Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Chapter 47 - Kunwu 8 Sword

[047] Kun Wu Ba Jian looked at the blue martial arts level, and Ye Qingxuan was excited.

Wuqing martial arts, in the martial arts category of ten colors and thirty grades, belongs to the fifth color, and has already ranked in the middle reaches. The recording of this exercise method has actually given me a reward of 15 skill points, which is double the skill points obtained by the blue martial arts. At the same time, I also received double rewards for the first time I included the young martial arts. A total of 30 skill points were obtained, and there was an additional selection opportunity for “Qing Wushu”. This is the first time Ye Qingxuan has received so many skill point rewards since he possessed the “Langya Lingbi Pavilion”, which is of great significance to Ye Qingxuan, who urgently needs to improve his strength.

It seems that the more advanced the exercises, the stronger the reward. In the future, you should position your martial arts collection goals on these martial arts. Moreover, the opportunity to choose another martial art means that Qing Xuan can have more room to improve the power and diversity of his martial arts.

“Little brother, remember the recipe.”


Then I recite the dictations written down a few times. After confirming that the Taoist Taoist made no mistakes, he sighed and said, “Since you remember the verbs, you do n’t need to worry about cultivation in the future. Little masters, do n’t worry For a while, the internal force cannot be cultivated, so it is necessary to forcibly cultivate to prevent the lack of internal qi and hurt the meridians. “

Wu Qingxuan nodded and promised that no one would make fun of his martial future.

既然 “That being the case, you and I will be in the hospital again, and I will teach you [Kunwu Eight Swords].”

“Yes, second brother.”

Qing Xuan couldn’t hide the excitement and excitement in his heart, overflowing with words, hesitated and jumped into the hospital. The excitement of the younger master surprised the Taoist Taoist, and praised the younger master as if he were a master. .

I saw Qingxuan hurriedly arrived in the courtyard and turned around and said, “Please ask the second master to teach swordsmanship.”

The Qingyan Taoist smiled, pulled out his sword, came to the courtyard, poked the scabbard into the ground, and said Shen Sheng: “This set of [Kunwu Eight Swords] was sent by my ancestor according to the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes. From the fourteen hexagrams, there are eight swords. Each sword has eight postures, which becomes sixty-four styles, and each style has eight variations. It has a total of 512 strokes. Khan, Li, Zhen, Gen, Qian, Du Bagua, dry as heaven, Kun as ground, Kan as water, Li as fire, earthquake as thunder, Gen as mountain, Xi as wind, Dai as Ze, corresponding to Kun My eight swords are called “sky, earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, mountain, and ze.” Eight swords. Today I will change these eight postures, 64-style swordsmanship, and 512 strokes. Once again, I will explain it later … Little brother, we have limited time, you have to look carefully … “

I saw Qingyan Taoist sword holding his right hand behind his back, Zhuo Ran stood in the courtyard, the breeze blew through, and the blue robe swayed slightly. He was completely unrestrained and unrestrained.

“Look first at my” Heaven “sword.”

With one left hand in the left hand, and then holding the sword in the hand, push outwards, holding the full moon in your arms; turn the handle of the right hand upside down, point down the green sword, and then lift it up. The word “Tian” swordsmanship unfolds.

I saw in the small courtyard, the blue shirt fluttered, scattered freely, a series of eight style swordsmanship, “sky” swordsmanship, from the air, basically all jumped up and then attacked, or like a eagle flutter Rabbits, or as the imperial wind … Acting like a cloud, moving like a shock, so that there is no anger, just like a breeze.

When Qing Xuan looked at her heart, she suddenly condensed the sword, turned it into a thick one, and slammed it: “Kunwu Eight Swords, the sword of‘ ground ’.”

I was like this, playing for a full ten minutes, Qingyan Taoist swordsmanship sometimes thundered for nine days, sometimes gentle like wind, sometimes anxious like fire, sometimes like a spring …

The “Kunwu Eight Swords” shocked the world. For a while, the blue shirt fluttered, the sword was full of light. Qing Xuan no longer knew where he was, but felt that the sword was everywhere, under pressure, and he was like a stormy sea. A flat boat with nowhere to focus.

When the swordsmanship of the Qingyan Taoist team was closed, when the pressure subsided, they felt that they were soaked, as if they were removed from the water.

Xu Qingxuan remained silent for a long time before returning to God, sighing: “The second master’s sword skills are so great that he is so respected and respected.”

“Hahaha, the little master has to laugh and joke. With your talents, transcendence is just around the corner. I wonder how much this little master of swordsmanship remembers?”

“Half minute did not remember.”

Qing Xuan did n’t talk nonsense. Although [Langya Lingyingge] memorized this set of swordsmanship, he was attracted by the sword meaning contained in the swordsmanship from the beginning. It was as if he saw the beginning of heaven and earth. , Pangu’s feeling of breaking the ground, sometimes thundering and breaking the sky, sometimes the mountains rise, sometimes the drizzle, sometimes the fire burns the sky …

It ’s just that Qingyan Taoist swordsmanship has a lot of chic and free-spirited meaning. He has learned the most about the sword style of the word “wind”. When Qing Xuan observed it, he felt that the wind and the clouds were rising for a while. The people in the Rock Road made it quite satisfactory, but they were not as enlightened as the wind.

The Taoist in Qing Dynasty did not fully comprehend the mystery of swordsmanship, so naturally he could not get the deep meaning of the sword, but it was just the understanding of the “wind character tactics” that gave Ye Qingxuan a lot.

The Qing Xuan consciousness is extremely high. Based on the swordsmanship of the Qingyan Taoist, he realized the sword meaning in a deeper level. Rather than the Qingxuan being attracted by the Qingyan Taoist’s swordsmanship, it is better to say that the Qingxuan was contained in the swordsmanship Attracted by Jian Yi.

I was totally indulged in the sword-like Qingxuan, and naturally completely forgot the swordsmanship of the shape.

呵 “Hehe, young master, don’t be discouraged, this set of swordsmanship is the foundation of my Kunwu school swordsmanship. If you can practice and become familiar, all kinds of swordsmanship will come into your hands in the future.

What’s wrong? Such a powerful set of swordsmanship is just the foundation? At that time, the height of the Kunwu school’s swordsmanship reached the geometry?

Wu Qingxuan was completely shocked by the words of his second elder brother.

In Qing Xuan’s view, this set of swordsmanship did not do its best. It is good to use this set of swords as a basis for practicing advanced swordsmanship. However, if we can exhaust this set of swordsmanship, it is definitely not like two. The so-called swordsmanship that the brother said is only basic. If the most basic swordsmanship can also make you realize such a profound sword meaning, I am afraid that this world is not a world, but a fairyland.

“Please let the second brother not preach.”

“Relax, little master, there are many coming days, and that’s all for today. You must memorize your internal skills and minds in your heart, don’t take it easy, I will teach the Eight Swords tomorrow at 6 am.”

After saying this, Qingyan Taoist smiled and walked away.

The front foot sent away the Qingyan Taoist, and the back foot Ye Qingxuan ran back to the room, anxious to prepare to open [Lang 嬛 Ling 嬛 Pavilion] to watch it.

Hu Chang breathed a sigh of breath and silently looked at the two newly entered martial arts in [Langya Lingying Pavilion]: [Kunwu Eight Swords] and [Ningyu Gong]. [Kunwu Eight Swords] is displayed in white, which can be learned, but [Ningyu Gong] is displayed in gray and cannot be learned.

Because of the teaching of the second elder brother, [Kunwu Eight Swords] also appeared in the list of his attributes, the blue middle-class martial arts, the level is “beginner to begin training”, the experience value is 1%.

This time for the first time, we have collected the first class martial arts, [Kunwu Ningyu Gong], the first class martial arts at the top grade, and it has 15 skill points. At the same time, it is the first time to collect the first class martial arts, and it has rewarded 15 skill points systematically. [Kunwu Eight Swords] Youth Grade Martial Arts gained 10 skill points. The addition of two new martial arts allowed Ye Qingxuan to gain a total of 40 skill points. Only this time, he surpassed the previous ones. Get the sum of skill points. With 28 points remaining, Ye Qingxuan now has a total of 68 skill points.

Overnight, skill points rose so fast that Ye Qingxuan was dying of happiness. In particular, two new “Qing-level martial arts” selection opportunities were newly added, which made Ye Qingxuan excited.

Looking at the newly entered [Kunwu Eight Swords], as long as you touch it with one touch and spend 12 skill points, you can easily learn [Kunwu Eight Swords].

However, Ye Qingxuan did not do so at this time. Although this sword technique can be easily grasped by the “Langya Lingbi Pavilion”, this mastery is obtained directly by giving up the realization. For Ye Qingxuan, although this approach was beneficial for a while, because of the lack of deep understanding of swordsmanship, I am afraid that it will be harmful and ineffective to explore his own way in Kendo. Therefore, Ye Qingxuan decided to study the [Kunwu Eight Swords] from scratch, and thoroughly grasped the essence of swordplay. Qingxuan believed that this perception would have a great promotion effect on his ability to enter the Kendo Master in the future. .

三 For the next three days, every day, Taoists from Qingyan came to Ye Qingxuan’s small courtyard as promised to teach the sword technique of [Kunwu Eight Swords].

If Ye Qingxuan expected it ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This set of [Kunwu Eight Swords] is extensive and profound, and it is the best of swordsmanship. With a little contact, Ye Qingxuan was convinced by the sword meaning contained in these eight strokes. .

Qi Ye Xuanxuan squeezed the potential of the last point of his body with a desire never before, like a sponge, desperately absorbed the swordsmanship taught by Taoists in Qingyan.

This is not just for myself, but for the teacher.

Ye Qingxuan knows that, according to the resolution of the teacher, he may be like a treasure, and he will be placed in the cabinet by the brothers and deeply protected. And they will have an endless battle with Shimen’s blood feud.

I do n’t want to be the waste of being taken care of, I never need to protect, and I never allow anyone to hurt my teacher, my master, brother, and those lovely teachers and nephews … I want to make myself stronger. I am more capable and do not need protection from others. At the same time, I will try my best to protect others and protect everything I cherish in this life …

Once in three days, thanks to the feelings of the Taoists in Qingyan on [Kunwu Eight Swords], Ye Qingxuan learned the sword skill at an amazing speed, making his martial arts level reach a “slightly small success”, progress 63%.

The Taoist Yan Qingyan is very happy, not only shocked the little diligence and understanding, but at the same time, he feels relieved, the teacher is hopeful …

However, what Ye Qingxuan thinks at this time is definitely different from them ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest, and hottest serial works are at ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Mobile users please read. & amp; amp; lt; / a & amp; amp; gt;

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