Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 228

Chapter 229: Let Go

Chapter 229 Release

“What?” Emperor Tai’an’s first reaction was not to be happy, but to copy the white jade paperweight.

Cheng Maoming, who was wholeheartedly looking forward to the emperor’s reaction to the good news, straightened his eyes: The emperor didn’t even take a paperweight just now!

Fortunately, Emperor Tai’an quickly digested the good news, calmly put the paperweight back on the table, as if nothing had happened: “Where is the man?”

Cheng Maoming heard the excitement from the indifferent voice of the emperor, and his heart was completely at ease: “The person has been imprisoned in Jinlinwei and is being interrogated.”

“How did you get it?”

“That gangster was very cunning and hid in a residential house. Jin Linwei searched repeatedly from house to house, and finally found him…” Cheng Maoming said with a guilty conscience.

“Okay, okay, well done.” Emperor Tai’an said two good words in a row, and his face became much better.

Cheng Maoming hurriedly said: “It’s all what the ministers should do, but the bad guy is very stubborn, and he hasn’t asked anything yet.”

The greatest value of catching Chen Mu is to find those accomplices hiding in the capital.

Emperor Tai’an paid no less attention to this than the disappearance of Yuliu’s maid, and warned: “The interrogation should not be rushed, lest the prisoner be unable to bear it.”

“Wei Chen understands.”

“Yeah. The guest house should also pay close attention, especially those who go out of the city, make sure to check the origin before they are released.”

Cheng Maoming was relieved, knowing that this crisis was over for the time being.

Emperor Tai’an glanced at Cheng Maoming lightly and reminded: “Since the wanted criminal was found by Jin Linwei, the reward should be collected by Jin Linwei.”

Cheng Maoming hurriedly said: “It is a kindness for the emperor not to blame Wei Chen for his ineffectiveness. How can he receive the bounty?”

“Let you take it as soon as you take it, and don’t let the hard-working people below chill the heart.” Tai’an said impatiently.

Cheng Maoming left the palace with great gratitude.

Without the obstruction of the high palace wall, the wind from Xixi swept away the summer heat. Cheng Maoming was relaxed, and he returned to the yamen humming a little song. The first thing he did when he returned to the yamen was to order his subordinates to receive the silver reward. .

The emperor is right, you can’t let the hard-working people feel cold, and this reward must be given to Prince Jing.

News spread that Jin Linwei caught the wanted criminal in a short time. Facing Jin Linwei who came to receive the silver reward, the officials in charge of the matter were very contemptuous.

I have seen someone who is impatient, but I have never seen someone so impatient, as expected of Jin Linwei.

Of course, no matter how slanderous he was, he didn’t dare to neglect his face, and the officials quickly handed the reward to Jin Linwei.

Cheng Maoming decided to send it to Prince Jing himself.

Because he was still concerned about the affairs at the guest house, when the two met for dinner, Cheng Maoming had toasted and handed over the box containing the reward.

Qi Shuo laughed: “What is the commander doing?”

Cheng Maoming forcibly stuffed the money box into Qi Shuo’s hands: “I am ashamed to have received the credit, and if I am greedy for this reward, what kind of person will Cheng Mou become? The prince will accept it no matter what.”

“Thank you very much then.” Qi Shuo didn’t refuse.

Actually, Hao took most of the credit for catching Chen Mu, and Hao would be very happy to receive these silver coins.

Cheng Maoming saw Qi Shuo accept it, and he felt more and more that the young man in front of him was full of advantages, and it was simply shining.

There is the calmness of the clan children but not the arrogance of the clan children, and they will not take money and money as an object. The most important thing is to be very generous, and regard credit as dung.

If he had a daughter—ah, he had a bunch of daughters, but Prince Jing was engaged.

Thinking of reality, Cheng Maoming suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Qi Shuo found that Governor Cheng Da’s mood became strange again.

“There is one more thing to say to the Governor.”

“Sir, please speak.”

“People who were sent to your yamen before don’t need to be locked up anymore.”

“Cough, the prince wants to pick up people?”

Qi Shuo thought this was a bit strange, but he didn’t think much about it: “Just let him go.”

This was what he had discussed with Ah Hao.

Du Qing couldn’t be locked in Jinlinwei for the rest of his life, and Ah Hao didn’t want to hurt his life, so now is the best time to release him.

As soon as Chen Mu was arrested in Jinlinwei, Du Qing was released. Both Du Qing’s side and Chen Mu’s side would have doubts about Du Qing.

That’s Jin Linwei, who eats people and doesn’t spit out bones. Why did he let Du Qing go?

This kind of speculation alone is enough to make Du Qing worry about himself, not bothering to find Ah Hao, and Ah Hao has not broken his trust, it can be said to be the best of both worlds.

“Let it go directly? Okay, no problem.”

After drinking, Cheng Maoming said apologetically: “There are still some things at the yamen, and I couldn’t entertain the prince today. Another day, another day, I must invite the prince to have a good meal.”

“At this time, the Governor has something to do?” Qi Shuo asked casually.

Cheng Maoming didn’t want to say more, but looking at the young man with handsome eyebrows, his heart suddenly moved: Prince Jing is a big lucky star, if the maid of Yuliu is missing, if you ask Prince Jing to participate – in case it will be solved. ?

Cheng Maoming despised his superstition in his heart, but he didn’t keep his mouth shut: “Oh, let’s not hide it from the prince, something happened at the Honglu Guest House…”

Qi Shuo was really interested in participating.

He is not a person who is overly curious, but he just doesn’t want to see the smoke rising and ruining the new life that he and Ah Hao had won.

“If it is convenient for the Governor, I will go with the Governor tomorrow to see it.”

Cheng Maoming was overjoyed, but his bad expression was too obvious: “It would be better if the prince could help, but he was afraid of involving the prince and causing the prince to be guessed.”

Qi Shuo smiled: “Uncle Huang knew that the portrait of the murderer of Princess Lingque was drawn by me, so the Grand Governor took part in it on the grounds of inviting me to paint, so others would not think too much about it.”

“The prince is still wise.”

Cheng Maoming praised him without hesitation, and walked back to the yamen briskly. The first thing after returning was to order his subordinates to release him.

It was already dark, and the place where Du Qing was imprisoned was even dimly lit. There was only an oil lamp dancing like a bean flame, reflecting his obscure face.

For the day-to-day life in the cell, Du Qing was suffocated from anger at the beginning, and now there is only numbness left.

The recent arrival of Prince Jing made him completely sober, and he no longer held unrealistic fantasies.

Everything that happened recently shows that he has a relationship with Chen Mu, and a relationship with Chen Mu means a relationship with Emperor Pingle. How could they have let him go, not a fool.

Thinking about this, Du Qing suddenly heard footsteps, and Du Qing’s heart froze, and he looked at the door alertly.

The door was quickly opened, and a Jinlin guard walked in.

Du Qing couldn’t help frowning.

He has been locked here for so long, and this is the first time anyone has come here at this time.

The Jin Linwei came over: “Congratulations, you can go out.”

“What did you say?” Du Qing thought he had heard it wrong.

The young Jin Linwei raised the key in his hand: “Have you been locked up stupidly, you can go out.”

(end of this chapter)

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