Jeremy Lin coached by top coaches

Chapter 113 They Think So Too

Chapter 113 They Think So Too
Come to Phillips Arena.The atmosphere at the scene was very warm!

"Coach Atkinson, who was the chief assistant coach of Atlanta last season, has made it all the way to the playoffs as the coach of the Nets! For the Nets, except for Lopez and Jeremy Lin, they are basically rookies. It’s really not easy! This also reflects some of the abilities of the coaching staff. From Charlotte to Brooklyn, Chen has also been promoted to an assistant coach that Atkinson trusts now! During the coach’s hospitalization, he personally led the team to win 3 wins 1 negative good result!"

Listening to the reporters on the sidelines reporting there.The players started undressing to warm up!
"Lopez can't leave the center position. Now as long as the Hawks are on the court, if we use new tactics, there is basically no one at the basket! Players with low accuracy basically can't let them play. "Chen said in the coach's office the afternoon before.

"It seems that this is the only way. Basically, our views are similar. My idea is that in the first two quarters, we mainly rely on Hamilton and Bojan to attack, and in the second two quarters, Graves, Daniels, Jeremy Lin, and Budinger take turns. Going up and using the speed on the court to disrupt the rhythm of the Hawks. After all, the Hawks are a difficult team. I knew it when I was the head assistant coach there."

Atkinson said, taking a sip of the hot water in his glass.

"Although Howard is trying to avoid fouls. But we still have to try to let him go down as soon as possible! Players with poor shooting and ability can do this job." Chen said more naturally.

"The Eagles' offensive efficiency, player height, fighting awareness, and physical confrontation are all excellent. Our team had to fight with them in the current tactics! Our management has been surprised to be able to get here~ "Atkinson said jokingly in the somewhat depressing atmosphere in the room.

"I know some of my abilities. Just try to win. Right?" Chen smiled, and then said.

"That's it, maybe it's the only way to go. Chen, call our coach Welch for me later."


Chen came out of the memory.The players are now in their positions on the field.The Eagles are Splitter, Korver, Millsap, Kent, Sefolosha.The Nets' starters are Lopez, Bojan, Booker, Greivis, and Harris.

Game start!After Split grabbed the basketball, he passed it directly to Kent, who chose to quickly enter the basket and make a fallback jumper!

Graves dribbled the ball across half court, passed the ball directly under Kent's defense, and then passed the ball to Bojan under Millsap's help defense. The latter shot and the basketball hit the basket!

"It seems that they think so too! Let our Lopez end early!" Chen said aside.

"This is one of the layers. On the other hand, Splitter has only one foul now. This big man can completely replace Howard in the next game! Our game is basically about to be accounted for."


However, they were not defeated by the opponent at home.From this point of view, the Nets are not completely suppressed by their opponents.

Although lost the first game.Everyone's mood has not changed much.The coach arranged 5 hours of training tomorrow and 3 hours of running-in training in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow!

Both Lopez and Lin are more serious.Judging from the expressions, they are not satisfied with this game.

No one suggested going out to play in the evening.The next morning is a holiday for all.The headache caused by alcohol the day before yesterday has almost disappeared.The state feels good!If you are too nervous, you will not be able to perform well. Simply do a simple stretch at home in the morning and play games.All the preparations have been done.

Watch other teams play on the day.Doing nothing in the house, just meditating, in a daze.Feeling much better in the afternoon.The confrontation within the team is basically the same as usual, but the amount of training is less.A lot of content is done.Tomorrow is the game at Barclays Center, home of the Nets.

Since Howard hid his own strength, the team did not send a strong lineup in the early stage.Start tweaking and substituting early on.Then the Nets will do the same.Otherwise, other people's substitutes will tie with your team's main lineup!
When the main force comes up, does your team still have something to play?At least in my heart, I feel a little bit overwhelmed by this chop.I thought of this and told the coach about it.The coach is listening carefully, and the assistant coach of the defensive drill is also listening.

"I think Chen's idea is okay. But there is one thing I think we should pay attention to." Welch said slowly.

"Well, tell me." Atkinson said with a more relaxed attitude.

"Let me be straightforward. Our team's bench depth is not very good. If we implement Chen's ideas, the result will be that the Eagles may not need to send the main players to play, and our bench lineup will be almost exhausted." . I mean, in this case, we need to keep one or two main players on the court to lead the team."

"Hmm! Very good!" When Coach Atkinson was talking, Chen also nodded modestly.Although he thought of this, before he could say it, Welch interrupted.But he didn't say anything.

The evening training was over, and the players began to go back one after another.Chen felt like he had done nothing all day.Just discussing with the coaches, supervising the players training.The brain is a little tired but the body is a little restless.

Chen didn't take the car.Instead, he kept walking along the street.After more than 20 minutes, I felt that my mood gradually improved.I feel a little hungry in my stomach.

"Hello? Lili, what's the matter?" Chen said after hearing the phone ring and seeing Lili's number on the caller display.

"Oh~ It's a bit boring to be alone~ Have you eaten, if not, come over and let's eat together?"

(End of this chapter)

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