Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 104

Chapter Thirty-Eight -44E! The Horror Damage That Shocked The World!

“Ah? Dimensional invasion? Hiss! Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this possibility is really possible!”

As expected by some smart Dragon Kingdom players, after Zhang Qian froze the sea, he immediately used another super skill!

“The Gate of the Underworld!”

With the opening of the gate of the underworld, infinite winds poured into the world.

At this moment, the underworld is at the time when the yin energy is the strongest in the day, and the dark elements combine with the air of death to condense into a thick black mist.

The black mist was blown into the world by the gloomy wind, covering the sky and the sun in an instant.

And in the hair-raising black mist, there are endless and shadowy undead creatures.

Zhang Qian was a little surprised. He didn’t expect to open the gate of the underworld to form a dark sky.

In this dark sky, the strength of all undead creatures will be greatly improved.


With Zhang Qian’s order, endless undead creatures stepped on the smooth ice and crazily flocked to the nameless island occupied by countless players.

The undead in the unnamed valley in the underworld are all top monsters, even the worst skeletons have powerful magical abilities.

Although the ice is slippery, they can use force to adjust their balance, so they don’t fall and cause confusion.

As for higher-level undead creatures, such as undead knights, dark knights, horror knights, death knights…they even have anti-gravity movement modes.

Let alone on the ice, you can run freely even on the ceiling.

In addition to these land units, there are also ghosts, death banshees, bone dragons, ghost dragons, chimeras…

These undead creatures are even stronger!

Among all ordinary undead units, there are also a large number of high-level bosses mixed in.

The dark sky covers the progress of these undead creatures, and these undead creatures expand with the dark sky.

The two complement each other, making the scope of darkness shrouded wider and wider.

Zhang Qian also moved accordingly, floating in mid-air towards the unnamed island.

All the players in the Emerald Dream also set foot on the ice and rushed towards the unnamed island together.

Getting closer to the nameless island, Zhang Qian finally released another skill.

King’s Domain!

This skill obtained when he was promoted to the king has been strengthened time and time again, and the coverage area has already been hundreds of times that of the original.

Once unfolded, the entire unnamed island is completely enveloped in it.

Then, Zhang Qian immediately released his special move.

In an instant, system prompts sounded in the ears of all players in the entire area.

【Ding! You are shrouded in the realm of the legendary emperor, please escape as soon as possible!】

[Legendary secret realm emperor Chaos Great releases power, all players in the domain will suffer negative status! 】

[Ding! You are affected by the power of the emperor, and every time you launch an attack or perform a skill, you will have a 50% chance to obtain one of the following states: Kang is generous, spends money like water and turns back, eats lazy, acts like a dog, is desperate, and swallows mountains and rivers. 】

[In the state of generosity, every time you launch an attack or release a skill, you must trade a personal item to a random player nearby; in the state of spending money, every time you attack or release a skill, you will spill 10,000 gold coins; The release of skills will cause the same damage to oneself; every attack or release of skills in the lazy state will randomly catch the nearest player to eat and suck blood; every time you launch an attack or release skills in the dog fighting state, you must learn how to bark a hundred times; In the desperate state, each attack or release of skills will randomly resist a damage for a nearby player; in the state of swallowing mountains and rivers, each attack or release of skills will take a maximum of 100 deep breaths. 】

[The duration of all the above states ranges from 10-30 minutes. If you launch an attack or use a skill again during the enduring state, you will have a 50% chance to get another state. 1

[Every time all players suffer from one more state, all attributes will increase by 50%. 】

Hearing these system prompts, the players of True Dragon Kingdom were not very surprised.

“Here it is, this is the taste!”

“This style really hasn’t changed at all!”

“666! It is indeed the existence with the highest IQ among all the bosses! Awesome! These debuffs make me feel chills down my spine!”

“Hey! Bosses in this world can’t fight with a higher IQ than him, and they can’t fight with a higher IQ than him. They can fight with a higher IQ, but they can’t work without him! What does the Emperor of Chaos say? He can always fight. Show me something new!”

“Hey! Those foreigners are going to be unlucky, don’t they look down on the Chaos Emperor? Later, they will have good fruit!”

“Watching a theater, people from our own country used to be tortured, this time we watch them suffer, haha!”

“Let these gringos see what it means to really cry without tears!”

At this moment, the foreign players on the island have not realized the seriousness of the matter.

Among them, the smart ones are still studying the debuffs on their own.

And some reckless people don’t care about the debuffs on their bodies at all, and directly use their skills against the world boss.

In the next second, they have to regret their recklessness.

“Fack! Who is sending me a trade request? What’s the situation? Beauty, why are you trading bras to me?”

“Ah! Bastard! My gold coins! I can’t help myself, please! Don’t grab my gold coins, please?”

“Assi! Why does the skill I play cause the same damage to me? It’s unreasonable!”

“Oh! God! Don’t bite me, you fool, get out of here!”

“Wow woof woof woof woof woof woof woof…”

“Huh? How did I teleport? Oh! Satan’s ass! Why should I block damage to this dwarf? Damn it! This debuff is disgusting!”

“Ha… ․ Hoo… Ha… Ha… Hoo!”

Almost in an instant, there were countless people with strange behaviors on the whole unknown pirate.

There are those who keep initiating transactions with others, and suddenly sell their messy things to others.

There are those who spread gold coins while attacking, and soon spread the coins to the bankrupt.

There are people who put skills on Sakalandis and kill themselves in seconds.

There are also people who have just finished using a skill, and then start hugging the people around them, and still refuse to let go.

The most ignorant ones are those players who have been hit by the desperate state. They just use a skill, and then they will suddenly appear in front of someone who is about to be attacked, and resist an attack for the opponent.

This kind of friendly behavior has been praised by many people, and only when the people who admired it have to initiate this kind of friendly behavior do they know how embarrassing this kind of behavior is.

There are also people who crazily imitate dog barking, crazily taking deep breaths… they look like crazy.

Seeing these foreign players fall into this kind of fate, the players of True Dragon Nation burst into laughter.

“f**k! So this is the perspective of a bystander? It’s really cool to watch others being tortured by the Chaos Emperor!”

“Yeah! Especially watching these arrogant gringos being tortured by the Chaos Emperor, it’s really refreshing!”

“Look at that guy, good guy, actually got into the second state, barking the dog while throwing coins? What kind of behavior is this? A coin-throwing dog?”

“And that one is also very funny! While hugging the player next to him and chewing on it, he took a deep breath, how does it look like he is doing artificial respiration?”

“Look at that again, the dog is barking while helping people to resist harm, what a good dog it is!”

“Awesome! These debuffs can be combined to produce different combinations. If you don’t go up to experience it yourself, it’s really fun to just watch it from the side.

“I finally have a little understanding of Chaos Emperor’s mentality. He tortured the players for fun, and at the same time crazily increased the power of faith to become stronger. It kills two birds with one stone!

“Tsk tsk! It’s a good thing other bosses can’t learn this skill, otherwise we players would be doomed!”

“Other players probably don’t have such a brain hole. To be able to make such a debuff, the brain circuit is somewhat abnormal.”

Players are in chaos, but Sakalandis, the master of the hell beetle, will not show mercy.

The boss in this world has high resistance and is directly immune to all Zhang Qian’s debuffs. It took the opportunity to slaughter players crazily.

At this time, Zhang Qian had also landed on the unnamed island and began to face this terrifying self-shaped bullless monster.

When he raised his hand, it was an ultra-long-range flame of darkness!


A terrifying golden word injury suddenly emerged from Sakalandis’s head.

Everyone was stunned.

“Damn it! What a horrible injury!”

“Hiss! The damage of more than four billion is still holy damage! The Emperor of Chaos is too terrifying!”

“Unbelievable! This is just the effect of a random blow, how could it cause such a high holy damage? It’s not a critical strike either!”

With each upgrade, the damage bonus coefficient of the skill Dark Flame has also increased a lot.

About every shot of Dark Flame can cause 1.4 times the damage of a normal attack.

And the essence of this skill is to transform the melee into a long-range attack, so Zhang Qian’s attack characteristics have not changed in any way, it is still a holy attack.

The combination of the two resulted in such terrifying damage.

But this skill also has a flaw, that is, a target can only bear the damage of the Dark Flame once per unit time.

Otherwise, Zhang Qian would create countless flames of darkness in one breath and hit the same enemy all at once, who would be able to withstand it?

And his speed of condensing the flames of darkness is the same as his attack speed, so when this skill is singled out, it simply prolongs the attack distance.

Sudden terrorist attack, Sakalandis, the master of the hell beetle, was also taken aback. Its target of hatred instantly shifted the countless compound eyes on its head to look at Zhang Qian for the first time.

Then, it opened its mouth and released a ray.

The speed of this ray was so fast that Zhang Qian was caught off guard and was hit on the spot before he could dodge in time.



Two damage numbers, one red and one blue, popped out from above Zhang Qian’s head.

The former is health damage, the latter is mana damage.

This skill of Sakalandis actually comes with a mana burning effect!

At this time, the players of the Emerald Dream Guild also came close.

Tang Wan said loudly: “The treatment team, give Chaos Emperor blood.”

Therefore, all the healers of the Emerald Dream Guild began to heal Zhang Qian.

The foreigners watching this scene were dumbfounded.

“Fake! Are these players from the Real Dragon Kingdom crazy? They even added blood to the BOSS?”

“Stupid! How stupid!”

“Could it be that this Super Boss was summoned by these players from the Real Dragon Kingdom?”

“Yes! That must be the case. They want to use this super boss to grab the world boss. We can’t let players from the Real Dragon Kingdom succeed.”

“Kill! Kill them all!”

After the foreigners made a simple judgment, they immediately turned their heads and launched an attack on the Emerald Dreamland Guild.

Fortunately, the Emerald Dream Guild was not affected by the debuff and did not fall into decline for a while.

But the number of foreign players is relatively large after all, the Emerald Dream will definitely not be able to support it after a long time

“Huh?” Zhang Qian noticed that the Emerald Dream was under siege, and without any hesitation, he immediately started massacring the foreign players present.

Dirge of the Soul!

A large number of dead souls tempered by mana rushed towards the same endless foreign players.

In just an instant, tens of thousands of people were killed.

Zhang Qian didn’t stop, and then controlled it with elements, condensing infinite wind blades and ice skates.

On this stormy sea, wind and water elements are extremely abundant, and the power of related skills will be greatly enhanced.

With the improvement of strength, the covering range of the element control skill has also expanded many times.

At this moment, almost the entire nameless island is completely covered by this skill.

All players on the island, and even the world boss Sakalandis are also within the attack range.

However, the power of the element control skill is related to the distance and coverage area. The farther away from Zhang Qian and the larger the coverage area, the lower the skill power will be.

The damage taken by players near Zhang Qian is almost equal to his normal attack damage.

After a kilometer away, the damage will be greatly attenuated.

Therefore, if the players have enough health and defense, and are far enough away from Zhang Qian, they can completely withstand it in a short time.

Fortunately, element control is a continuous casting skill. As long as Zhang Qian does not stop, the players within the range will be continuously attacked.

In just ten seconds, hundreds of thousands of players on the entire nameless island were slaughtered.

With so many players dying one after another, Zhang Qian has been promoted two more levels!

At the same time, he also gained massive power of faith.

The progress bar of the super evolution mode is full again. In order to avoid waste, he can only choose to open the infinite sublimation mode.

Because the speed of gaining Power of Faith is uncontrollable this time, he chose the mana value as the improvement target.

Among the four main attributes, mana value has the lowest impact on combat power, and it’s okay to have a little less.

Although the infinite evolution mode can increase attributes indefinitely, Zhang Qian can only get as many attributes as possible, and cannot guarantee the maximum benefit for each sublimation.

To be exact, there is no maximum benefit at all in the sublimation mode!

As long as the individual feels satisfied, then an extra one percent attribute improvement is considered the greatest benefit.

If the individual always feels dissatisfied, then even an additional one thousand percent attribute improvement is not considered the greatest benefit.

If you want to get more attributes, you have to wait for the opportunity, and waiting for the opportunity will delay the development time.

Therefore, how to choose depends on the choice of (Nuo Wang Zhao).

Zhang Qian’s choice is to maximize the improvement of the other three attributes, and increase the mana value as much as possible.

Moreover, a small increase in the early stage may not necessarily determine the final increase in the total amount. Maybe there will be a chance to make up for it in the future?

The activation of the infinite sublimation mode does not affect the continuation of the battle.

Right now, only the world boss Sakalandis is standing on the unnamed island.

After getting rid of the players who were in the way, Zhang Qian began to deal with this world boss with extremely amazing survivability.

Oh, thanks to Zhang Qian’s deliberate protection, the players of the Emerald Dream were not affected by the wind blade and the ice blade, and there was almost no loss.

Under Tang Wan’s command, the players of the Emerald Dream put various buffs on Zhang Qian, and then began to help output together.

This is also the benefit for the players of the Emerald Dream to participate in this operation.

Raiding the world BOSS, the final settlement reward is related to the output ratio.

The higher the output, the richer the reward!

In previous battles against world bosses, ordinary players would earn money if they touched it.

But now, players from the entire Emerald Dream guild can participate in the attack, and one can imagine how terrifying the final benefits will be.

Further away, those foreign players also seemed to see the hope of killing the world boss Sakalandis.

They rushed over frantically, trying to cause some damage to Sakalandis.

It doesn’t take much, just touch the settlement reward to upgrade to one level!

Since using elemental control for a long time consumes a lot of mana, Zhang Qian stopped this skill after killing the first wave of players.

More importantly, he is in the infinite sublimation mode at the moment, and it is necessary for the player to rush to the vicinity to contribute the power of faith, so a little water must be released.

If the power of faith is cut off, it will definitely seriously affect the concept of sublimation income.

Wait until there are too many players on the island. “It’s not too late to clean up the car with a wide range of skills.

While Zhang Qian started a confrontation with Sakalandis, he slaughtered and tortured players, his experience points and power of faith rose alternately.

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