Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 208

Chapter 209: Waste Storage

Chapter 209 Waste Storage

Dou Qisheng knelt on the ground, raised his head and gave Emperor Tai’an a flattering smile: “Brother-in-law, he is also a ghost for a while, and in the future, my brother will strictly restrain the clansmen and prevent them from doing illegal things again—”

“Go away!” Tai’an Emperor spit out a word.

Dou Qisheng’s expression froze: “Brother-in-law—”

Emperor Tai’an stood up suddenly, his face ashen: “I told you to get out, didn’t you hear?”

Seeing the emperor like this, Dou Qisheng didn’t even dare to mention that Dou San was taken away by Jin Linwei, so he left the palace in dismay.

The scorching sun outside was like fire, but his heart was full of fog, and he couldn’t understand: Why did the emperor make such a fire?

After thinking about it for a long time, it can only be attributed to the bad mood because the prince made a fool of himself.

That’s all, let’s wait for two days when the emperor is in a better mood.

Before waiting for two days, Cheng Maoming met with the great **** Liu Chuan and went to report to Emperor Tai’an together.

Liu Chuan first talked about the investigation in the palace: “Reporting to the emperor, the body of Wang Fu, the close servant of His Royal Highness, was found by the Xiyuan Lake. After the autopsy, there were no signs of struggle or trauma, so it is inferred that the possibility of suicide and drowning is the greatest. After interrogating other people in the East Palace, Wang Fu fell into the eyes of His Royal Highness the Prince after Wang Gui’s death.

“Damn!” Tai’an slapped the table.

Liu Chuan closed his mouth and took a step back silently.

Emperor Tai’an looked at Cheng Maoming: “How about you, have you found out the source of the five dispersions?”

“I found it—” Cheng Maoming paused and lowered his eyes to continue, “Wang Fu got the five-color powder that His Royal Highness took from a pharmacist, and that pharmacist’s supply came from Dou San— ”

“Wait a minute!” Emperor Tai’an raised his hand and interrupted Cheng Maoming, staring at him, “Which Dou San?”

Cheng Maoming couldn’t bear the emperor’s attention, he lowered his eyes slightly and said, “The cousin of the first empress, the third in the clan…”

The blue veins appeared on the forehead of Emperor Tai’an, and he picked up the emerald Pixiu ornament on the table and smashed it to the ground.

Cheng Maoming and Liu Chuan knelt down immediately, and no one dared to make a sound.

They haven’t seen the emperor get so angry for a long time.

The two of them looked at each other and invariably thought of going to one place: the Dou family is over.

Tai’an Emperor walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, adjusting his mood that he was about to lose his grip. He stumbled as he walked, and Liu Chuan was so frightened that he rushed over: “Beware, Your Majesty!”

Emperor Tai’an slowly lowered his head and raised his feet, and saw the fragments inserted into the sole.

The feeling of trying to be controlled completely broke out, and the emperor’s angry shouts resounded throughout the study.

After a long time, the storm subsided, and Emperor Tai’an continued to ask about Dou San.

Cheng Maoming told what he had found, but did not mention the friend Dou San mentioned.

He admitted that people are all selfish.

Luck or fate, whether he likes it or not, he is finally pushed to the opposite side of the prince and the Dou family. In this case, for the sake of my little life, I had to be rude.

Emperor Tai’an leaned back on the chair and waved his hand: “Go back.”

Cheng Maoming bowed backwards and went out the door.

The room was quiet, Tai’an Emperor sat motionless. Liu Chuan did not dare to persuade him, and stood silently aside.

After an unknown amount of time, Emperor Tai’an asked in a hoarse voice, “Has there been any mention of the Prince’s memorial to the prince’s disobedience in public?”

“Report to the emperor, no.”

Emperor Tai’an sneered.

Yes, the civil and military officials have determined that the prince is the new prince in the future, who would impeach the prince without opening his eyes?

Even if the prince ran naked in public, making Da Zhou a laughing stock in other countries!

At this moment, Emperor Tai’an completely made up his mind to abandon the storage.

“Liu Chuan, the six ministers, nine ministers and the kings have an audience.”

Liu Chuan was shocked, and hurriedly bowed his head: “Yes.”

The important officials of various ministries rushed to the palace one after another, and some who met halfway exchanged glances, each with their own thoughts.

In the past few days, the book of impeachment of the prince has been carried in their sleeves, and they have been waiting for the movement of others. They never expected that there would be no selfless dedication!

Emperor Tai’an closed his eyes and rested, and when everyone was there, he slowly opened his eyes.

“What do you think of what the prince did on the Dragon Boat Festival?”

The ministers looked at each other, no one said anything for a while, but they were actually a little anxious.

The prince ran naked in public, why didn’t anyone stand up and scold him? Does this make them seem too unrighteous and cowardly?

Among them, King Jing is the most calm.

He hid at the end of the crowd, with his hands and eyes down, pretending to be a wooden man.

It wasn’t his son who was streaking, and he had no idea.

Actually, King Jing was very strange to Emperor Tai’an for calling him into the palace.

What is there to discuss? If your son does something wrong, then he will fight. Is it possible that he wants someone else to fight for him?

King Jing, who was too lazy to worry about other people’s sons, thought silently: the weather is hot, should we talk to the old lady of the Lin family someday to discuss the wedding date of the two children? I heard that Shuo’er likes to run to the garden. Based on his experience, he probably climbed over the wall a lot, right? It would be bad if someone from the General’s Mansion caught him one day…

Emperor Tai’an coldly watched all the ministers winking and waiting for others to come forward, just wanting to sneer.

“It seems that all the ministers don’t think it’s a big deal.”

Hearing what Emperor Tai’an said, all the ministers knew that the emperor was dissatisfied with their silence. At this time, if he is the first to stand up and criticize the prince, he will definitely win the emperor’s favor.

The ministers with flexible minds came out more and more, and said loudly: “The minister has something to say.”

The one who stood up was the Minister of Rites.

“Chen Aiqing, tell me.” Emperor Tai’an said lightly.

Chen Shangshu immediately rebuked the prince with righteous indignation: “…What the prince did is absurd, I hope the emperor will punish him!”

Seeing that Emperor Tai’an’s face was still calm, several people stood up to agree.

Compared with the emperor, the prince must be more important than the emperor. Now scolding the prince to make the emperor feel good, and when the prince takes this seat in the future, it is estimated that he has long forgotten.

With those who took the lead, more and more people echoed. There was no other way, without saying a word, it seemed that he succumbed to the imperial power, and his face was a little dull.

As for King Jing, the old **** was still silent.

Emperor Tai’an’s eyes were as cold as water, and swept over the faces of the ministers who made the sound.

The person who was swept twitched his eyelids uncomfortably.

The emperor seems to want to remember them like this, which is strange.

After a long time, Emperor Tai’an said slowly: “All the ministers said so, I know what to do.”

The ministers couldn’t help raising their eyes, wondering how the emperor would punish the prince.

The ban is certain, maybe it will change the whole of the East Palace, and even bring harm to the prince’s mother family.

Emperor Tai’an was silent for a while, and said word by word: “I am determined to abolish the prince.”

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers were shocked, especially the people who had just spoken, all of them were like five thunders, and they were shaky.

What? The emperor put the dung pot on their heads who advocated the abolition of the prince?

Thinking of this, all the ministers rushed to their foreheads with blood, and in the blink of an eye, they knelt on the ground.

“Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!”

(end of this chapter)

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