Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 241

Chapter 242: Hua Ming

Chapter 242 Hua Ming

Could it be true that what the grandson said was true, that the crown prince intended to match him and Miss Lin?

But the Crown Prince and Miss Lin were engaged!

Han Shangshu was lost for a while, but as an old fox who had been in the officialdom for many years, he didn’t show his face at all, and went to the wine shop with Chen Fuli.

After a few glasses of wine, Chen Fuli told the prince’s entrustment.

Despite some speculation, Han Shangshu still held the wine cup in surprise.

Chen Fuli’s mood is also very complicated.

He has no interest in being a matchmaker, but this is what the prince means.

“To make Sun young and promising, with outstanding character, the prince appreciates it very much.” Chen Fuli boasted meaningfully.

Han Shangshu’s heart moved.

The man should be married and the woman should be married. The family has been choosing a suitable girl for Baocheng. Since the prince is happy to see this marriage, it is obvious that the little **** is willing. After thinking about it, there is no need to refuse.

Han Shangshu raised his glass: “Master Chen’s willingness to be Baoshan is a blessing for that kid.”

After successfully completing the prince’s entrustment, Chen Fuli smiled and clinked glasses with Han Shangshu.

Han Shangshu hummed a little tune and went home to his old wife.

“I went to drink at the next ya, and I didn’t even look at my old bones, what should I do if my body was drunk!” Mrs. Shang Shu smelled the smell of alcohol and began to think.

Han Shangshu smiled: “There is a happy event today.”

“What happy event?”

“The family has been worrying about Baocheng’s marriage. Now you don’t have to worry about it. Chen Xueshi is willing to be Baoshan and match Baocheng and the eldest girl of the Lin family.”

Mrs. Shang Shu was stunned: “Master Chen? Which Master Chen?”

“It’s Chen Fuli, who used to be a professor in the Department of Chief History of Wei Wangfu.”

“Wei Wang’s Mansion?” Mrs. Shang Shu was stunned, “Then Xueshi Chen is the prince’s man.”

Didn’t the Crown Prince marry Miss Lin?

“Yes.” Han Shangshu nodded heavily.

Mrs. Shang Shu blinked and recalled: “If the marriage is done, thank you Lord Chen.”

Chen Xueshi obviously represented the meaning of the prince. The eldest girl of the Lin family was a good choice, so there was no need for Shang Shufu to be ignorant and refuse.

“You can tell Baocheng’s mother, just write a letter from his father, but there is no hurry.”

Father Han is on a business trip and has not yet returned to Beijing.

Mrs. Shang Shu nodded: “Yes.”

The next morning, Mother Han came to greet the mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sat and talked.

“Baocheng is getting older and older, and the marriage can’t be delayed any longer. My daughter-in-law has inquired carefully these days and is optimistic about the three families…” Before Mrs. Shangshu mentioned it, Mother Han started talking about her son’s marriage.

Yesterday, my son ran and said those words, which made Mother Han realize that she could no longer choose slowly, so as to save Ye Changmeng from causing more troubles.

In Mother Han’s heart, her mother-in-law is a good-natured person and doesn’t like to be in charge of things. She will definitely not object to what she said.

It’s a pity that Mother Han is destined to be disappointed today.

After listening to her daughter-in-law patiently, Mrs. Shang Shu clapped her hand: “You don’t have to worry about Baocheng’s marriage, just wait for the general’s answer.”

“General’s Mansion?” Mother Han was stunned for a moment, then turned pale, “Did Baocheng come to pester you? You can’t just let him make fun of him just because you hurt him!”

This unfilial son actually bypassed her mother and asked her in-laws!

Mrs. Shangshu looked at her daughter-in-law in surprise: “What does this have to do with Baocheng? It was Xueshi Chen from the East Palace who offered to be Baoshan and match Baocheng with Miss Lin.”

“East Palace?” Mother Han grasped the point and became confused, “The prince isn’t with Miss Lin—”

Mrs. Shangshu interrupted Mother Han’s words: “This is not the old yellow calendar. Now that the crown princess has been selected, don’t mention the past.”

“Yes.” Mother Han complied, thinking that her son was still angry, “Could it be that Baocheng said something in front of the prince, this is not worrying!”

The prince somehow thought of letting the teacher match Baocheng? Impossible to think about.

Mrs. Shangshu gave Mother Han a deep look, with a meaningful tone: “If Baocheng said something to the prince, the prince would listen, isn’t it a good thing?”

Mother Han was stunned for a while, then nodded after a long silence: “You are right.”

At this time, the old lady of the General’s Mansion and Mrs. Lin were also drinking tea and chatting.

“Mother, why do I panic when I think that Ah Hao will be leaving the cabinet soon?”

The old lady gave her a scornful look: “What are you panicking about? Prince Jing’s mansion is next door, and you can go over the wall. Are you still worried that Ah Hao will be wronged?”

“It’s not that I’m worried that Ah Hao will be wronged, but I can’t help but feel flustered.” Lin Shi sighed and mentioned his eldest daughter, “Mother, I’ve thought about it, and I’ll let Chan’er recruit a son-in-law and watch it under our noses. ”

Before the old lady could speak, a maid came in and reported, “Old lady, ma’am, Chen Xueshi is here to visit.”

The old lady and Lin looked at each other, both mother and daughter looked blank.

The General’s Mansion and this East Palace official have never had any intersection, right?

Although he was wondering, of course people couldn’t see him, the old lady and Mrs Lin soon received Chen Fuli in the hall.

“It’s really abrupt to take the liberty to come here today, please don’t blame the old lady and Mrs. Lin.”

“Master Chen is here to be a guest in the humble residence, and the general’s mansion is full of brilliance.” The old lady was talking about the scene, but she couldn’t guess the other party’s intention, so she simply waited patiently.

After some courtesies, Chen Fuli said with a smile: “Xiaguan is entrusted by the Shangshu Mansion to be a Baoshan for the young master of the Han family to ask for the marriage of the eldest girl of your house.”

The old lady thought she heard it wrong, so she could not help but go to see Lin.

Lin Shi also had a shocked expression: “Han Shang Shujia?”

Chen Fuli smiled and nodded: “Yes.”

The old lady suppressed her surprise and apologized: “The life-long affairs related to the child, let the old man discuss it with his daughter.”

“It’s natural, the old lady and Mrs. Lin have decided to speak to the Shang Shufu.” Chen Fuli got up and said goodbye after finishing what he had to do.

He, Baoshan, represents the attitude of the crown prince. As for whether it will be successful or not, it is a matter of the Shangshu’s Mansion and the General’s Mansion.

After Chen Fuli left, the old lady asked Lin, “What do you think?”

“I—” Lin opened his mouth, and was a little confused for a while, “It was quite sudden.”

“It was unexpected.”

The Han family asked for a marriage again after Chan’er resigned, which was unexpected, and it was even more unexpected that Chen Fuli came to be this Baoshan.

The old lady simply ordered the maid to invite Lin Chan.

After a while, Lin Chan came over and said hello to the two elders.

“Today, Xue Shi was entrusted by the Han family of Shangshufu to ask to marry you.” The old lady looked at her granddaughter and said slowly.

Lin Chan’s soft expression became stiff, her bright eyes widened suddenly, and it took a while before she made a voice: “The Han family… please marry me?”

Her voice was so uncertain, like a fluffy floe that would dissipate in the wind at any time.

The old lady nodded: “Well, I want to marry you for his grandson Baocheng. Your mother and I want to ask you what you mean first.”

The Han family doesn’t mind that Chan’er has retired and asked for marriage again, which shows her sincerity, and the old lady is actually willing in her heart.

“I—” Lin Chan choked up after just one mouth, and hurriedly covered her face with her hands.

(end of this chapter)

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