Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

chapter 61.28 - Chapter 27: Battle of the jungle (2)

Xun Huazi was furious and was about to start, but he heard Huo Dong scream, “Stop–”

Xi Hua Zixing naturally did not dare to act rashly, and the rude Taoist priest also stopped and wanted to see what the little old man had to say.

“The Golden Eye of God” Huo You sighed: “Today I ca n’t say that my old Huo has to rely on the old man to sell the old one … Under the name of the” Xing Ting Wei “gold medal, Huo Dong, people on the rivers and lakes called the” God Eye Golden Carving “is old. … ”

Qi Qingyunguan’s four brothers were shocked. It turned out that this old man, how could he come to Qingyunguan?

After the Qingyan Taoist’s expression was startled, he changed back to ease, and laughed: “It turned out to be the thirteenth place in the” Ground List “, with a pair of” God’s Eyes “, a pair of” God’s Claws “, and a light work called” God’s Eye ” The golden sculpture, Mr. Huo Donghuo, is really a long wait … ”

“Golden Eye of God” Huo Dong looked ironed, and Shen Sheng said: “The old self-reporting family name is not for the sake of you. I just want to ask the Taoist leader. I don’t know if I let go Do you have a chance to win? ”

Tong Qingyan Taoist smiled softly and said softly: “If we are talking about cultivation, I am afraid that I and others are not old opponents, but if we are to fight for our lives, the outcome is hard to know …”

“Good answer! It seems that the Taoist head is very confident in his swordsmanship … but if I try to escape, how confident are the Taoist heads to keep?”

The Qingyan Taoist calmed his face and said cautiously: “The old gentleman’s [Wings Seven Spins] is a top performer even on the” Top of the Earth “list, I’m afraid it will be difficult to keep you old … but you will give up Escape alone? ”

Huo Dong laughed and shouted, “If I’m sure you have something wrong, of course, you have to give up your brothers to escape alone. If you sue the court in the future, you will surely send a master to destroy your Qingyunguanmen and avenge your brothers …”

Wu Qingyan and others sank, their hands were tight.

Seeing the attention of several Taoist priests from Qingyun, Huo Dong felt relieved and said: It was finally recovered, as long as the other party had some concerns, it would not be easy to do it. Next, it should be appropriately increased. Bargaining chips …

With a relaxed expression on Huo Dong’s face, he slowly said, “Everything comes from misunderstanding. I wonder if a few Taoist chiefs can wait for a while before listening to the old words?”

“Huo Lao, please-”

“Golden Eye of God” Huo Dong has a dignified look, his eyes are bright and clear, and his thoughts are rapidly moving. He said: “Several martial arts are superb, they are rare masters, but the martial arts are quite mysterious. The martial arts used by several Taoist chiefs are plausible, and they always cover up in key places, thinking that this can hide their identity. How would you know that such behavior is suspicious in front of real masters. Although you are trying to hide it, you are old , But also see some mystery from the moves … ”

He Qingzhu pointed at with one hand and said, “For example, the Taoist Chief just used the” Jade broken Kungang “in [Broken Jade Palm] … as empty as jade, as jade as broken … haha, so powerful Force, a domineering blow … ”

Then he pointed at Tie Qingshi with his hand and said, “This Taoist master also used [Broken Jade Palm], but the last trick that succeeded was to use the sword to refer to the sword and use the” Fengyun volume snow “, I wonder if the old man is right? ”

Finally, facing the slightly fat Chen Qingsong, he said calmly: “In the end, I confirmed that it was this Taoist who came from several places. Although the strokes were all ordinary sword strokes, how could they make Liu Gonggong faint? But ca n’t pull back and retreat? Old age thought of a sword skill that should be lost a century ago. The clever part of it is that it uses internal force to create an adsorption effect, so that opponents ca n’t escape … ”

Seeing that the four Taoist priests of Qingyunguan all showed serious listening, Huo Dong smiled in his heart and continued to say, “If the little old man is not bad, the origin of the several should be-”

Huo Dong didn’t say a word, but just simulated the two words with his mouth.

Liu He and Lu Zhongji fainted, and Hua Zixing was behind him, unable to see.

But Qingyan and others could see it clearly, his face changed suddenly.

Almost as soon as Huo Dong said those two words, Qingyan’s murderous spirit was so hot that his body exploded violently with a bang, and the moment he stepped on his feet, the powerful air machine exploded like a bomb.

Wu Qingyan Taoist suddenly disappeared in place.

The speed of an instant burst exceeds the limit that an ordinary person’s eyes can capture an image.

“Good job–”

Huo Dong sighed and disappeared together.

嘭 ——

A bang.

The two of them appeared in the air at the same time, and fought hard without any fuss. The fighting’s infuriating shots, and several imperfect court masters were frightened.

The Taoist Qingyan Taoist was shocked and flew backwards, while Huo Dong fell easily from the sky. After only one fight, Huo Dong was able to see that the internal strength was higher than the Qingyan Taoist several levels.

However, the Qingyan Taoist is also not affected. When flying backwards, a foot of the trunk is underneath, and the long sword hums with a long beep. The sword body is glaring, and it re-attacks again. Then they stabbed more than twenty swords, and the sword gas burst like a green lotus blooming.

Huo Dong didn’t know when to add a pair of golden claw-shaped guards. The sharp claws are like hooks. Under the force of wild transportation, the golden claws shine, and a golden spirit emerges from the tip of the claws. Fighting several times in the air, the sound of vigorous fighting continued to sound.

The golden claws fluttered and shone straight into the blue lotus, and Ding-Dong clanged intensively. Huo Dong sang loudly, and Jin Guang thrived vigorously. His right hand pecked the sword in the hands of the Qingyan Taoist. The blooming green lotus also disappeared …

The Qingdao Taoist’s treasure blade was hit by a heavy hammer, and he almost released his hand, and his body was cracked in the veins, which was difficult to suffer.

Huo Dong smiled proudly for a while, and the golden claws in his left hand waved violently. Three golden spirits came out of the claws and flew towards the face of Qingyan Taoist.

At this time of life and death, the Taoists in Qingyan didn’t panic, their bodies twitched in the air, not only the three golden spirits near them were avoided, the sword in their hands also took advantage of the rotation, the sword and claws fiercely struck, Mars was mixed Huo Dong’s right hand was numb, and the pricked sword tip couldn’t hold it anymore. The whole sword broke away from the golden claws like an electric drill. Qingyan Taoist gently pushed his right hand, and the sword turned into a sword. The sharply swirling Qinghong sword gas drilled towards Huo Dong’s chest to the middle of the acupoint …

Huo Dongben was extremely confident in his claw work. He thought it would be extremely difficult for him to get rid of any blade in the world. What unexpected Qingxuan Taoist swordsmanship is so mysterious, not only breaking free from claws and pecks, but also forcing severe killings and threatening his life.

Huo Dong couldn’t help but be frightened, and his golden claw in his left hand returned to his chest for a moment, but saw a flash of sharp eyes in the eyes of Qingyan Taoists ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ A mocking smile appeared on his face, Huo Dong yelled Not good, it is expected that the trick of stabbing to the middle of the chest is a false move … but at this time, it is too late to want to change it …

When Xu Zheng closed her eyes and waited for her death, she suddenly screamed …


Huo Dong opened his eyes in shock and was seeing that the Qingyan Taoist body twisted, and the whole person reversed easily with the severe blow and fell aside gently.

I never thought that it would be so easy for people in Qingyan Road to change recruits, so come and go if you want. The pressure and killing like sharp wind before, swept away in an instant … Such a sword, Huo Dongshang is the first time Encounter.

Huo Dong was sweating just now, and he had a deep understanding of the swordmanship of Qingyan Taoists.

When he turned to look at the man who drank the Qingyan Taoist sword, a middle-aged Taoist with a sharp eyebrow and straight facial features and a long beard under his jaw appeared in front of him. He knew that this man was extremely handsome when he was young. Holding a duster in hand, carrying a sword, stable as a rock, standing like a pine, with a majestic appearance, a righteousness between the eyebrows, gives a feeling of righteousness and unscrupulous smile.

The middle-aged Taoist shook his hands and brushed the dust, and Jishou said: “Qing Yunguan is upright, I have seen Mr. Huo and other martial arts fellows … Teacher of the Master, there is a distinguished guest from Qing Yunguan, specially invited to come to invite …”

I am also an acquired master of Qingyunguan?

到底 How many experts in this Qingyunguan are hidden in it? What is the realm of that real person?

In amazement, I only listened to the Qingzheng Taoist and continued, “Master said, Mr. Huo and others are friends of Qingyunguan. They can only ask each other, not coercion. If Mr. Huo is unwilling to go up the mountain, I will not wait. Let’s congratulate Mr. Huo for leaving … “

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