I've Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 64:

Chapter 64:

"The goal for today is to finally choose three outfits."

The staff member from the costume team added with a kind smile,

"One for the photocall, one for the GV (group viewing), and one for the closing ceremony!"

The cinematographer who had handled Yooil during the last surprise party entered the office with a camera in hand.

And so began the filming for the agency's in-house content.

"Hello, this is Han Yooil. Today, I'll be selecting outfits for the Berlin Film Festival"

After a brief introduction to the camera, a real fashion show began.

Yooil moved between the changing room and the mirror, trying on various outfits.

From a brown suit set to a long black velvet tuxedo

It's more subdued than I thought.'

Yooil relaxed a bit and turned his head towards the next outfit.

"Now, let's try on the next wow."

Han Yooil momentarily lost his words. The outfit in front of him was a complete contrast to what he had just said.

The stylist presented a magenta-colored suit with a perfect mix of purple and hot pink. Even the shirt to be worn underneath was a light pink. Upon closer inspection, there were patterns made of white thread.

"You can pull it off, Yooil."


"Aren't you all having too high expectations for me?"

His mild protest was ineffective. Yooil obediently entered the changing room.

"Oh my."

Director Jang Jaeyi's eyes widened as she looked at Yooil.

"It's amazing How can the color suit you so well~?"

"I told you, right? It would be fine."

Despite his initial skepticism, Yooil had to admit that it wasn't as bad as he thought upon seeing himself in the mirror.

It's better than I thought.'

Perfect matching will require additional makeup.

I know.

Yooil went back into the changing room with a resigned expression. After trying a few more outfits, the final selections for the film festival were made.

For the photocall, a white inner with a cobalt blue suit set, for the GV, denim jeans with a grey jacket and a casual shirt, and finally, for the closing ceremony, a loose-fitting black suit with a silky grey blouse was chosen.

"Next time, we definitely have to go with magenta~!"

The stylist seemed regretful, unable to let go of the magenta option.

After deciding on all the outfits for the festival, the sky had already turned dark.

"You did well, Yooil! Shall I take you home now?"

Woojin, who had been waiting in the car, stretched and asked.


As Yooil was about to nod, he was interrupted by the sound of his phone.


"Why, Yooil!"

"I think you can just drop me off at the company."

Min Woojin's eyes widened at Yooil's words.

"Huh? The company?"

Han Yooil looked at the message he had just received.

Senior Park Younghyun: Yooil, if you have time, can you come to the company?

Sneior Park Younghyun: Sorry for the typo. Can you come to the company for a moment if you have time?

* * *

Park Younghyun was in the company's underground practice room. It was a fairly spacious room with three walls made of mirrors.

Yooil looked around the practice room curiously.

It's my first time in the company's practice room.'

He had been practicing in his room because it was too much trouble to come to the company If he had known it was this nice, he would have used it earlier.

Park Younghyun observed Han Yooil's expression before speaking.

"It seems like you're busy."

"No, it's okay. I was just on my way home anyway."

Younghyun seemed a bit relieved at Yooil's response.

"Actually, there's something I want to ask you, which is why I called you here."

After a brief hesitation, he continued,

"I'd like to ask for help with some acting practice."

"Acting practice?"

And then Park Younghyun handed over a crumpled script.

The script he passed was for "Preparatory Work."

A film released 20 years ago by director Kim Jonghwan, acclaimed as a masterpiece delicately depicting the gloom and shadows of youth'.

Yooil had seen the movie before. At the time of watching, he was quite young, so he couldn't fully empathize with the characters. However, he remembered the story well a romance about Jinho, a man dreaming of becoming a writer, and Gahee, a woman dreaming of becoming an actress, struggling between their dreams and love, eventually leading to a tragic ending.

"I have a project I really want to do The director said there's something they want to see before confirming the casting."


Another person who had received a direct mission from the director.

"Is that Preparatory Work'?"


Park Younghyun added that he was told to reinterpret the male protagonist of Preparatory Work' into a different character.

"It's hard to notice any improvement when I practice alone. And I don't really have anyone to help me with this. I'm not close enough with Suna to contact her separately."

It's definitely tough to practice alone.'

The more famous and memorable the original character, the more this issue arises. No matter how much one practices, there's the problem of ending up imitating the actor acting' rather than the character. At some point, it's hard to tell if you're doing an impression or acting.

Yooil, having experienced this himself while practicing Kiwoon alone, understood the predicament.


Then this is also a kind of reinterpretation?'

Brion implicitly agreed through silence. Yooil immediately responded,

"Alright. Let's practice together."

"Thank you."

Yooil turned his attention to the script.

Now that I think about it, this role was played by Hwang Yiwon.'

Indeed. After debuting in Pretty Brothers', actor Hwang Yiwon began to be recognized for his acting through Preparatory Work'.

The Jinho portrayed by Hwang Yiwon in Preparatory Work' was quiet, calm, and mature beyond his years. However, in his mind, he enjoyed all sorts of bold fantasies.

Yooil turned to the page marked by Younghyun.

[S#25 Juho's Room, Night

Gahee: Hey, why are you so down?

Juho: Just.

Gahee: Did it come again? That Blue Time'?

Juho continues lying down without an answer.

Gahee: Let's go out. Some sunlight might make you feel a lot better.

Juho: I prefer to stay still.

Gahee: What's the point of staying still?

Juho: Just lying here. Like floating on water.

Gahee: Continuously?

Juho: Continuously.]


Park Younghyun, carefully reading the script along with Yooil, unconsciously swallowed hard.

It was his first time asking someone, a fellow actor at that, for help. He had been hesitant for a long time before sending the message, not expecting Yooil to actually come so promptly.

Han Yooil, who had been sitting on the floor reading the script intently for about ten minutes, suddenly stood up.

"Shall we start?"


Yooil opened his mouth.

"Since it's the first time, why don't we keep it light? I'll treat it as if I'm seeing the script for the first time too It would be great if you could just match the lines, thinking of it as just a run-through."

Nodding, Park Younghyun lay down, pressing his back, hands, and legs flat against the floor, closing his eyes as if dreaming.

"Hey. Why are you so down?"

Yooil's Gahee'.

The moment Younghyun heard that voice for the first time, he was a bit surprised.

It's completely different.'

It was nothing like the Gahee from Preparatory Work' 20 years ago. Just from one sentence, he could tell the differences in tone and personality.


As Juho weakly responded, Gahee plopped down beside him.

"Did it come again? That Blue Time'?"

Juho squinted at Gahee, then closed his eyes again.


Gahee sighed softly and touched Juho's arm.

"Let's go out. Some sunlight might make you feel a lot better."

Younghyun couldn't help but compare the original Gahee with Yooil's Gahee.

The original Gahee was much more carefree and lively. In contrast, the Gahee' that Yooil was portraying now was

She seems like a weary office worker.'

The way Gahee persuades Juho to go out and get some sunlight was also different. While the original Gahee had a childish, almost whiny demeanor, the Gahee now seemed more like she was offering advice.

"Staying still is better."

"What's the point of staying still?"

"Just lying here. Like floating on water."


Gahee asks, raising one eyebrow.


It felt strange.

The more the conversation continued, the more Younghyun felt as if he was insisting on something absurd.

"That's not me."

When did it start?

Younghyun forgot the original Gahee.

"Isn't it better to move around? Run, throw a ball It helps relieve stress."

Younghyun slowly opens his eyes.

And looks at Gahee.

Gahee, who dreams of becoming an actress while continuously working part-time jobs. Gahee, who takes every opportunity to audition and goes wherever directors might be

Juho suddenly realized. Gahee was far more rational and mature than him, living in his fantasies.

As the thought crossed his mind, frustration surged within him, unbidden.

"It must be nice."

His words came out tinged with sarcasm.

"For what?"

"To seem like you have no worries."

The sharp retort made Juho open his eyes wide, regretting his words.

"Why wouldn't I have worries?"

It was too late once he had started. Juho began to ramble his excuses.

"No, I mean, I spend all my time worrying about this and that"

Gahee looks down at Juho.

Was it the lighting? Her eyes, usually a bit bright, seemed to darken.

"You think I'm some brainless girl who doesn't think about anything, don't you?"

No, that's not it.

Juho shakes his head frantically.

"I've never thought that way"

Is that really true?

The expression on Juho's face caused Gahee's face to harden.

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Let's see what happens if I push him this far, let's see what he does if I push him further You're just testing to see if I'll snap, right?"

"Why would I say something like that."

"Am I wrong?"

Juho couldn't look at Gahee's face. Her calm, accurate words were too on point.

"Yeah. You're right."


A surge of heat welled up deep inside him.

"You're pathetic. So pathetic I don't even have words for it. Happy now?"

It was anger. But the anger wasn't directed at Gahee.

The darts he threw at Gahee came back like a boomerang, striking Juho himself.

Juho clenched his teeth, feeling a throbbing pain in his chest.


Yooil, returning to his usual tone, called out to Younghyun. The following question was unexpected.

"How many more times should we do it?"





With each practice, their characters became clearer and more distinct.

After exchanging lines multiple times, it was nearly midnight.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it now."


Whether it was due to the intense focus over the hours, hunger struck them both as soon as the practice ended.

The two agreed to keep it a secret from their trainers and ordered the newly released corn cheese chicken from a famous brand.

As they tore into the chicken sprinkled with a sweet and salty powder, Park Younghyun still had a vacant expression on his face. Only after finishing the chicken did he finally speak up.

"I want to ask something. When you first played Gahee, what was going through your mind?"

"Just like I said earlier. I treated it as if it was a script I received for the first time on set."

Park Younghyun nodded with a subdued face. He knew there was a difference between thinking and doing. He just hadn't done it well.

However, his eyes widened a bit at the next words.

"I didn't worry about how to act or how the acting would appear."

It was the advice Yooil had received from Brion when he first started reading the script.

Then, the completion rate figures that floated above the translucent window sparkled.

Stage 3 Completion Rate: 28.1%

"Thank you for today."

"No, thank you. It was fun."

It was a bit tiring, but fun, and the completion rate had increased.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

"And you don't have to be so formal with me, senior."

"You don't have to call me senior either. Feel free to speak casually."

An awkward silence followed.

Yooil was the first to break it.

"Then, I'll call you hyung' from now on."

"Alright sure."

It's strange. Why does it feel even more awkward?

As Yooil was about to leave the practice room, a low voice echoed behind him.

"I wanted to say this during the afterparty."

Younghyun fixed his gaze on a corner of the practice room as he continued.

"It was good acting with you."

* * *

"Ah time doesn't move."

Lee Hyejin groaned, sprawled on the bed.

The online fan meeting was in four days. It felt like a month had already passed!

Maybe I should check out my actor, Sha Star.'

Han Yooil still wasn't great at taking selfies, but he was diligent in communicating with his fans.


(Photo) (Photo)

The weather is cold. Have a great day everyone!]

The day after the online fan meeting is the departure, right.'

Just thinking about Han Yooil shining on the red carpet at the Berlin Film Festival made her heart flutter.

As Lee Hyejin was happily browsing Sha Star and BlueChat, her fingers suddenly stopped.

[@yuuuulwife Han Yooil love you to death]

[@yuuuulwife f*ck he gets more handsome every time I see him]

Up to this point, it seemed like a typical Han Yooil fan account.

She said the same things every day.

[@yuuuulwife What perfume does Yool use?]

[@yuuuulwife Miss you miss you miss you]

[@yuuuulwife When will he shoot his next project.. I must go to the afterparty for the next project]

[@yuuuulwife Yool's house is in XX-dong, right?]

[@yuuuulwife Found it]

Lee Hyejin clenched her hand tightly, feeling a chill run down her spine.

What's with this creep?'

It was an account with zero followers, so it wasn't worth her attention.


Why do I feel so uneasy?'

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