I’ve been reborn as a villainous lord, so I’m going to defeat the mastermind with a group of characters who are good at just one skill


Kurt was asking Irma if she knew anyone who might be interested in coming to his territory to help him.

"Well, I don't have many acquaintances to begin with,"

 His hopes were easily dashed.

"I only know people within the church, you know? If that rotten church is going to attack, I don't know if I can invite anyone. ......"

"That's true, too. I'm sorry about that."

No problem at all. I'm going to do some experiments on alchemy, do you want to come and see?

No, I don't have time for that. As I said before, heroes and saints are going to attack us from now on, so I'm going to take countermeasures against them--"

I was thinking of using a combination of alchemy and holy magic to create an inviolable barrier over the territory. This is a reinforced version of the wards that prevent the advance of monsters in the royal capital and other places."

--No, I believe they were made by holy magic, not alchemy, right?

 This is why the majority of the saints are always in church praying to maintain the wards.

"Could it be possible to put up wards in the city without praying?"

'Yes, it is. Worth a try, right?

"'Yes, it is. If it works, I'd like to give it a try."

"So here we go! Come on, let's go, hurry up, !"

 Irma pulls me along as we head out of the city.

◇ ◇◇◇

Kurt and the others came to the edge of the territory where no one was around.

Why did you have to go so far away? If it's just about warding, why didn't you just set it off in the city?"

"If it fails, it will explode."

"What, it's going to explode?

 Yuna raised her voice in surprise.

The explosion is a little late for that, don't you think? You do explode every morning, don't you?"

What was that explosion in the morning? I thought you were setting off some kind of an alarm!!

" I was forbidden from doing any experiments until the sun rises. Don't you think that's terrible?"

"Well, ha-ha-ha-ha. ......"

 Yuna was at a loss for a response and smiled bitterly.

"This is why people call you an outburst saint."

"I've never been called that!"

'I can't wait to see if you get the outburst title."

'Pfft, now's the time to make jokes like that."

 Irma smiles wryly.

"I'm sure people won't be bothering to come here."

 The place where they are now is off the road at the edge of the territory.

 The only people who would come all the way to a place like this were the bandits.

 If they were caught in the explosion, it would have saved the day.

 Irma began to write letters on the ground.

 Then, after she had finished arranging some of the materials, she raised her hand and said, "Well, I'm going to go.

"Then, let's start..."

 With Irma's call, the letters on the ground began to glow white.

 She was using holy magic.

After that, I'll need to expand the warding area ......."

 The moment Irma added more magic power, the




Boom !

Boom !

 The place where she was planning to set up the warding is blasted.

 If that were all, the result would be the same as usual, but for some reason, this time, the explosions did not end with a single explosion, but continued ceaselessly.

 It was like a barrier of explosions.

"I've never seen this type of warding before."

""You're saying that on purpose, aren't you, ......? Of course it fails.

Yes, right? I thought it was really this type of warding. ......"

 Yuna seemed to really be on the verge of believe it.

 Please learn the word "doubt".

"So when are these explosions going to stop?"

Well, it won't stop ......?"


No, no, no, I'll find a way to make it stop. So wait a minute. Uh, oh, yes, that's right. If I just isolate the explosives..."


 Irma, who has done something unnecessary, causes more explosions.

 However, thanks to that, the magic circle's letters disappeared, or perhaps the explosion's warding was gone.

'See, there's no mistake in my calculations. Oops!"

There were no mistakes. At all. ......

 However, the only thing to do is to set up an explosion ward to cover the city in advance, and when the enemy comes, blow them up.

He imagines that he might be able to avoid the raid by blowing up the whole characters when the raid is stopped.

"Okay, by the end of the day, put up wards to cover the city."

"Wait a minute. I'll figure out how to fix it right now."

That can wait for another time. We have to deal with the raiders first.

"...... Um, is that the person who is attacking you?"

 Yuna pointed to a girl who was lying on the ground.

Oh, hey, she's involved in the explosion. Heal her quickly."

If that's the case, I'll give my own healing potion..."

What are you going to do, blow her up from the inside out?"

"What are you going to do? I can't help it. ......

 Irma unusually listened to what Kurt said and was healing the girl straightforwardly.

◇ ◇◇

Some time erlier

 The heroes were in high spirits and were thinking only of destroying the territory.

 As for Melia, the first thing she wanted to do was to investigate, so she was planning to enter the territory and investigate with an open mind, but the heroes dared to deviate from the path, arguing, "

"'Hunting starts with killing the floating prey one by one."

'Oh, that's not hunting!"

 It's as if the heroes and saint are not thinking alike.

 It was as if they were acting as if the people of this territory were evil from the beginning.

Hee hee hee, here come the three weak-looking ones, if I may say so, ."

"--Oh, is that ...... Irma? How did she get here?"

 While the heroes were smiling with their mouths hanging open, Melia was thinking about something else.

 If Irma was there, and if she had come to this place to participate in that experiment, then .......

"Ba, explosion!"

 Melia, realizing this, rushes to the back and flees.

 The only thing is that the heroes went in the opposite direction toward Irma and the others, and then--.


 Caught in the explosion, they were blown away without anyone realizing it.

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