Jianghu Demolition Team

Chapter 121

Chapter 147: The Son of Return (9)

In winter, the dawn is slow, and when it is bright, the fire can burn out.

I don’t know when, the sound of the insects has stopped, and the walking corpses stand still on the spot.

Everyone was exhausted and let out a long sigh of relief, ignoring the cold, and collapsed to the ground.

The disciples of Xuhuaigu still couldn’t rest. They looked at the injuries before and after, and remembered that the owner of the valley was in danger. They sent someone to look for them. They were always worried when they didn’t get any news.

Tang Linzhi and his party returned while Yu’er and Sake were packing Lingyun’s ashes.

Tang Linzhi dragged a person on his hand, and when he took a closer look, he realized that it was Feixu.

Tang Linzhi was injured on his right shoulder, and he hadtily bandaged it, and there were still red blood stains on the gauze.

Although Feixu was limp and dragged by Tang Lin’s toes, he was still conscious, except that his legs were injured like Yangchun.

Hualien is holding the white mulberry. Qi Tianzhu had a burly body with Yang Chun behind his back, and he held Mo Wen who had passed out in front of him.

Seeing this unconscious coma, bleeding blood, really miserable and embarrassed.

Yuer didn’t have time to ask the situation. Tang Linzhi held Feixu and flicked him towards the sake. Fighting for a whole night without stopping, coupled with excessive blood loss and pale lips, even she was a little unsupported, and she sat down on the ground and took a long breath.

Feixu lay in front of the sake. He saw that the sake and the fish were intact. Then he saw the Aihong Sword, looked at the fire madly, and understood that Ling Yun was going to end.

Sake glanced at Feixu and asked Tang Linzhi: “What’s wrong?”

Hualien handed Bai Sang to a few Xuhuaigu disciples who had rushed over, and said, “Big Brother Qi came to me and told me to go to Linzhi, and first solve the people who secretly control the walking corpse…”

After he went to the valley, when he asked, he knew that Tang Linzhi and Mo Wen were chasing Wuchang often. Brought Mo Wen and Bai Sang back.

Hualien heard of the passing. Wu Chang controlled Mo to question, but was bitten to death by a walking corpse. After sighing, he said to Tang Linzhi.

The crowd couldn’t breathe, and followed Tang Linzhi to track and trace.

There is more than one place where the sound of insects can be heard. The reason why there are insects on all sides in the valley is that people are hidden in all directions.

The people sent by Qunhao have been wiped out in several places, but there are still bugs, and everyone can’t find the remaining positions.

Tang Linzhi led a few people to find the secret book pavilion of Xuhuaigu’s book collection.

Hualien laughed and said, “They would also hide. The secret book pavilion is densely packed with institutions, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If we hadn’t been there once and had seen these institutions, we might be wiped out in that place. Even so, I didn’t suffer less…”

Hualien’s folding fan clicked on Feixu, and said, “This man is a strong general under Qianqiu. At first, you were unconscious, and Yuer and I moved the tiger away from the mountain and drew him away. If it hadn’t happened to meet the brothers of the Beggar Gang, I would almost fall away. In his hands. The Tiger Lady just now fought him, and almost killed her life, if it weren’t for me to save it…”

Tang Lin glanced across Hualien, hummed, holding his arms, raised his head and nose to Hualien, and said, “What do you say is so awkward. Are you saying that I am inferior to him. You only win? Just now? It is clearly you who disrupted the game and my attack. If it were not for your side kick and messing up my style of play, I wouldn’t suffer more from him!”

Hualien turned the folding fan and said, “The tiger lady is really ignorant of good people. If I hadn’t taken the shot, the Feixu Lancet would be swiftly stunned, and if you didn’t cut him down, he would remove your shoulders first, and you would be allowed to take it!”

Tang Linzhi said, “My sword technique is exquisite, both offensive and defensive, and I can also stop him when he comes. You know a hammer!”

The two began to quarrel, and the more they diverged from the subject. Sake coughed slightly, and said lightly: “Okay.” The two stopped.

Yu’er asked, “Linzhi, you can solve this person. What do you bring him here?”

Tang Linzhi said: “He once spared my life, and I don’t want to owe favors, so I won’t kill him this time. I think he is

Ling Yun’s subordinates, maybe… well, um, I brought him here and let Sake deal with him. ”

Sake nodded, indicating that she understood the intention.

She looked at Feixu, and saw that he was still looking at the pile of ashes, without saying a word.

Sake said: “You are a loyal servant, but the master is not a thing, I don’t embarrass you.”

As soon as the voice of sake fell, the head of the other person fell off when the sword was moving.

“I have to choose a good master in my next life.” Sake was shot simply, and Feixu didn’t evade, taking this man’s life was like mowing the grass, very plain.

She sealed her throat, and Sake picked up Aihong again, and she asked, “How is it?”

Tang Linzhi talked about the forest. Ling Yun urged Aihong, causing everyone to lose their sanity. Fortunately, the palace merchants came in time, but the fog and rain were still to save the serious injuries of Li Li.

Tioli is looking after her. Xin Chou woke up, knew what he had done, and was frightened, for fear that the sake would come back to blame, crying like thunder. Tired of taking care of Wuyu, but also to comfort him.

Sake said: “Finally, this long night is over, you guys rest, let the disciples of Xuhuaigu see the injury.”

Seeing her expression, Hualien asked, “Where are you going, and don’t take a breath.”

“Today is a good day, it’s suitable for all the old accounts.”

Qi Tianzhu didn’t know the enemy of sake at the ghost gate, and Tang Linzhi didn’t know the ghost gate’s people came over. The two were hazy, and Yang Chun and Hualien understood the meaning of these words clearly in their hearts.

Yangchun said: “Sake girl, you do business with others, so it’s not good to cross the river and break the bridge.”

Sake said: “Business is business, and private enmity is private enmity. Now that the walking corpse is gone, Ling Yun is dead, and the business is done, naturally it should be the time to settle the accounts, do you think?”


When the sake came to Qiangu, Yuer still followed her.

She held the hand of sake and could feel the excitement of sake. Knowing that she had solved a problem, she was relieved. She watched the sake lightly and joyously, and she followed it lightly and joyfully, with a slight smile on her face.

The people in Qiangu sat on the ground in twos and threes.

The arrival of Xie Qianshou and Guimen eased the cramped situation. Although it cannot be said that their party has won the war, there is no doubt that the pedestrian’s arrival has reduced casualties.

Many people gathered around to relieve their sorrow. Since he was in position, he was regarded as a savior, so many people thanked him. He couldn’t do without the greetings, and it was a headache.

Sake searched for a circle, but didn’t see the sword ghost and the ghost, but only the koto ghost and the sword ghost were left among the five ghosts, and the others had already retreated unknowingly.

Ghosts have always acted like this, coming like ghosts and charms, leaving quietly.

“Master, what about the sorrow of the sword ghost and the ghost?”

When Qin Gui saw her coming, she knew that she had killed Ling Yun and was in high spirits. He said, “They all returned to the ghost door. The judge only left me and the sword ghost here.”

Ping stubs are ghost jargon, referring to receiving rewards for transactions.

Sake said in his heart: “Go fast.”

Sake guessed that the judge gave the order to the two.

The judge is a man skilled in buying and selling. Dao Gui and Gui Jian Sorrow are not people who are afraid of things. They are eager to fight against the strong. If she seeks revenge on the two, they will never hide.

But Guimen has never done useless things. She is now re-entering the Guimen, and she is not a traitor to the Guimen. Killing her is not in compliance with the rules, and it is useless.

The judge expects that after the matter is over, Sake will find two people to settle the matter, and the sword ghost and the ghost will not evade when they are worried.

He has always been shrewd, and he regards harmony as the most important thing before he even settles, so he will return to the ghost gate immediately after the explanation to the two.

Kotoki knew what sake was doing with those two people, threw away the walking corpse in his hand, and approached the sake, showing dissatisfaction: “Attendant, it was originally Lin Qingchao that **** is not good, why are you always thinking about it? She and the master can’t make it through.”

Sake listened to her awakening Qingchao like this, her face couldn’t help but sink: “Why did I never live with you?

Go. ”

Qin Gui threw Yao Qin to Jian Gui’s hand. The sword ghost stood behind Qin Gui, with a long sword on his back that was an inch longer than an ordinary sword blade. He nodded slightly, clearly defined, and his eyes had divine eyes.

Kotoki stepped forward and clamped Sake’s face with both hands free. Without hiding the sake, she rejoiced again, changed her gloom, and smiled: “The two old men had cast the wrong baby. They should be women. Otherwise, they shouldn’t be like a woman with a long tongue and betrayed the teacher for you. Things have been making noise in front of the master all day, saying that I have raised a white-eyed wolf.”

“Let me see, Master, isn’t it, um, it looks like it.” She held the sake’s face left bye bye, right by bye.

“Master is very annoying, and there are rules in the door that prohibit private fights. I can’t do anything with them. I have a headache. I have a headache and can’t help but settle accounts with others. Many people chasing me in the troubled rivers and lakes are very troublesome. . Tell me, are you going to find them to avenge you and have trouble with the master.”

Sake did not answer. The Sword Demon standing behind Qin Gui suddenly spoke, and his voice was deep and thick: “Little devil, you betrayed the ghost door. It was wrong first. Lin Qingchao provoked you and took you away. It was she who broke the rules of the ghost door. There is nothing wrong with the ghost killing her.”

Sake looked at him and said, “The teacher is right, but the rules are rules, and human affection is human affection. I can understand but I cannot forgive. One day, I will kill both of them and avenge my aunt.”

Yu’er listened to the sake in a respectful tone, not as indifferent to ordinary people, and couldn’t help but look surprised at the sword ghost.

She thought that the ghosts were all mad and wicked like the piano ghost and the sword ghost. I don’t want to be a sword ghost, but he is a handsome, upright and handsome person.

Sake has respect for him. It is not perfunctory. Yu’er has some expectations in his heart. Sake calls this person a ‘teacher’, and he wants to teach her something for him, no doubt about swordsmanship.

Sword Demon closed his eyes. He had always persuaded people only once. He listened to the sake’s tone, so he stopped talking, just said: “If you kill both of them, you will betray the ghost again. When the time comes, the door will be Someone will be sent to solve you.”

The sword ghost suddenly opened his eyes, full of gaze, majestic: “If it were me, I wouldn’t show mercy.”

“Students understand.” Sake took off the throat and Aihong, handed it to Sword Demon, and said, “This is the reward for this transaction.”

She handed over the two swords without hesitation. It should be the remuneration of the ghost door, no one can owe it, and she hates these divine swords from the bottom, so she has no reluctance to give up.

Kotoki took it from the side and drew out two swords to watch. He was quite disgusted: “These two swords are black, but they are not as good-looking as white and silver.” Then he asked Sake, “Are there two left?”

“Xuanjilou’s intelligence network has to deal with it first. As for the silver, I will go to Hangzhou to fetch it after a period of time.”


Four people were talking here, and Jie Qiansang saw sake and fish coming over there, and finally he was able to get rid of the crowd, and quickly said loudly: “Oh, guys, guys! This ghost guy is really not invited by the old man, please The person who moved the ghost door is there. If you want to thank you, thank her. The old man is just here to join in the excitement of the disciples.”

Everyone looked at his hand, and saw two beautiful figures standing side by side, facing the glow, beautiful as a fairy.

“Isn’t that Young Master?”

“Who is the other person, don’t you recognize it?”

“Is that the person with the Sealing Throat Sword, really amazing?”

Someone stared intently, and blurted out: “Heaven is built, the person standing next to the young villager is a good match for the young villager.”

Others sneered: “Blind your eyes, see clearly, that’s a girl.”

When Xie Qianshou heard this, he suddenly thought about something, and when he figured out something, the blood rushed into his head and was blinded.

When someone came to ask him about his sake status, he didn’t even think about it, and said smoothly, “Simming Xingjun, do you know that?”

“Siming Xingjun?! It’s her, isn’t that a man who is unparalleled and more handsome than a god!”

“Nonsense! Obviously a handsome monk!”

“Fart! It’s a Taoist priest!”

Jun Lin heard these words in his ears, looking at fish and sake. Since Yu’er returned to Jun’s house, he hadn’t been able to see such a smile on Yu’er’s face. He stared at the sake and had a bad feeling in his heart.

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