Jeremy Lin coached by top coaches

Chapter 847 Rest assured!

Chapter 847 Rest assured!

"If I don't watch it, I can't fall asleep. And watching the game can distract me." Zhou Qi was discussing with the doctor on the hospital bed.

In the end, the doctor in charge who couldn't wear him turned on the TV hanging on the wall, and now the game between the Warriors and the Nets is being broadcast live!

"Do you know that the Warriors have a better way to win the game besides the three-pointer?" A commentator suddenly asked his guests when the game just resumed.

"The Warriors are good enough with three points. I can't imagine them developing a new style of play?"

"No, it's the old way. They can injure the opposing team for no reason~" the commentator said solemnly, looking at the guests.

"Hahahahaha! Hey, I said, let's broadcast live~ Aren't you afraid that the Warriors fans are rushing to us now? But the haha ​​you said is really caught off guard~" The guest who just spoke to the commentator said with a smile.

"See who smiles the happiest after I finish speaking~ I think fans will go to you~" The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very good.Everyone was still amazed at Zhou Qi's excellent personal movement and consciousness just now, and the two teams almost fought after taking over!
The referee felt so hated at this time!This happened just after relaxing in the game against the Warriors.How will everyone evaluate this game?Today the numbers behind the referee are also relatively large.

Zhou Qi was lying in the hospital, feeling very complicated. What the people around didn't notice was that Zhou Qi's eye sockets were a little moist for a while. Now he is in a slightly better mood, but he still thinks about a lot of things.Watching his team play the Warriors can really distract him.

Green had already returned to the hotel at this time, and he himself was a little annoyed at this time why he wanted to provoke Zhou Qi, a player.The opponent didn't fight well, but he didn't pay attention and injured the opponent.

The result is that he can't continue to play now.The surrounding Warriors staff didn't say much during the whole process. "I really pretended to be X and didn't pretend to understand, so I pretended to be myself." Some staff members thought in their hearts.

The big screen turned to Pachulia. At this moment, he sat on the bench and glanced at the big screen. Immediately there was a lot of boos from the scene. Pachulia lowered his head a little depressed.Can this also be shot?

Curry clearly expressed his dissatisfaction with Green's actions.After the situation was brought under control at that time, Curry stood there with his hips akimbo and did not move.

Originally, the personal ability of a player like Green in the team is not too great in terms of offense, but his defense and passing are of great value to the Warriors.It was all right for him to do so.

Bell has a body and a personal breakthrough ability, but he still has little experience!At this time, the Nets heard boos from time to time at home!Curry was also a little anxious at this time, and the referee blew his whistle as soon as he moved too aggressively on the court!

As a result, Cole was replaced by three fouls in the second quarter. 64:62!The Nets lead by 2 points and enter the third quarter!
95:90!Thompson and Nick Young scored crazy points in the third quarter!The last quarter ended with the Warriors leading by 5 points!
"If Green is like this again, the team doesn't welcome him!" Curry said in the team a little angrily.The Nets now want to let some newcomers of this season come up and hone. In fact, the Warriors should be stable if they want to win the Nets in such a state today.

After receiving such suspense, it came out!Obviously, in the third quarter, Chen didn't let too many main players play, because today's incident changed Brooklyn's style of play again.
The Warriors even the players probably understood that they might have to play the Nets for about 20 minutes in the second half!That's right!Fight confrontation, fight defense, fight three points!As a result, Cole now has to make passive changes to the Nets' changes.

Bojan was especially happy in the hallway when he left!The staff who followed him were also a little puzzled. Could it be crazy?

"Thanks to the referee~ for giving me a vacation~" Bo Yang began to think about where he was going to play after leaving the game~ and the staff of the Nets did not have to worry that he would go to the Warriors locker room to find Green up.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Warriors' lineup is Pachulia, West, Durant, Curry, and Nick Young.Thompson was resting off the court at this time.If he wins today, one of the heroes will be him!
Thompson, who has been playing with the Nets for more than 33 minutes, obviously feels a little tired.However, it can still be played on the field, but the efficiency is hard to say.Fortunately, Cole did not let him stay on the court.

Curry had a dark face after playing in the fourth quarter.At present, the Warriors have overdrawn several players in the first half and the third quarter, so they now have to use the blue-collar center and the 4th position to play the game, and Thompson cannot play immediately as a guard.

The power forwards on the Nets side today are all good!Whether it's Zhou Qi, Allen or the current Dante!He is very good at rebounding!
The Nets' lineup is Mozgov, Dante, Williamson, Jeremy Lin and Daniels in turn!
At the beginning of the game, after Durant got the basketball, he was double-teamed by Williamson and Dante when he forced a layup!After the basketball was successfully interfered, Daniels got the basketball and passed Nick Young and directly hit a three-pointer in the frontcourt! 95:93!

Nick Young quickly crossed the half, Curry asked him for the ball, but he didn't give it, West took his pass and missed a jumper!Curry was going to be pissed off at this point.
Dante got the rebound quickly and was tripped by Pachulia and fell to the ground!But immediately he passed the ball to Jamelin in the air.The boos at the scene immediately rose again.

He didn't win the championship in two seasons, and Curry's mood fluctuated a lot when he was eliminated from the Western Conference Finals last season.Kerr is relatively tolerant to Curry, because his organization on the field, personal breakthrough, and three-point shooting ability are all very good!

The other players on the team seem to have undergone some changes in their mentality.Their team now seems to be gradually turning from a super team to a strong team in the West.Brilliance only exists when the past is remembered.

Curry immediately ran after Lin!Daniels caught the basketball on the other side and jumped up to make a three-pointer! 96:95!The Nets overtake!Curry looked weakly at the distance between Nick Young and Daniels, almost 4 meters away, okay?
At this time, Nick Young's expression of "still having this kind of operation" made Curry sigh and go to get the ball.This time Curry didn't let Nick Young get the ball. After receiving Pachulia's serve, he went to the frontcourt, and Lin stepped forward to defend!

Curry directly used his footsteps to pass Jeremy Lin, but saw that Daniels had come to defend him!Under the double-team of two people, Curry hit a long-range three-pointer! 98:96!

"I know you're going to ask this question. I believe everyone can see this. I'm quite skeptical about the referee's decision. Could it be that the opponent's move is so big that they can't see it?"

Chen suddenly became serious, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly cooled several degrees, and almost no one spoke.

"I don't think they will care if they beat my players to the hospital. I will respond to this problem, that's it." Chen was really angry this time.

The media also put the Nets incident on the front page that day.

After two days of fermentation, many netizens on the Internet began to show the Warriors video.Green raised his leg and kicked Adams. Adams was already there. Then the referee let the game continue as if nothing happened. It didn't take long for Green to kick Adams again!
Seeing that the big white man was about to kneel on the ground in pain, but the game continued.
"Actually, maybe Green didn't do it on purpose, it's just that he wanted to beat someone on the field. Everyone present should pay attention, I may not know who to beat~" This was casually said by a netizen on Twitter two months ago One sentence was forwarded crazily!
That game finally ended with 124:123!The Nets eventually won the Warriors.As soon as the game was over, Curry turned his head and went back to the locker room.Xiao Hua, the current NBA president, saw these contents in the newspaper the next day before Chen could respond to the incident.

Let's put aside the attention Chinese players receive in the NBA.Just from the live video he saw on the Internet, he knows what Zhou Qi went through at that time.The opponent can be judged as an obvious malicious foul and the referee turns a blind eye.

Zhou Qi made a slight contact with the opposing player and immediately Zhou Qi fouled.In the end, Green hugged Zhou Qi and smashed it on the floor fiercely, which was completely intensified!For such incidents, in previous games, for the authority and deterrence of the referee on the scene, and for the complaints of the players, as long as the referee feels that the words are too aggressive, they can call a technical foul, so the "zero tolerance rule" was introduced.

But now this obvious penalty tendency will intensify after it comes out.There are still some games on the Internet, both players and coaches have responded to this problem.

But the referees also have their own union.Disputes between referees and players have always been a sensitive topic.

Xiao Hua knew from the news reports that there must be an explanation for this matter.At noon, Chen sent an email to Xiao Hua, talking about this matter.

"During the game, the referee will give a more objective judgment for the team. But I saw that the Warriors did not do well in some places in the recent game against the Nets. Our investigators are also observing With this in mind, we will actually be punished for this matter.”

Xiao Hua replied to Chen's email in the afternoon, affirming his attitude on this issue.And encourage him to communicate with him or NBA managers at any time in the future.

On the morning of the next day, Xiao Hua developed a press conference and expressed his position on this incident.

"For that game referees John and Abel we will be fined $800 each. Another referee Adonis we will revoke his NBA referee qualification"

What Xiao Hua said in this press conference still warned some NBA referees!It is also the heaviest punishment in recent years!
In the past, when Xiao Hua encountered similar incidents, he basically punished the players and it was over, but today he first mentioned the referee's issue of the fairness of the penalty.In the end, Bo Yang had to pay a fine of US$5, and Green had to pay a fine of US$10!

After the press conference, there was no movement from the referee union.But for these referees in the NBA, they have their own ideas.Some of them feel that their group is being bullied.
There are a certain number of referees who think this way.And they responded too!In the game between the Nets and the Pacers, all the referees on the day of the game changed the referee's uniform to the referee's number and wore the clothes backwards!
Xiao Hua issued a more tactful warning to all the referees that day when he knew about this incident.It means don't do this in the next day's game.As a result, the three referees in the back-to-back game between the Nets and the Magic on the second day still wore it like this, and there were 11 referees who wore it that day!
As a result, Xiao Hua announced through video that the referee qualifications of these 11 people had been revoked that night.This kind of incident really irritated Xiao Hua a little bit!In the past few days, 12 referees in the league will not be able to play this season!
There are 12 new reserve referees in the league!On the same day, Xiao Hua also said that he would go to watch games from time to time this season!The first goal is the next game between the Nets and the 76ers!

"How is it now?" Chen came to the hospital to see Zhou Qi, and Chen would come over almost every two days.

"It's fine, the doctor said, you can ask them~" Zhou Qi was lying on the bed, and he felt that there was nothing serious these days.In the last two games, the Nets have successfully won the game!

"I have good news for you today~" Chen pretended to be mysterious and said to Zhou Qi with a smile.

"What's the matter?! Can I sign a contract with the Nets for this season?!" Zhou Qi suddenly sat up excitedly!


"Oh, if I've seen about winning the game, I played very well!" Zhou Qi was obviously a little disappointed. At this time, he really understood what the saying "the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment" is.

"I'm here today to tell you something. Let you rest assured! Whether I can sign a contract at the end of this season is not up to me, but you will continue to play until the end of your current one-month contract! I told the president of operations this something happened"

"Really? Impossible? He will listen to you?" Zhou Qi said with some disbelief.Although he and Chen Yinan got a little close during this time, they are still living in the house he rented.But he also had little faith that Chen would pull it off.

"Huh? Hehe! You seem to be the first." Chen suddenly smiled and shocked Zhou Qi.
"Zhou Qi, don't say much more. Play with peace of mind! I'm not protecting you, but your value makes me have expectations for you. Perform well! If you really want to leave here, finish this one It's not too late"

Chen looked at the big man in front of him and turned away without giving him a chance to speak.Zhou Qi leaned back on the pillow in a daze, at this moment he felt his head was a little blank.I suddenly recalled that some time after coming to the Nets, some players told him that the relationship between Chen and the Nets' management was still okay.

Atkinson originally did not discuss player changes with Chen, who is the coach of the Nets, at the beginning of this season.And Atkinson also knows that the current Nets owner Mikhail is very interested in Chen!

So when discussing some things about the team with Chen, you still have to pay attention.After all, his current salary in this position is not low~ Atkinson readily agreed when Chen called him and asked Zhou Qi to finish typing this month.

The salary originally offered to Zhou Qi was not much~ and Chen's request was not too much, it was just this request, and it was him who finally decided whether Zhou Qi would stay or not.

(End of this chapter)

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