Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 282

Chapter 283: Letter

Chapter 283 Letter

Baozhu had just retired after serving the tea, when Du Qing’s face turned cold: “What did you say to Mr.?”

Lin Hao reacted immediately: “What’s the matter, sir?”

“Sir—” Du Qing paused, his tone even colder, “Miss Lin, it’s me who asked you.”

Lin’s heart skipped a beat.

Du Qing’s “Second Lady Lin” sounded like gnashing of teeth. It seems that the teacher has a lot of work.

“My conversation with Mr., Mr. won’t let me spread it.” Lin Hao believed in Du Qing’s loyalty to Mingxin Renren, but there are some things he can say to the teacher, but not to others.

Could it be that she was told that she had a dream in which the real Mingxin was her teacher? Then Du Qing probably thought she was sick.

Du Qing’s heroic eyebrows were so twisted that the mosquitoes could be pinched to death. Looking at Lin Hao’s expression, he guessed how true these words were, and finally gave up.

Forget it, this girl is true and false, false and true, and an honest person like him should not bring shame on himself.

“Are you still getting used to it in Jinlinwei?” Lin Hao changed the topic to ease the somewhat stiff atmosphere.

Du Qing’s face was strange, and after a while he spit out two words: “Shang Ke.”

It’s just that he has experienced the assassination of his own people several times.

“Then you are looking for me today, sir?”

Du Qing’s expression changed a bit, and said coldly: “Mr. revealed his identity to the emperor and left Beijing in secret.”

Lin Hao’s complexion also changed.

At that meeting, she thought it was over. It turned out that the teacher planned to do so.

“Is that gentleman in danger?”

Du Qing’s face became even worse: “Mr. shows his identity, which means that he has put himself on the chopping block. It is up to others to decide whether there is any danger. I just don’t understand, what did you say to Mr. and let Mr. Such a decision.”

“I—” Lin Hao opened his mouth, but felt a stone blocking his throat, and could not help but turn red.

If something happens to the teacher, she can’t blame her. Even if she considers the vast majority of people, she can’t help the teacher alone.

Du Qing’s expression stiffened.

She is…wanting to cry?

As a good young man whose meticulous career is getting more and more difficult, Du Qing felt a big headache.

Lin Hao turned his face away to suppress his tears, and waited until his expression returned to normal before looking at Du Qing: “When did you leave, sir?”

“Three days ago.”

Lin spent a good time counting the time, it was the second day after she met with Mingxin Zhenren, and her mood became more and more complicated.

“I’m leaving.” Du Qing glanced at the girl with a sullen look, unable to tell whether she was angry or helpless.

Leaving Lin Hao to sit alone, holding the teacup and drinking sip after sip, he silently got up until the end of the tea.

Next, Lin Hao paid special attention to the news sent back from the south. After seven or eight days, it was impossible to know whether the trip went smoothly or not, and finally received a letter from the north.

“Girl, it’s the letter from the prince!” Baozhu ran in holding the letter like a gust of wind, her face flushed red from running, full of joy.

As the girl’s personal maid, of course she knew what the girl was looking forward to.

Lin took the letter in a hurry. Looking at the familiar handwriting on the envelope, he was a little afraid to open it for a while.

“Girl?” Baozhu was a little puzzled when she saw that she didn’t move.

Lin Hao took a deep breath and instructed Baozhu: “Go and bring a basin of water, I’ll clean my hands.”

Good news, it must be good news.

Seeing the pious look on the girl’s hands when she cleaned her hands, Baozhu thoughtfully suggested: “Girl, do you want to stop burning incense?”

“Poor mouth.” Lin Hao pinched Baozhu’s cheek, his nervousness was relieved a lot, and he dried his hands and pulled out the letter.

The letter is a bit thick, and I have written more than ten sheets. From departure to arrival in the North, many of them are trivial matters. For example, the ice under the eaves can be more than a foot long, like rows of sharp swords shining with cold light. I have never been here. The soldiers in the north were very worried that they would fall. There are few words about the war, not much mention.

Lin Hao read it verbatim three times before unfolding the painting that was sent with the letter.

Qi Shuo mentioned in the letter that she wanted her to go to Mr. Fox and make a mask according to the portrait and send it to the north as soon as possible.

The young man in the portrait has thick eyebrows and deep eyes, which can be called handsome.

The identity of this person was not stated in the letter, but Lin Hao could guess that this person was from Qi.

What does Ah Shuo want to do?

Lin couldn’t help frowning.

Could it be that he would take a risk and pretend to be someone from Qi to infiltrate the enemy camp?

This young man doesn’t look like an ordinary soldier, but it would be too risky to pretend to be someone with status.

Lin Hao lowered his eyes, his expression constantly changing.

“Girl, who is this?” Seeing that Lin Hao kept staring at the portrait, Baozhu asked curiously.

“This is—” Lin Hao stood up, “Baozhu, bring my clothes when I went out.”

Baozhu quickly brought a set of clothes for Lin Hao to put on, and then tied the apricot cape.

Lin Hao took the portrait and went out the door, and went straight to Jinlinwei.

Mr. Fox was arrested, the old prince was arrested, and even those remnants of the old emperor who were making waves from time to time have not moved recently. Although there is a war in the distance, it has little to do with Jinlinwei. Cheng Maoming has rarely had a leisurely two days.

“Second Lady Lin is here?” Cheng Maoming’s expression became serious after hearing the report from his subordinates.

When a little girl came to him, it couldn’t be a casual chat.

He did not delay, and quickly rushed to the nearby restaurant.

“You didn’t disturb the governor, did you?”

“I don’t have much to do today. I was thinking of drinking a cup of tea to moisten my throat. What is Miss Lin looking for from me?”

“Captain, is Mr. Fox still alive?”

Cheng Maoming was stunned for a moment.

Mr. Hu was caught because Prince Jing and Second Lady Lin were able to keep things about him hidden from others, but there was no need to hide it from these two, but Second Lady Lin suddenly asked what Mr. Hu was doing?

Cheng Maoming wondered in his heart and nodded: “I’m still alive.”

Mr. Fox, a talented person who can’t bear hardships, can’t bear to kill him.

“Then I need his help.” Lin Hao handed over the portrait.

Cheng Maoming took it over and opened it, and then asked, “Miss Lin Er wants Mr. Fox to make a mask for this person?”

“Well.” Lin Hao nodded.

“I don’t know why Miss Lin wants this person’s mask?”

It’s okay to tell Miss Lin Er some news, but if you want Mr. Fox to make a mask, you need to ask clearly, otherwise, you will be held responsible.

Lin Hao shook his head: “I don’t know the reason, but the prince wrote and trusted me to do it.”

Cheng Maoming’s face changed slightly: “Sir? Could it be related to the war?”

“He didn’t mention it.” Afraid that Cheng Maoming would not believe it, Lin Hao took out the letter, took out the last page of the letter and handed it to him.

Cheng Maoming took a quick glance and looked away, smiled and said, “The prince must have something important to do. Miss Lin Er, give me the portrait, and I’ll go to Mr. Fox.”

“Thank you, Grand Governor.”

“Miss Lin, you’re very polite, the business of the prince is mine.” Cheng Maoming said arrogantly, and couldn’t help but glance at the letter.

Tsk, thick enough.

Lin Hao misunderstood that the other party wanted to know the content of the letter, and hurriedly explained: “The rest are gossip.”

Cheng Maoming: “…” So the business is the two sentences on the last page?

Happy holiday.

(end of this chapter)

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