Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 114

Chapter 115: Lao Wang

Chapter 115 Pharaoh

The yamen who cooperated to investigate Xiaofeng’s identity made no progress, so they had to post Xiaofeng’s portrait everywhere.

In a tavern, a middle-aged man with blurred eyes who was drinking with his tongue out, boasted to his companions: “I know who the person in the portrait is.”

“You know?” The companion also got drunk and forgot to suppress his voice, “Who is it, tell me now.”

The middle-aged man hiccupped: “No, I won’t tell you.”

The    companion hooked his shoulder, and asked with a smile, “Are you going to receive the reward?”

The middle-aged man hurriedly shook his head: “I won’t go, there is no good fruit to deal with with the official-”

He suddenly noticed that his companion had straightened his eyes, turned his head to look, and was immediately sobered up.

“Big, my lord…”

Two Jin Linwei looked serious, one of them held his shoulder: “Come with us.”

The middle-aged man was frightened and his legs softened, and he cried at that time: “Xiaomin drank too much, what nonsense–”

“Whether it’s nonsense or not, come with us.” The two Jin Linwei’s voices were cold, but their hearts were a little excited.

In case this drunkard really knows something, then they have done a good job.

The middle-aged man was taken to the yamen, and he was questioned by a Jinlinwei Baihu.

When he got to this kind of place, the middle-aged man was completely sober, and he didn’t even have the guts to lie. He told the truth.

“The surname of the young man in the portrait is Liu, and he used to live in Wanfufang. His father is an official, and there is a very good-looking sister in the family. About seven or eight years ago, his sister went out to play on Qixi Festival, and only found it the next day. Come on, it is said that the night party lover eloped and was chased back. Maybe he was forced to separate from his lover. We don’t know the specific reason. Anyway, his sister hanged himself after he was found. His father died not long after that. There is no news of the family, and the house is empty…”

I didn’t expect that this child was arrested by the government, and I don’t know what happened.

Hearing this man speak in such detail, Baihu asked, “How do you know so clearly?”

The middle-aged man hurriedly explained: “The small people used to live there, but they moved away after their family’s circumstances fell.”

Baihu still has questions: “The boy in the painting is already fifteen or sixteen years old, and he was a child seven or eight years ago. How can you recognize it at a glance?”

“This child is very similar to his sister. Cough, his sister was at this age at the time, and she was good-looking, so Xiaomin was impressed…”

Baihu gave a cold face and warned: “I will send someone to investigate. If I find out that you have half a lie, I will pull out your tongue.”

It’s easy to live in Wanfufang for many years. Even if seven or eight years pass, many neighbors will remember this house.

Jin Linwei, who finally had a clue here, started the investigation. The old man who revealed the list on the other side was searched inside and out, and was taken to Emperor Tai’an.

“The grass people have seen the emperor.” The old man saluted in a proper manner, neither humble nor arrogant.

Tai’an Emperor sat on the dragon chair and looked at the old man.

The old man’s beard and hair are all white, and his spirit is high. The large robe is set on the thin body, giving people the feeling of immortality.

Tai’an Emperor is suspicious by nature, and he didn’t have much trust because of the old man’s reliable temperament. He asked calmly, “Are you the genius doctor who revealed the list?”

“Don’t dare to be called a genius doctor, Caomin only knows a little about the pain relief method of golden needles.”

“Understand a little?” Tai’an Emperor raised his voice slightly.

“Slightly understand.” The old man replied calmly.

Emperor Tai’an glanced at the **** Liu Chuan standing beside him, and Liu Chuan immediately raised his voice: “Bring someone.”

Soon a young guard came to the hall and saluted with difficulty.

The guard had a white cloth wrapped around his arm, and his expression looked calm. If you look closely, you can see fine beads of sweat on his forehead and pale lips.

“Trouble the genius doctor to relieve his pain.” Tai’an said lightly.

There is no doubt that this is a test for the old man.

The old man walked up to the young guard and started to untie the gauze.

Eunuch Liu Chuan thoughtfully blocked Emperor Tai’an’s sight: “Your Majesty, let the genius doctor go to the side hall to perform his duties.

Emperor Tai’an did not change his expression: “No need, let me take a look.”

Hearing what he said, Liu Chuan stepped aside.

The old man has taken off the layers of white cloth that wrapped the young guard’s arm, revealing a ferocious wound. The wound looked fresh, apparently only recently.

The face of the young guard turned even paler, sweat dripped down, gritted his teeth and restrained himself from losing his temper in front of the imperial guard.

“Can there be a golden needle?”

Emperor Tai’an frowned subconsciously after hearing this: “Isn’t the genius doctor ready?”

If you don’t even have golden needles, how can you understand the pain relief methods of golden needles?

The old man replied indifferently: “A set of gold needles is too expensive.”

Tai’an was silent, and nodded to the **** Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan winked at a servant, who quickly brought the gold needle.

Liu Chuan took it over and handed it over to the old man himself.

The old man glanced at the golden needles of all lengths, shorts, and thicknesses, and took a slightly longer one and stabbed it near the wound of the young guard.

The young guard’s expression was obviously much more relaxed.

Emperor Tai’an stared at the young guard, and hurriedly asked, “How?”

The young guard said respectfully, “Reporting to Your Majesty, the pain is much relieved.”

After a while, the young guard said again, “It’s only a little painful.”

Emperor Tai’an had a happy look on his face, looking at the hedgehog-like arms of the young guard with some hesitation: “It’s inconvenient to sit and lie down, right?”

Do you want the prince to show his hedgehog-like arms all the time?

Of course, it’s not impossible compared to the pain.

The old man nodded in agreement: “It’s inconvenient.”

Before Tai’an asked again, he saw his fingers flying like flying, and he took down the golden needles one by one.

“That’s convenient.”

Emperor Tai’an: “…” Suddenly I felt like a fool who just asked the question.

Fortunately, he kept his composure without any embarrassment on his face, and asked the young man, “How does it feel to take off the gold needle?”

The young guard seemed to be in disbelief, and even moved his arm slightly, saying with a shocked expression, “It doesn’t hurt anymore!”

Emperor Tai’an looked at the old man with a smile on the corner of his mouth: “The genius doctor is really good.”

“The emperor is too famous. After acupuncture, it can’t always relieve pain, it can only last for a certain period of time.”

“How long does it last?”

“Acupuncture three times a day will relieve pain.”

Emperor Tai’an was relieved when he heard it: “Then the prince will ask the divine doctor.”

“Grass people try their best.”

Determined that the person in front of him is not a swindle for fame and fame, Tai’an finally asked in interest: “I don’t know what to call a genius doctor?”

“Caomin’s surname is Wang, and everyone he knows is called Caomin Laowang.”

Pharaoh? Is this name too arbitrary? A person who can master such magical skills as golden needles to relieve pain should at least be called Doctor Wang, right?

“Which hospital does Wang Shenyi sit in?”

The old man said without changing his face: “I usually set up a stall on the street to tell fortunes.”

Tai’an Emperor: ?

After a while, the emperor decided what to call him: “Liu Chuan, take Mr. Wang to the East Palace.”

(end of this chapter)

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