Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 285

Chapter 286: Injuried

Chapter 286 Injured

Qi Shuo had already ordered someone to find out the details of the separation.

Li’s parents died early, and Wu Ye brought them home to raise them. Although the two didn’t get along day and night, their relationship was not comparable to an ordinary uncle and nephew.

It can be said that renunciation is the most suitable goal.

Qi Shuo clenched his long sword tightly, either dodging or slashing several Qi soldiers, and quietly approached Zoli.

Li is fighting with a Da Zhou lieutenant.

The general was at a disadvantage, his shoulders were stained with blood, his face was pale, and he felt that he could not hold it at any time.

Li’s eyes were full of fierceness.

This general Zhou slashed and killed a friend of his last time the two armies fought, and ran away when he came to chase. Today can be regarded as a match, see him behead the thief under his horse and avenge his friend.

Seeing that General Zhou began to retreat, Heli pursued without hesitation, when suddenly a long knife came out from the side and hit the knife he slashed at General Zhou.

The two knives collided and made a sour sound, but it was nothing on the battlefield where the killing sound was overwhelming.

“It’s you?” Seeing that handsome face that was as cold as ice, he was startled at first, then overjoyed.

They didn’t know it at first, but after fighting for many times, only recently did they know that this young general Zhou was actually the son of King Jing. Winning this child is a great achievement!

Li’s thought of revenge for his friends was thrown into the clouds, and all his attention was on Qi Shuo.

Qi Shuo didn’t answer, and slashed at Shuli’s neck.

This sword seemed to come quickly, but there were flaws everywhere, and he easily escaped, and his confidence in capturing Prince Jing’s son alive grew like wild grass.

Because of this, as the two fought each other, he did not notice that the two were gradually drifting away from the center of the battlefield.

Qi Shuo swept out of the corner of his eye and saw that the arranged person was in place, and his body was broken in a flash.

Li’s eyes lit up, and he deceived himself and slashed at Qi Shuo’s shoulder.

Qi Shuo didn’t dodge.

To be precise, not completely dodged.

The blade slashed through the soft armor, fell into flesh and blood, and the corners of his mouth were wide open, with a somewhat hideous smile.

“Boy, just grab it!”

Surrounded by Da Zhou soldiers exclaimed: “The prince is injured!”

As Qi Shuo, he had already attracted a lot of attention from the Northern Qi side, and this shout immediately attracted the attention of the Northern Qi soldiers. In an instant, the soldiers on both sides knew that Prince Jing was injured.

Most of the soldiers on both sides continued to fight, and a small number came here.

One side wants to save people, and the other side wants to win the fruits of victory.

Before these people could arrive, Qi Shuo took a long knife and slashed the knife that slashed at his shoulder.

The strength at this moment was completely different from the one when they just fought. Before the smile on Zoli’s face turned into surprise, he felt a strong force coming, and his body was pulled towards Qi Shuo.

He also has real skills, and he quickly reacted when he was suddenly pulled over, his legs tightly pinching the horse’s belly.

At this time, as long as the warhorse under him turns around and retreats, it will be difficult for manpower to stop it, and the warhorse that has been separated is indeed this reaction.

At this critical moment, a spear stretched out from nowhere and stabbed the horse’s leg fiercely. The warhorse knelt forward uncontrollably, and threw the man on its back forward.

In this way, Qi Shuo didn’t have much effort to pull Su Li over, turned his hand and pressed him on the horse’s back, then turned around and retreated.

After a brief shock, many Northern Qi soldiers shouted and chased after him.

The long-arranged soldiers tried their best to block the incoming enemy for a moment, and the warhorse carrying two people rushed out of the battlefield like a bolt of lightning and ran towards the city gate.

“Shouli!” General Wuye let out a heart-piercing roar when he saw his nephew being arrested.

Many Northern Qi soldiers were distraught because they were suddenly captured. When they were fighting with others, a negligence was a worry for their lives. Immediately, many Qi soldiers were killed by the Da Zhou soldiers who were fighting with them.

“Follow me!” General Wu Ye raised his sword and galloped towards the city gate, but there were people all around, including his own people and enemies. Wu Yangyang became an obstacle to the pursuit. In the end, he could only watch the nephew carrying his nephew. The horse rushed into the city gate and disappeared.

The original plan was that Qi Shuo would withdraw his troops after he succeeded, but this battlefield is always changing rapidly, and it is necessary to rely on temporary decisions. When King Jing saw that Wu Ye was out of order because his nephew was captured, he immediately waved his hand and led someone towards him, not letting go of this fleeting opportunity.

When    rushed over, King Jing’s eyes were red and his heart was full of excitement.

If he can cut off the head of Kuro wild dog, the son will not need to take the risk!

With a loud bang, King Jing’s usual long sword collided with Wuye’s sledgehammer.

The giant force came, and the treasured sword almost let go.

Wuye saw that his nephew could not be saved in time, and his anger was just vented on King Jing. After a few hammers, King Jing’s whole body stood up, turned his horse’s head and ran.

The gong to withdraw the troops sounded, and in a blink of an eye, Da Zhou’s soldiers evacuated, leaving a corpse on the battlefield.

The rare thing is that the corpses left this time turned out to be more Qi troops than Zhou troops. Coupled with the fact that Qi Shuo captured Wu Ye Ye’s nephew alive, it was a proud victory.

But before the cheers could be heard, Qi Shuo fell off the horse and ripped off Wu Li as well, just using him as a meat pad.


“No, the prince is hurt!”

Exclamations came one after another, and many people gathered around. They saw Qi Shuo’s eyes were closed, his face was pale, and the silver armor had been stained with blood. On the contrary, Wu Li, who was smashed under him by him, was not injured and struggled to get up.

In such a situation, even if he has a great ability, he can’t escape. He was quickly controlled by everyone and **** and guarded tightly.

Qi Shuo was also carried into the requisitioned mansion, and a military doctor was called for treatment.

After an unknown time, he woke up and saw King Jing who was guarding him.


Hearing this shout, King Jing, who was dozing off, suddenly woke up and jumped up in surprise: “Shuo’er, you’re finally awake!”

Qi Shuo turned his eyes and saw that there were no outsiders in the room, he smiled helplessly: “Why is the father so excited?”

“You’re too embarrassed to ask!” King Jing patted the bed board, and became angry, “Didn’t you say that you pretended to be injured, how did you make yourself look like this ghost?”

God knew that he was no match for Wuye’s big hammer head and ran back in dismay, and when he saw his son fell off his horse, he was so terrified that his soul flew away.

In the face of the old father’s accusation, Qi Shuo said in his heart that if he was really hurt, he didn’t know how much he would have to spend to push the plan, and he said ashamedly: “I made the father worry.

King Jing’s attention was immediately diverted: “Don’t worry, that kid is locked in a secret cell, and it’s hard to fly.”

“Is the news of my injury spread too?”

“It has spread, and it is developing according to plan.”

Qi Shuo showed a genuine and relaxed smile, and then his eyes fell on King Jing’s arm: “Father King is injured?”

“It’s all that black wild old dog, and his strength is even stronger than when he was young—” Seeing Qi Shuo frowning, King Jing suddenly stopped his voice.

“Father didn’t retreat in time?”

King Jing hurriedly stood up: “Ah, I’ll go see if there is any hot porridge.”

(end of this chapter)

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