Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 136

Chapter 137: Dilemma

Chapter 137 Dilemma

Princess Jing walked out with the little princess and met Qi Huan head-on.

“Mother concubine, what happened at home? I just saw my eldest brother flying past on horseback.”

Princess Jing couldn’t help but glance at her daughter.

Qi Qiong slapped his brother with a knife and explained: “I urge my elder brother to save Ah Hao and the others quickly.”

“What, something happened to Ah Hao—” Facing the shocked eyes of his mother and sister, Qi Huan patted his mouth, “I was so surprised, so I followed my sister.”

Qi Qiong couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

Princess Jing knew her youngest son’s temperament, so it was not surprising to hear this explanation, and urged: “Then arrange for the family members, and hurry up and help find someone.”

Two girls who are like flowers and jade, the longer they fall into the hands of the villains, the more dangerous they are.

“Son, go right now.”

When Princess Jing brought Qi Qiong to the General’s Mansion, the General’s Mansion was in chaos.

The guards who were going to find the person were assembled and were about to leave, but only the old lady was standing beside him.

When Princess Jing asked, it turned out that Mrs. Lin rode away as soon as she heard about her daughter’s accident.

Hearing this, Princess Jing always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn’t remember it for a while, so she had to suppress the strange feeling and comfort the old lady: “Don’t worry, the two children Jiren have their own good looks, there will be nothing wrong, Shuo’er and Huan’er also rushed over with someone—”

Princess Jing paused, and finally came to her senses: Shuo’er also left immediately, how could this behavior be the same as that of her own mother?

Although there is an explanation from my daughter, I still find it strange.

The old lady listened to Princess Jing’s comfort, and forced a smile: “Thank you, Princess.”

“Neighborhood neighbors, this is what it should be.”

Seeing that the team from the General’s Mansion was about to set off, Qi Qiong couldn’t help but say, “Mother concubine, I want to follow.”

Princess Jing was taken aback.

The old lady spoke first: “The princess knows the heart of the county master, but it’s too messy there. Let’s wait for the news at home.”

“I’ll follow my brother and they’ll be fine. Miss Chen and the others are all there, so I can’t stay at home alone. Concubine-”

“Then go, don’t walk alone.” Although Princess Jing didn’t want her daughter to take risks, her daughter said so, so she had to respect it.

Children of this age have to show respect and show loyalty, which is not a bad thing.

With the addition of the people from King Jing’s Mansion and the General’s Mansion, the search team grew stronger and stronger. However, there is a green hill not far away, and people hiding in it are like birds throwing into the forest, and it is too difficult to find.

Qi Shuo stopped at one place, squatted down and touched the grass.

“Brother, what did you find?” Qi Huan leaned over and asked.

Qi Shuo stood up, looked in the direction of the valley, and said in a low voice, “The gangsters shouldn’t just kidnap a girl, their target is Miss Lin!”

If so, what was their purpose?

How would you treat Hao who took the initiative to chase after him and fell into their hands?

This question made his heart ache.

“Brother, where are you going?”

“Going into the mountains. With so many people looking for it, it’s too conspicuous to go anywhere with two well-dressed young women. The only way to be safe is to hide in the mountains.”

“What are they trying to do, even if they want a ransom, they should leave a letter.” Qi Huan wondered.

At this time, Lin Hao was also puzzled.

She and her sister were gagged and their hands and feet bound, unable to speak or move.

To make matters worse, my sister passed out.

This is a cave, and the two masked men are sitting at the entrance of the cave at a distance from them, with their backs to her.

Lin Hao wondered about the identity and purpose of the other party.

Speaking of robbery, when she went to chase her sister, the other party just wanted to get rid of her. Obviously, the only target was her sister, and so far there was no hint of wretchedness.

If they say robbery, shouldn’t these two people let out rumors that they are asking for ransom?

After thinking about it, she could only guess that it was related to King Wei. The elder sister is a prospective princess, and the two of them kidnapped her sister, and nine times out of ten, they went for the king of Wei.

Lin Hao pondered the other party’s purpose in order to judge their situation. Is the other party just taking them as a pledge to exchange for something, or will they kill people?

Even if it doesn’t hurt anyone, if they are released after a while, their reputation will be ruined, and the world will definitely guess what happened to them when they fell into the hands of the bad guys.

She doesn’t have to care, but what about the sister-in-law who is a prospective princess?

Lin Hao didn’t know at this time that destroying Lin Chan’s reputation was the other party’s real purpose.

In fact, the two hands-on people were also confused. One of them looked back and saw that the two young girls had their eyes closed, and whispered to his companions: “Why are you saying that the explanation above is so strange, you can only take my sister away, and you can’t do it? It’s hurt, so wait a night before letting it go.”

What is the picture?

“You don’t care what the top thinks, we’ll just do what we’re told to do, but I’m worried that if I catch one more, I’ll be blamed.”

Thinking of Lin Hao, both of them had a headache.

This girl is too persevering, and her legs are extraordinarily neat. They couldn’t get rid of it for a long time, so they had to bring it on.

“It’s going to be released anyway, so I shouldn’t blame it. Don’t say it, these sisters are really good looking.”

“Don’t think about messing things up, this is not something we can provoke.”

“They’re in a coma, and they can’t find out if they touch it—”

A sudden whimper interrupted the two of them chatting.

The two turned their heads in unison, looking at the panicked and struggling girl.

The girl’s mouth was gagged and her hands were tied behind her back. She said she was struggling, but in fact she could only make a broken whimper from her throat, looking pitiful and helpless.

One of them walked over.

The girl’s feet were also tied together, she looked up at him in horror, and tried her best to move back.

The man couldn’t help but smile: “I’ve been chasing before, but now I’m afraid?”

He squatted down and confirmed again: “She is the elder sister, are you the younger sister?”

Lin Hao hesitated and nodded.

She had called “eldest sister” when she was chasing, and the two must have heard it. Now that she is asking her specifically, it shows that she cares about the kidnapping target, which also shows that her guess should be correct.

Another person came over, taller than the person who came first, half a head taller: “Don’t talk to her too much.”

“Are you still going to give them some water?” The shorter man lowered his voice, “I’m afraid this kind of delicate lady can’t stand without food or drink for a long time.”

Seeing his companion nodding, he took the water bottle and warned Lin Hao, “I’ll take out the cloth that covers your mouth now, and don’t cry loudly. If you don’t know anything, you will suffer, do you understand?”

Lin Hao nodded again and again.

The man stretched out his hand and took off the cloth ball. Lin Hao’s mouth was free and he was breathing heavily.

Seeing that Lin Hao didn’t cry, the man was still satisfied, and brought the kettle over: “Drink it.”

“Can you untie my hand?” Lin Hao asked tentatively.

Although she was pale and looked exhausted, the man still refused: “No way!”

(end of this chapter)

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