded.

"Yes. The director mentioned it before the contract."

With only two more shoots left for <Sing in High School>, which had aired up to its third episode, the cast was offered to appear in promotional variety shows, independent of the drama's ongoing success.

Especially, UBN, which participated in the drama's production, stipulated the condition for the cast to participate in one of its variety shows.

"Woojin, do you have the material we received earlier?"

"Yes? Oh, yes!"

Sitting beside him, Min Woojin stood up abruptly and rummaged through his bag. Soon, a company iPad emerged. Yooil received the iPad from Woojin.

On the pad was the title <Roll it Fun!>

<Roll it Fun!>, commonly referred to as RollFun,' is an action variety show and one of the most popular programs in Korea. Led by Producer Jo Hyungjin and Writer Na Gihye, it recently aired its 234th episode

Just the main points.'

Each episode turns a different city into a giant game board,' where participants become pieces' on a board game. The show is known for giving its guests a hard time through various quests.

As Brion explained, <RollFun> was notorious, with rumors claiming its name could have originated from joyfully rolling the guests.' It was a variety show known for being physically demanding.

"If you're worried, feel free to say so. If it seems too hard for Yooil, we can cut it off on our end. After all, there's no clause saying that all' cast members have to appear."

Hearing Director Jang Jaeyi's words, Yooil shook his head. While it was indeed a bit daunting, he had no intention of avoiding it needlessly.

If you participate, there's a 75.8% chance of achieving positive outcomes, and compared to the existing promotional strategy for <Sing in High School>, it's the most cost-effective

Honestly, Yooil was somewhat swayed by Brion's analysis.

"I'd like to try it."

"Really? Are you sure?"

Jang Jaeyi scrutinized Yooil's face, her eyes a mix of concern and anticipation.

"Okay, then."

She rose from her seat, promising to send the script as soon as it was available.

"Though once the shoot starts, the script is practically useless, but still. Don't worry too much, Yooil. Just be yourself. That would be more interesting."

Leaving that cryptic message, Jang Jaeyi left the room.

* * *


"Yooil right?"

"Oh my, you're quite early. There's still a lot of time before the call time."

At the <Roll it Fun!> filming site.

Arriving early at the set, Yooil greeted the busy Producer Jo Hyungjin, Writer Na Gihye, and the ADs before exploring the setup.

A wide mat was laid out on the grass, and in the center was a colorful, rainbow dice.

Are we going to roll that?'

Yes, that's the Exciting Dice'.

The dice, silly yet fitting for the show, was as tall as Yooil's thigh.

The mat on the grass resembled a board game, reminiscent of a nostalgic game that once plunged many children into global real estate investing.

"Ah, Yooil. Jaehyuk just arrived, want to greet him?"

"! Yes, I'll go and say hello."

Kim Jaehyuk was UBN's leading MC and a pivotal member of <Roll it Fun!>.

"Good to meet you, senior."

"Ah, hello."

Kim Jaehyuk, with his slender build and stylish dressing, didn't look his age in his fifties at all.

Yooil felt more at ease with Jaehyuk's calm demeanor, a contrast to the personality he saw on TV.

"I'm Han Yooil. It's my first time in variety shows, so I'm lacking in many ways. Please take care of me."

Yooil's words softened Jaehyuk's eyes.

"Oh, no need to feel pressured! But you're quite early, aren't you?"

"Ah, yes."

Yooil hesitated for a moment, then spoke up.

"I thought being at the set early might ease my mind since it's my first variety show shooting."

The rest of the cast, unlike Yooil, had already experienced various variety shows.

And Black Sea has even been on this show before.'

He didn't feel as confident as them, but he didn't want to stand out for the wrong reasons or disrupt the atmosphere. That's why Yooil had gone over the <Roll it Fun!> summary with Brion and arrived early at the set to familiarize himself with the locations where the shooting would take place.

"Still, you're quite early for the call time. You're diligent~"

"I prefer being early."

"Is that so?"

Han Yooil. The new actor, right?'

Kim Jaehyuk quickly sized up Yooil as they shook hands. Indeed, his appearance was exceptional, but beyond that, there was a compelling aura about him.

And above all, he seemed diligent and modest, which Jaehyuk liked.

A well-rounded guy.'

Jaehyuk smiled warmly, patting Yooil's shoulder affectionately.

He made a mental note to look after Yooil a bit more during the shoot.

As the call time approached, one by one, the cast members started arriving. Soon, the shooting for <Roll it Fun!> began.

The existing members of <Roll it Fun!>, donning green tracksuits, stood in a semi-circle in front of the set cameras.

A giant dice was placed on the large mat designed after a board game.

"Wow, the weather is really nice~"

"When are the guests coming?"

"Sweet Rabbit!"

"Blue Six!"

"Black Sea!"

Amidst the noisy chatter and shouts of their favorite idol groups, Kim Jaehyuk clapped his hands to gather attention.

"Alright, everyone. Today we have guests as fresh as this weather!"

Kim Jaehyuk elevated his voice with good cheer.

"Let's introduce today's players!"

As the five existing members cheered, five guests in yellow tracksuits appeared in front of the camera.

The set of guests, dressed in matching outfits, were Han Yooil, Ji Eunho, Kim Harang, Byul, and Hyena.


"Nice to meet you!"

As the <Sing in High School> cast politely greeted, the existing members beamed with pleasant smiles.

"Oh my, oh my! What day is it today?"

"Hey Juha, wipe your drool, will you?"

Chided by Jaehyuk, the woman pretended to wipe her drool, continuing her enthusiastic charade.

"Wow, it's like opening my eyes anew!"

This was Jung Juha. In her early twenties, she was known as a mysterious actress but solidified her place as a friendly TV personality with her unique sense of humor and down-to-earth nature.

Following Jung Juha's comment, the other members chimed in.

"Jung Juha, you're really funny, aren't you?"

"Here she goes again~"

"Don't you always do that when idols come on?"

Amid the lively chatter of the existing members, the <Sing in High School> cast exchanged awkward glances.

"Alright, our special players for today. Could you each introduce yourselves?"

Kim Jaehyuk pointed to the board game-like mat laid out in front. Yooil straightened up, serious.

It's starting.'

The self-introduction, an unavoidable feature of RollFun' episodes, as analyzed by Brion.

It wasn't just about introducing oneself. Right after the self-introduction, participants had to do something to a randomly chosen song. Whether it was dancing, singing, or even beatboxing anything.

The idols, being professionals, naturally moved onto the mat and started their introductions.

"Black Sea. Ji Eunho."

As if on cue, a trot song started playing.

[I'm I'm I'm your Superman~

No matter what anyone says, I'm your man~]

Once a ringtone staple among the older generation, I'm Superman' by the trot star Hyun Woong.

Ji Eunho naturally grooved to the characteristic duple meter rhythm of the trot, smoothly transitioning into an impressive popping dance.


Popping to a trot song.

Despite his languid expression, Ji Eunho's dance was full of life, and he didn't forget to end it with a stylish gesture as the music concluded.

Next up was Byul.

"Love~ A! I'm Byul!"

As soon as Byul finished her introduction, the latest song released by Black Sea, <Eureka>, started playing.

Byul gave a playful squint and began dancing powerfully. Her small frame belied the incredible energy of her performance.

"Wow, Byul really dances well!"

"The best~"

Even Han Yooil, forgetting he was filming, sincerely applauded.

The atmosphere continued to rise. Next up was Hyena, who approached the front with a soft smile. Usually known for her blank expression, Hyena's eyes sparkled remarkably in front of the camera.

"I'm Twinkie Hyena!"

Simultaneously with the introduction, an OST from the drama <Fake Lovers> that swept Asia a decade ago started playing.

[I really like you]

Instead of dancing, Hyena dramatically approached Kim Jaehyuk, acting as the drama's terminally ill female protagonist, and then pretended to faint.

[I don't want to forget you]

As the music ended, Hyena quickly found the camera that was close-upping her, brushed her hair back, and winked.

Han Yooil was slightly shocked by the idol' Hyena he witnessed. However, Kim Harang next to him wasn't flustered; instead, he nodded as if to say it was quite good.

Did they all practice this?'

Han Yooil started to worry.

Then it was Kim Harang's turn.

"The mascot of Byulango, Harang!"

Yooil watched Kim Harang performing a slick routine to LoveA's <Rocket LOVE> with a pale face.

"Harang is so cute~"

"How can someone dance so well?!"

After sincere praise poured in, the members' heads slowly turned. Their faces, ready to tease, were filled with playful mischief.

"Now, next is"

Next was Han Yooil's turn.

Yooil stepped forward, feeling the gaze of the members like predators eyeing their prey.

"I'm Han Yooil. Nice to meet you."

As Yooil bowed to greet, music started playing.

Hearing the corny yet lively intro, Yooil recognized the song immediately.

<You're the BestYOU>

A few years ago, the girl group JellyJelly' pushed this song with its unique B-grade sentiment and became a hot topic.

At that moment, the usually quiet Brion spoke up.

Now's your chance, Mr. Yooil!


Simultaneously, the dance video of JellyJelly appeared before his eyes, in mirror mode no less.

This level of kindness was almost unnecessary.

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