I’ve been reborn as a villainous lord, so I’m going to defeat the mastermind with a group of characters who are good at just one skill


There was a character who, despite siding with the mastermind, was easily killed off in the beginning of the game.

 That character known as the "underdog", was Kurt Antoner.

 He was a baron with a territory in a remote area.

 The raid event in which Kurt is killed, "The Cutting of the Tail of the underdog ".

 A riot broke out in the territory Kurt governed, and he summoned a lower-level monster to subdue it, but the monster kills Kurt.

 The purpose of the event is to defeat this monster , but because it occurs in the game's tutorial, Kurt is killed without fail.

 Five years before the original story begins.

 When I was 10 years old when my parents lost their lives, the shock caused me to recall my memories prior to my reincarnation.

 As I hurriedly took over, I did a lot of research and discovered that this is the world of the simulation RPG Upstar Fantasy and that I am the character Kurt Antoner, underdog character.

'Damn! Why Kurt of all people?"

 I slammed the desk as hard as I could, and the maid by my side shook her shoulders in fear.

 No, Kurt has many bad traits.

 In the first place, siding with the mastermind is not good at all.

 However, the other party is a grand duke.

 Being the fellow aristocrat, it is impossible to reject him completely.

 It is not strange for Kurt, who rose to nobility at an early age, to rely on the Grand Duke in order to gain support.

 No matter how much the Grand Duke is a mastermind aiming to bring down the country, it is necessary in order to survive.

 However, this time it was different

After all, I have memories prior to my reincarnation, and this game was a big hit in my previous life, and I have played it so much that I remember all the events in detail.

 The mastermind behind this events is confronted by the protagonist with evidence of past crimes, and in order to escape from them, he summons the Demon King, the last boss.

 Since I know where the evidence is hidden, even now I can accuse the mastermind

'But if I do that, I'll have to fight the last boss. ......"

 I'm not proud of it, but I'm not very skilled

 No matter how I tried, it was impossible for me to defeat the Demon King on my own.

 Then should I train myself until I can defeat him?

 No, there are only five years until the original story begins.

 Once it starts, the tutorial will start instantly and Kurt will be killed.

 Now that I've obtained game knowledge, I won't be summoning any monsters myself.

 Still, the future is probably designed to converge.

 Otherwise the game would never start.

'Anyway, now it's time to build up my strength. Besides, if the situation is as in the game, now that I've taken over the domain, the mastermind, the Grand Duke, will get in touch with me. It's a good chance to see the face of the man I'm supposed to take down.'

 I smile wryly

 Then, as if timed to perfection, a maid brings him a letter.

'Kurt-sama, a letter has arrived.'

 The maid looks a little frightened.

 The reason for this is that Kurt's parents were black villainous barons from the inside.

 They make her work in a black environment and on top of that, they pay her very little.

 In such a situation, it's no wonder she's frightened.

'Thank you. I'll read it right now."

What? Ah, yes, yes. .......'

 The letter is received from the maid, who is confused by the thank-you.

--So, a single thank you can surprise her so much. ......

 I unintentionally smiles.

 Then looking at the letter's sealed wax, I smiled.

 The letter was sent by the Grand Duke, Kasteen Balmitte.

He was the mastermind behind the game's plot and the king's brother.

 I open the envelope and read the letter.

 It contained a condolence for the death of my parents, and at the end it said: 'You can always count on me'.

 Perhaps the original Kurt read this letter and relied on the Grand Duke of Kasteen.

--But I won't make such a mistake. I don't want to spend my life as underdog!

 Smiling, my mouth dropped open, and I wrote a quick reply to his letter.


 The Grand Duke Balmit's residence in the royal capital of the Kingdom of Lumina.

 The largest building aside from the royal castle, it was lavishly furnished with the utmost in luxury and opulence.

 In his office, the Grand Duke, Kasteen Balmit, is smiling broadly as he reads a letter from Kurt.

 He had a huge body that could have been mistaken for an orc, and his special-made chair was making a disturbing noise.

'Ha ha ha, Viscount Antoner. You refuse to accept my help.'

 He was laughing, but his hands were clutching the letter, revealing his anger.

. 'He's just a child, he probably doesn't even know who he should follow. But if I ingratiate him here, won't he soon be won over?"

 The young man at his side says in a respectful manner

'I see, I suppose a child who doesn't know his way around can do that. Well, then, in that case we shall send him what he will want more than anything else, Gold ?

"No, something more important than that. I have something he'll hunger for."

"Oh, yes. What is it?"

'A person who knows how to manage the territory, of course.'

 The man chuckles, and the Grand Duke Kasteen smiles pleasantly.

'You think it's help, but in fact it's the lifeblood of the territory in my hands. 'Okay, that's how we'll proceed. Find me a good man.'

'Ha, yes, my lord. I will make arrangements as soon as possible."

 Thus, because of his refusal to accept help, a person who was not in the original story, but who was under the control of the mastermind, was sent to Baron Kurt's territory.

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