Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 269

Chapter 270: Follow-Up

Chapter 270 Follow-up

No matter how much his mood fluctuated after learning that Yang Zhe was the old prince Qi Ming, for Emperor Tai’an, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

If Qi Ming is allowed to wander into the officialdom as the top rank of Sanyuan in Lianzhong, it will be fatal to the court one day. But now, the imprisoned Qi Ming can no longer make waves, and when he confronts his brother, he has an extra weight to negotiate conditions.

The fact that Yang Zhe is the old prince should not be publicized among the people, but it is necessary to discuss with the important ministers, otherwise the acquitted champion is suddenly arrested again, which will cause panic among the people in the court.

Soon all the ministers got together to discuss how to strengthen the management of floating personnel in the capital and how to deal with possible changes in Northern Qi and Yuliu. The discussion lasted for two days before it came to an end.

Unable to hide his tiredness, Emperor Tai’an rubbed his brows and finally decided to reward those who found out that Yang Zhe was the old prince.

Cheng Maoming took a lot of credit, adding the crown prince Shaobao, and other officials who participated in the investigation of the prince’s murder also praised each other, but the prince passed away not long ago, and these have to be postponed.

As for Prince Jing’s son, he was originally a descendant of the clan who wanted to inherit the throne of the king. It was impossible for him to be promoted to the throne. It was okay to call King Jing into the palace to praise him for raising a good son.

King Jing listened to the emperor’s praise for his son, and secretly pinched his thighs before he kept his serious expression.

Anyone is happy to hear people praise their children, but the prince has not been buried yet. If he shows his happiness, he is a fool.

Returning to Prince Jing’s mansion, Prince Jing finally didn’t have to rely on pinching his thighs to maintain expression management, and sighed to Princess Jing, “I heard the compliments from the emperor to Shuo’er, and suddenly felt that the emperor was pitiful.”

He is the emperor’s brother, with courage and ambition, but he is a pitiful person after all.

Princess Jing said: “I’m still worried that Miss Lin Er will be kidnapped, and there will be a lot of discussion in the future. Seeing the emperor’s attitude, I’m relieved.”

Although the marriage between the two families will not change because of what happened to Miss Lin, it will not be a pleasant thing if the daughter-in-law who has never been there is talked and made fun of by the world.

In the grief of losing the crown prince, the emperor could remember to praise his son, but he certainly couldn’t forget to reward the second girl Lin. And with the emperor’s expression, those discussions naturally vanished.

These days are different from the DPRK’s focus on the old prince. Under the deliberate suppression, the talk of the people after dinner is still on the three girls who were kidnapped.

Chi Caiyun slept hard for two days after returning home, and finally recovered his spirits, and took the maid to go out.

“Caiyun, stop for me, you dare to go out after such a big incident, why is it so worrying!” Mrs. Chi stopped her daughter.

Chi Caiyun turned his head to ask Master Chi for help: “Father, mother won’t let me go out.”

Master Chi stroked his beard: “Your mother did the right thing, you finally came back safely, what are you going to do?”

Chi Caiyun said with an apple face and an angry face: “I agreed to invite Miss Lin and Miss Zhu to eat lobster, won’t you break my trust by not letting me out?”

Mrs. Chi glanced at her daughter: “Do you think those two girls can go out? The noble ladies are different from people like us. Don’t say go out when something like this happens. It’s good not to send them to the temple.”

Master Chi also said: “You still eat lobster, that is, Yuner, you are lucky, those two girls can’t even eat meat.”

Afraid that his daughter would cause trouble, Master Chi simply made the words clear: “Our family shouldn’t eat meat, and it’s still during the prince’s mourning period. I feel sorry for your suffering, and you need to make up for it.”

When the prince dies, the people are also banned from massacres for five days. However, compared with the need to strictly abide by all kinds of rules, the people are much more relaxed. Don’t beat gongs and drums to hold weddings, and no one will be held accountable.

“Then why did our family buy lobsters on the day I had an accident?”

Facing his beloved daughter’s persistent eyes, Master Chi looked at Mrs. Chi.

Mrs. Chi’s eyes flickered and her voice lowered unconsciously: “This is not the death of the prince, so the seafood store sells it at a low price…”

The big lobster shipped from the distant sea is precious.

Chi Caiyun understood now: “Okay then, I’ll invite them to dinner after this time.”

Seeing that her daughter was no longer in trouble, Mrs. Chi breathed a sigh of relief and comforted: “Don’t worry, your father sent a lot of thank you gifts to Prince Jing’s mansion, General’s mansion and Uncle Yichun’s mansion, those two girls will not misunderstand that you have no conscience. .”

“That’s right, Dad has prepared a generous thank you.” When he mentioned this, Master Chi was secretly happy.

Daughter returned safely, which is a blessing in disguise for their family. It is not logical to have contacts with the royal family. As long as you are smart in the future, it will be very beneficial to be able to climb up the management of these three families.

As for the reputation of the kidnapping of the daughter? Their merchants don’t pay attention to this, as long as he has money, he wants to marry a lot of daughters.

Compared to the calmness of the Chi family, the atmosphere in Yichun Uncle Mansion was much lower.

Mrs. Yichun has cried many times since her daughter’s accident to the present, but her eyes have never been swollen.

“I’m discussing my pro, something happened to the crown prince, so I had to stop. I was thinking of continuing after this period of time. Who would have thought that Yu’er would encounter such a thing… Why is Yu’er’s life so hard…”

Zhu Jiayu is the old daughter of Uncle Yichun and his wife. When she was raised as a pearl in the palm of her hand, Uncle Yichun felt really uncomfortable when she thought of her daughter’s future.

Uncle Yichun was crying loudly: “Okay, if you cry again, it won’t happen. If you want me to say that Yu’er must be back, you should be satisfied. Look at the general’s mansion, you will be happy.”

Mrs. Yichun moved her lips, wanting to say that the Lin family had a lot of lice and it didn’t itch. Thinking of what her daughter said, Miss Lin Er led them to escape, but she didn’t say anything unpleasant.

But still uncomfortable!

Uncle Yichun burst into tears again.

Unlike Zhu and Chi, who are grateful to Lin Hao and keep their morals on their lips, it is much more difficult for the world to talk about this matter, and there are even rumors that the Prince Jing’s mansion will withdraw from his relatives.

Until the palace sedan stood brightly in front of the general’s mansion, and the various gifts from the imperial family were carried in like water, all these discussions suddenly cleared up and turned into doubts about the second girl Lin.

Doesn’t the more senior you care about a girl’s reputation, why is Lin Er girl an exception? When such a thing happened, he was not rejected by the Tian family, but he was actually rewarded by the emperor.

Wen Rusheng could hear countless questions like this when he went out for a walk. He wanted to jump up and shout “I know!”, but unfortunately he was dragged home by Wen Ping who had been instructed by Wen Feng as soon as his mouth moved, so he had to tell Wen Ping the truth. .

The devastated Wen Ping: “…” He didn’t want to hear it, he was even scared because he actually started to believe it!

The weather is getting colder day by day, the funeral ceremony of the prince is still going on, the people are less lively, and the whole capital seems to be shrouded in a cloud.

Just arrived in the twelfth lunar month, a big event happened.

(end of this chapter)

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