Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 100

Chapter 34 Open The Infinite Sublimation Mode

Just like now, in just ten minutes, the number of people in the maze has decreased by 70,000 to 80,000.

More than half of them couldn’t bear the humiliation, and directly launched a suicide attack on the monster and died.

There are not many people who are accidentally killed by monsters in battle.

Especially female players, when faced with certain debuffs, they really don’t want to make a fool of themselves.

Among the male players, there are quite a few people who have a good face, but their endurance is stronger than that of the female players, and they may last longer.

But how long it lasts depends on the individual.

Overall, the number of people in the maze is in a rapid decline.

Those who can really stand in the maze for a long time must be those low-level players who have experienced many tortures and are almost used to various anti-human debuffs.

On the one hand, these low-level players are eager to become stronger, and after finally getting some treasures, they are reluctant to die directly like this.

On the other hand, the weak have no face to speak of. Now that they have no face, are they still afraid of showing up in the secret realm?

So in theory, more than 240 billion power of faith can be obtained in ten hours, but in reality it can be obtained as much as 100 billion.

After all, after being tortured for a long time, it will become numb!

Fortunately, the acquisition speed of the power of faith in the early stage will not be greatly affected.

About an hour later.

Zhang Qian’s super evolution progress bar and the evolution progress bar advanced to the end almost at the same time.

With a thought in his mind, the evolution mode was turned on again.

The power of tens of billions of faith is transformed into pure energy.

Every cell in Zhang Qian’s body became active, frantically absorbing energy like a sponge to strengthen itself.

And his soul is not far behind, and it is also absorbing energy and growing.

At the same time, the rules also let go of the restrictions on him, showing all the laws in front of his eyes, allowing him to comprehend freely.

The entire Temple of Chaos was shrouded by a mysterious force.

Some undead creatures with relatively good aptitude, under the influence of this mysterious force, even gave birth to some wisdom.

And for undead like Lucifer, who had a little spirituality when they were revived, their wisdom began to increase rapidly.

As if inspired by the rules, this is definitely an extremely rare opportunity!

for a long time.

Zhang Qian’s evolution process is finally over, but he didn’t stop, but directly started the super evolution mode.

The Emperor is the end of the BOSS’s super evolution.

But going forward, there is no way out.

When the BOSS evolves to the emperor rank and the power of faith accumulates to full value, it can be targeted for strengthening.

The so-called targeted enhancement is to consume all the current power of faith to change the nature of a certain attribute.

This process is called sublimation!

For each sublimation, the selected attributes can be increased by 10%, and 10% of the total attributes will be converted into sacred attributes after the upgrade.

Sacred attributes suppress various ordinary attributes.

For example, there is an attribute called 843 damage enhancement.

If all health is converted to holy health, then damage amplification will not take effect.

Even if only part of the health is converted into holy health, the damage amplification can only take effect on the other part of the normal health that has not been converted.

There are also holy attacks and holy defenses. Anyway, these messy holy attributes each have their own effects, you just need to go up, and there is no need to pay attention to others.

When all attributes have been sublimated ten times, a new mode of strengthening will be opened, called deification.

After reaching the stage of deification, the strengthening mode will return to the one similar to super evolution, and each upgrade will increase all attributes by ten times.

However, the attributes promoted in the deification stage are all sacred attributes, which are fundamentally different from the super-evolutionary mode.

Although Zhang Qian was sublimating attributes for the first time, he had already considered the order of sublimation.

The first wave of sublimation, of course, has to be the life value.

No amount of life-saving attributes can be strengthened too much! You can only output if you can stand up!

This is the first reason.

And the second reason is also very simple.

Zhang Qian is strong in offense, defense, and skills, but his blood volume is not outstanding.

He wants to become the world BOSS, and he also needs to conquer the top BOSS around the imperial capital, so every next battle will be a tough battle.

The opponent’s level is higher than him, and other attributes are easy to say. Skills can make up for it, but life is difficult to make up for.

The most important thing is that strengthening the health can double the benefits.

Don’t forget, Zhang Qian now has the ability of Immortal Light.

The more total life points, the more indestructible energy.

If you strengthen it by 10%, you can get 20% of the income, why not do it?

“Then, start sublimating your health!”

Following Zhang Qian’s thought, his body began to receive strengthening again.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly became very excited.

“Huh? Infinite sublimation mode? I actually satisfied the infinite sublimation mode?”

It turns out that at the end of super evolution, there is an infinite sublimation mode besides the Tianhua mode.

The so-called infinite sublimation mode is to add a delay period to the ordinary sublimation mode.

During the delay period, for every billion power of faith consumed, the sublimation attribute will be increased by 1%, and there is no upper limit.

To open the infinite sublimation mode, the transformation progress bar must be in the burst state.

This condition is obviously extremely harsh!

The speed of gaining the power of faith must be extremely fast!

Because under normal circumstances, whether it is a boss or a god, the speed of gaining faith is very slow, and any evolution process requires long-term accumulation to accumulate enough power of faith.

The power of faith has a shelf life (bfef), and your power of faith will dissipate automatically if you don’t use it for a long time.

If Zhang Qian is gaining the power of faith very fast at this moment, what should he do if he is still gaining the power of faith after the progress bar reaches the end?

At this time, the progress bar will open the temporary storage mode, and the power of faith can break through the upper limit and store indefinitely in a short period of time.

How long this temporary storage mode lasts, Zhang Qian is not sure, because he has never encountered it before, and he dare not conduct experiments.

This kind of experiment will waste a lot of power of faith if you are not careful, and there is no need for experimentation.

Under normal circumstances, the only thing that can be done is to super-evolve as soon as possible, clear the progress bar and accumulate it from the beginning, so that the extra power of faith will not be wasted.

But now, as Zhang Qian turned on the infinite sublimation mode, although the tens of billions of belief points disappeared instantly, the progress bar was still in the state of bursting, and it even looked a little smoky.

Of course, it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that the smoke is a bit exaggerated, but it is actually just the dense air generated by the rise of energy.

And there is a countdown next to the progress bar: 2 hours and 59 minutes.

This should mean that Infinite Ascension mode will last for three hours.

“Three hours, you should be able to get at least 20 billion power of faith, right?”

With great anticipation, Zhang Qian took out the Sands of Time to absorb the law of time, while silently waiting for the end of the infinite sublimation mode.

Three hours later, the infinite sublimation mode finally ended.

Zhang Qian opened the properties panel and took a closer look.

【Chaos Great Emperor (Underworld Emperor)】

【Level: 202 (Experience Points: 18e/25e)】

[Stage: Epic Emperor]

【Evolution: 196e/1000e】

[Super Evolution: 6e/100e]

[Life: 83.38e (sublimation: 29%)]

【Mana: 6.46e】


【Defense: 6.46e】

[Skills: Dark Sword Slash, Death Pact, Dark Nine Slash, Dark Flame, King’s Power, Eye of Chaos, King’s Domain, Chaos Sword, Broken Void, Elegy of Soul, Gate of the Underworld, Elemental Control, Driving Personal Conquest, Doomsday Judgment, Dimensional Descent, Endless Circle, Immortality, Time Control, Ragnarok, Apocalypse]

【Territory: Dark Labyrinth】

This sublimation consumes 10 billion power of faith, and infinite sublimation consumes a total of 19.6 billion power of faith, a total of 29.6 billion power of faith, and a total of 29% of the life value of sublimation!

The increase ratio seems small, but in fact, the total amount of HP increased is very considerable.

One evolution, the life value increased from 3.2 billion to 6.4 billion, plus an additional 29%, it directly increased to a terrifying 8.3 billion!

And among the 8.3 billion, there are 2.4 billion sacred life points.

That is to say, when Zhang Qian’s health drops below 2.4 billion, he will be immune to non-holy damage enhancement attributes.

“The infinite sublimation mode is really terrifying! This is probably the only way for me to crush the powerhouses of the same level!”

Zhang Qian’s eyes flashed with raging flames, which represented the infinite ambition in his heart.

In this world, all living beings grow up under the restrictions of rules.

Under the same conditions, beings with the same aptitude, the same level, and the same rank, there is basically no big difference in attribute values, nothing more than different areas of expertise and focus of improvement.

A certain attribute is prominent, and other attributes may be less.

A certain attribute is low, and other attributes may be more.

Overall, the gap is not big, and there is basically no possibility of crushing creatures of the same aptitude and level.

As far as the monster camp is concerned, if the basic conditions are the same, everyone will increase the attributes of each level. You can only increase as much as the rules allow you to increase.

The same is true for evolution and super evolution. Two creatures with the same basic attributes have exactly the same attributes at the same level and rank, just like twins.

In such a battle between two opponents, unless there is skill restraint, the one who goes first will definitely win in the end.

And now, Zhang Qian has opened the infinite sublimation mode [meaning that he will break this solidified promotion mode.

If he can turn on the infinite evolution mode every time, he can sublimate ten percent more attributes than other bosses every time, and he will definitely be able to crush bosses with the same aptitude, the same level and the same rank in the future.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that there is completely room for manipulation.

Most of the existing bosses are created by the rules, or are real creatures invited from other planes by the rules.

Most of their attribute panels have not changed since they were generated, and only a few of them have turned on the evolution or super evolution mode.

As for the BOSS that has turned on the evolution or super evolution mode, can their speed of gaining the power of faith be compared with Zhang Qian’s?

Obviously impossible!

They may not even be able to open the super evolution mode, so how can they compete with Zhang Qian in the infinite sublimation mode?

Therefore, among all the bosses in the entire world, it is very likely that only Zhang Qian has activated the infinite sublimation mode.

What a huge advantage this is?

With such a huge advantage, if Zhang Qian didn’t have the ambition to match it, he would look down on himself.

“If you want to obtain high attribute bonuses every time you infinitely sublimate, then the progress of obtaining the power of faith must be well planned, and the power of faith must be concentrated in a certain period of time.”

Zhang Qian thought silently in his heart, resolutely refreshed the debuff of the dark labyrinth, and stopped torturing the surviving players.

During these three hours, the number of players in the maze continued to drop, and now there are only about one million players left.

This number is too much to say

Not a lot, the speed of contributing the power of faith is not slow, but it can’t reach the peak period.

With such a speed, the infinite sublimation mode can’t be improved much at all.

Instead of this, it is better to save up and wait for the number of players to reach the peak before harvesting.

In addition, the players on the Emerald Dreamland also need to cooperate and let them pay homage to the gods at a certain time, which can also contribute ten powers of faith.

With this in mind, Zhang Qian immediately used his skills to try to contact Logan.

“Dimension comes!”

Emerald Dream Guild.

Several players are worshiping the idol.

Suddenly, the statue of the Great Chaos Emperor lit up with a thick dark purple light.

This light doesn’t look dazzling, but it looks very noble and mysterious.

“What’s the situation? Why is the idol suddenly glowing?”

“Call the president over here, something should happen!”

“Could this be an oracle? I heard that when the Conferred God player communicates with the gods through the oracle, when the god sends down the oracle, the statue will shine brightly!”

“Isn’t the oracle not a god? The Emperor of Chaos is not a god, can he also use the oracle?”

“I don’t know, it’s better to ask the president to come over in this situation.

Knowing that the statue was shining brightly, Tang Wan and Yao Yao guessed that Zhang Qian might be summoned by something, so they rushed to the sacred altar together.

However, before they could do anything, a purple light shot out from the statue of the Chaos Emperor, falling into the center of Tang Wan’s eyebrows.

Tang Wan closed her eyes and meditated for a moment, then posted a notice on the guild channel: “The Emperor of Chaos issued an oracle, asking us to keep the sacrificial objects and wait for the right time to collectively sacrifice.”

Yao Yao frowned and asked: “Why did he wait for the right time to sacrifice collectively? Will this affect the progress of the statues in the hands of guild players?”

Logan shook her head: “There must be his reasons for this arrangement, we just need to implement it. We are not at the same height as him, and we can only guess what he thinks when we stand at the same height as him.”

Yao Yao nodded: “Many members of the club have obtained ordinary statues, can we let them go to the maze to hunt treasure?”

Tang Wan nodded and said: “I will arrange this matter, we can also go, I will collect some more level seal scrolls.”

A room on the second floor of the Dark Labyrinth.

The vice-chairmen of the five major guilds gathered together, all of them looked very unsightly.

The bomb spat and cursed angrily: “Fuck [the damn debuff is finally gone!”

Ran Zhi waved his hand: “Stop talking so much, let’s go, take advantage of this time to meet the Emperor of Chaos.

“Hmph!” Gray Wolf asked, “What if the Chaos Emperor doesn’t accept us?”

The panda said with a sullen face: “If you don’t accept us, you can only fight. Even if you don’t fight the Emperor of Chaos, you can kill some bosses. We must not give up such a big treasure.”


Ran Zhi said: “After meeting the Emperor Chaos, there is no reason why we cannot do what that woman Tang Wan can do.”

Five people filed in a file, stepping into the teleportation array one by one.

At this time, the monster group in the Temple of Chaos had already been refreshed and revived. Seeing an enemy attack, the nearby undead creatures immediately killed the five people.

Ah Shui asked loudly: “What should I do? To kill or not to kill?”

Ran Zhi said: “Kill it, how can you rush over if you don’t kill it? There are so many monsters, they can’t fly over!”

So, the five people used various skills to kill, and rushed forward side by side.

Since many high-level bosses haven’t been resurrected yet, they are just ordinary undead monsters and low-level bosses, so it’s hard for the five top guild vice presidents.

When they encounter obstacles, they use various scrolls or props to advance very fast.

It didn’t take long for them to successfully kill Zhang Qian.

The panda shouted loudly: “Emperor Chaos, we are willing to choose you as the god of faith, don’t let these monsters stop us!”

Zhang Qian put away the Sand of Time in his hand, and raised his hand to see a large piece of flame of darkness.

The vice presidents of the five top guilds were wiped out on the spot before they had time to react.

The entire Temple of Chaos returned to calm again, Zhang Qian murmured: “Will you still choose me as the god of faith? Why don’t you think about whether I want to accept you?”

For Zhang Qian, one sect under his command is enough.

Opening one more sect requires paying one more artifact.

Even if there is more production capacity, it is impossible to wholesale artifacts to players as groceries on the street.

What’s more, the five top guilds were enemies before.

I wanted to kill Lao Tzu before, but when I found out that I couldn’t beat him, I came to seek refuge? How could it be so good?

Want to join the Chaos Cult? Go to the Emerald Dream Guild!

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