Jiu Shen [God of Wine]

Chapter 662 - Return of the Holy King

Shocked, when the light magicians relied on the five-element reciprocal circular array to burst into terror. The moment the three thousand dark magicians swept across, the whole dark magic army was in deep shock.

Three thousand dark magic troops, this number is not insignificant for the dark magic army whose total number exceeds 40,000, but the key lies in distance. The armies of the two sides, on the island of Saint Evil, are at a distance of twenty miles from each other. At such a long distance, in general, even the Nine Crowns Supreme Powers are a safe distance from each other. No matter what level of magic skills, the power will gradually weaken with distance. Even the ultimate nirvana is no exception. However, under such circumstances, the light magicians, with the help of these 10,000 people, killed 3,000 dark magicians. This is definitely an incredible scene.

Although there is no dark heavenly **** beast on the side of the dark army, their confidence in themselves was extremely firm. Not only because of the power of dark heaven, but also because of their own strength. The total number of magicians is more than four times that of the other party. The total magic power is more likely to be ten times that of the other party. There are more than 100,000 reserve magicians in the back, in the eyes of these dark magic forces. Even if they don’t do it, just relying on the preparation of the magic army is enough to sweep the light magicians in front of them. But in this case, the light magicians in front of them did what their dark magic army could not do. This makes them really hard to believe.

“Attack, attack with all your strength.” The dark sky machine’s angry voice suddenly sounded, causing the dark magic army to react. Although the dark heaven machine did not give them effective orders before, these dark magic army are well-trained, After the reaction, all actions were taken immediately.

Forty thousand dark magic troops are divided into groups of one thousand people. At the forefront, there are ten groups of ten thousand people. The matching of this 10,000 people is evenly distributed according to ten attributes. That is to say, among the thousands of magicians in each group, each attribute is one hundred people. After reacting, the 10,000 dark magicians opened their five-element enchantment for the first time. A thousand five-element enchantments appeared at the same time, and suddenly merged into a superimposed five-element enchantment. The terrifying coercion instantly made their defense on this side extremely tough.

In addition to the Air Force, there are less than 30,000 Dark Wizards, also in groups of 1,000, but they are assigned the same attributes. In other words, every group of 1,000 people has the same attributes. In this way, they will be able to exert their most powerful fighting power by attacking thousands of people while attacking. This is a group of more than twenty thousand people. Instantly release more than 20 advanced super-killing skills above the level of attack magic. This is definitely a devastating force. Even if the Dark Dragon Emperor brought the thousands of dragons, if there were more than 40,000 people in front of the Dark Magic Army, there would be no chance of winning.

This is still the situation after the Dark Demon Army was weakened by the Bright Saints. If there is no effort to fight the Saints, it will now appear on the battlefield. I am afraid that it is close to fifty groups of Dark Wizards.

At the same time, the reserve dark magician behind the dark magic army also began to act. Although their magic power is not strong, it is no problem to release the five elemental enchantment. Hundreds of thousands of magicians continuously released the five-element enchantment to form a large five-element enchantment with weaker power but larger coverage area, even covering the entire dark magic army.

This is the strength of the invincible male lion that Dark Heaven has cultivated for many years and built with painstaking effort. At the same time, the dark demon army in the sky has also begun to attack. The target is directed at the Bright Air Force.

Despite the defeat of the Dark Dragon Emperor, their absolute superiority in number still exists, not to mention not only the Thousand Dragon Clan, but the Dark Army in the sky is also terrifying. These dark magicians not only have their own mounts The self-cultivation is more than six crowns. A total of six thousand people. What a powerful force this is! With the order of the dark sky machine before. The Dark Army, the invincible lion in the heart of the dark sky, finally revealed its fangs and launched a tyrannical attack on the Light Army.

At this moment, the second wave of attacks of the Light Army appeared, which was also a fire attribute. It was exactly the same as the previous attack. Compared with the first round of attacks, it was only less than twenty seconds apart. If it wasn’t for the Dark Magic Army’s well-trained, the big five element enchantment was opened immediately, I am afraid that this second round of attacks will fall directly on them.

So fast! This is the idea that appears in the hearts of all dark demons at the same time. It must be known that after the magic technique is released, at such a long distance, it takes a certain amount of time for the magic power to fly in the air alone. And the previous powerful attack has completely surpassed the sum of 10,000 magicians. How did they launch it again in such a short time?

The Dark Magic Army certainly does not know that the light magicians relied on the five-element cycle formation created by Ji Dong. The biggest advantage of the five-element cycle formation is not its instantaneous power, nor its ability to unite ten people. The magic bursts into a mutual attack. It is the endless cycle of mutualism.

By virtue of the cycle of mutualism, although the attacks launched by the light magicians are powerful, the consumption of their own magic power is very small. Moreover, the attack can be launched again through the cycle of mutualism in the first time, and at the same time, the magic power can be greatly restored. This is the most terrifying part of the five-element reciprocal circular array, and it is also the reason why all the supreme powers of the light continent were shocked and discolored after seeing Ji Dong’s array.

In the loud noise, a scene that made the dark army appear horrified, even the dark magic army with an overwhelming advantage in the air could not help but pause. The reason is very simple. On the ground, the Great Five Elements enchantment created by tens of thousands of dark magicians was blown away by this bombardment instantaneously, even though the terrifying magical power of fire also dissipated. However, such a horrible scene still made the dark army preparing to launch the charge suddenly stagnate.

You know, although the two sides are 10,000 people at the same time, the light army is the attacking side. Their magic power must fly more than twenty miles to reach the dark army. During this flight, the loss is quite considerable. . The Great Five Elements enclave laid by the Dark Army is close at hand. Moreover, in terms of overall strength, if it is one-to-one, the dark magician must definitely override the light magician. They still rely on the five-element enchantment with ten attributes to defend. No matter how you look at it, the attacks of the light magicians should have no effect.

However, under such circumstances, the Great Five Elements barrier was broken. This can only prove one thing, that is, the magic power released by the more than 10,000 light magicians has far exceeded the defense power of the dark magic army of 10,000 people.

Each blow of the light magicians is the sum of the magical power of ten people. Through the cycle of mutualism, they can not only save magic power, but also exert a qualitative leap. In the beginning, ten magicians with two crowns and three crowns could defeat the magician with six crowns. At this moment, the five-element cycle array invented by Ji Dong finally bloomed in this magnificent battlefield.

The Great Five Elements Enchantment was defeated. It takes time to recover. But at this moment, the light magicians on the opposite side didn’t seem to need any breathing at all, and the third attack had already come again.

“Stop, complete defense.” Dark Heaven had to issue such an order, and even the purple robe high priests beside him also put into defense. The attack of the light magician is too strong. Each time they get closer, it means that the light magician’s attack magic skill will become stronger due to the proximity of the distance. At this time, the big five elemental enchantment has not recovered, and can only rely on the other twenty sets of single-attribute dark magicians to offset the other party’s attacks by attacking.

More than twenty tyrannical advanced and top-level super nirvana came out, colliding with the third attack of the light magicians. In the eyes of the dark magicians. The light magician reluctantly launched a third attack, their magic power will always be weakened. Not to mention that this time they were jointly attacked by more than 20,000 dark magicians! Although you can’t attack the opponent’s headquarters, at least you can easily defeat the opponent’s attack.

However, they have forgotten that although more than 20,000 people were involved this time, they acted on their own. Although there was an increase in thousands of overlaps, how could it be compared with the increase in the integration of the ten attributes of the five elements?

The result was shocking. The attacks of both sides disappeared at the same time. The joint fire attack of the bright armies completely defeated the enemy’s joint magic skills twice as much.

The emergence of this scene not only stunned the Dark Demon Army, but even the commanders of the Light Army were shocked. Although they also knew that the Bright Army could exert its powerful strength by virtue of the five-element reciprocal array, they did not expect it to be so strong.

With 10,000 people, it has resolutely suppressed the other party’s 30,000 dark magicians, what a strong side. What’s more, it’s still so far away from both sides.

Ji Yunsheng did not issue an order to suppress the pressure. Although the distance is close, it can make his attack more powerful, but there is no doubt that he must be close to the powerful air force of the other party. If the opposing air force launches an attack, the light magicians on the ground must support the air, and there is not enough distance, the dark magic army will inevitably launch an offensive, which is by no means Ji Yunsheng is willing to see, after all, the overall strength On the other hand, the gap between the two sides is still huge. It is only by virtue of the advantages of the five-element reciprocal circle formation that they can barely maintain the balance in front of them and can kill more than 3,000 dark magicians in one fell swoop. The fourth attack of the light army also burst out, and at this time, the enchantment of the five elements of the dark army had just been restored.

The situation on the ground. It directly affects the sky, just as Ji Yunsheng worried that the powerful dark air force would launch an attack on them, these dark air forces also worried that the light magicians on the ground would turn the attack fire to them. Although they are in the air and farther away, if they charge and attack the opposing air force, this distance is no longer an obstacle. Therefore, the Dark Dragon Race and the Dark Air Force that were just about to launch could only stop hard, watching the proud and proud triumph of the Dragon Emperor. For a time, the battlefield was completely in a delicate balance. No one on both sides acted rashly, but the magical power of terror continued. No, to be precise, it should be that the light magicians who are obviously inferior to their opponents suppress the dark magicians, making it difficult for them to step forward.

No one on both sides took the initiative to destroy the scene before them, and each had their own ideas. Ji Yunsheng wants to see if his own side can gradually increase the apparent superiority, while the dark magic army is waiting for the magic power of the light magicians to be exhausted. After all, they ask themselves that the overall strength exceeds that of the light magician. Moreover, the light magician is a two-round attack, and their single magician only needs one round of attack to respond. The advantage in quantity is obviously superior in consumption. Unfortunately, they did not know that there is a five-element reciprocal circular array as the backing of the light magician.

Whoever takes the initiative to attack first will probably suffer a loss. In this case, both sides are very restrained, and millions of troops are fighting, only relying on the magician to bombard each other. The light magician did not press on.

The Light Dragon Emperor is extremely satisfied at this time. Although the injury of cutting off one hand will not take long for the Dark Dragon Emperor ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, the broken dragon claws will not grow . Although the dragons are powerful, they have no regeneration ability. The strength of the original balance of the two sides immediately tilted, how can it be unhappy? What’s more, the Dark Dragon Emperor must also fear his extermination, and if he really wants to start, the advantage will be more obvious.

While the armies of both sides were in a stalemate, the final weapon Li Yonghao was also leading the dark heavenly saints on their way back.

Li Yonghao deliberately delayed the time to return, at this time they are still half an hour away from the front line. In his view, once the jihad begins, the battle between the two sides will be intensified after all. They will pass by later, not only can they preserve their strength, but also see the situation on the battlefield, and then decide how to act. Either way, you can be invincible.

At this moment, suddenly, a calm and distant voice sounded in the ears of the saints in the dark sky, “You can stop. The holy war ahead, you don’t need to participate for the time being.” With the voice appeared, two The figure appeared slowly in the dark road before the saints.

Ji Dong is back, and the final battle is about to begin. Primary three guarantees that the wine **** will have a perfect ending. The ending has been designed. Let’s take a look at it. The wine **** will end at the end of the month and open a new book. Disclosure of the inside story of a new book for everyone, the new book will write a story of an archer, the magic war of the outside world.

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