Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Zhang Qian: What? Send Players To Kill Me? There Is Such A Good Thing?

“Haha!” The player who first noticed the change in the conditions for entering the secret realm laughed and said, “You still say I’m stupid? You are also stupid, right? A group of second-bippers!”

This player opened the guild channel, intending to inform the guild executives of the change in the conditions for entering the dark labyrinth.

Magic Light Guild channel.

[Vice President Yanzhi]: I just received the news that the entry level limit of the Dark Labyrinth has been raised to level 40. Players below level 40 in our guild, gather at the entrance of the Dark Labyrinth!

[Rogue Rabbit]: Vice President, you have overlooked another problem. There are not many players below level 40 in our guild, and some of them have joined the Griffin Legion!

【Vice-President Meteor】: Is this the case?

[Cold River Guying]: Have you forgotten? Now everything related to the dark labyrinth is under the responsibility of the ninth director, you can ask the ninth director. @9th Director Jiang Pingfan

[Ninth Director Jiang Pingfan]: Yes, I saw it! I am now recruiting level 40 players. If any of you have players below level 40, you can call them all. The fucking dark maze has suddenly expanded by more than ten times. I heard that someone broke into the second floor. The second floor is as big as the first floor. Now the Griffon Legion is recruiting a large number of people, and if there are suitable candidates, call them! please!

[Vice President Metting Fingers]: Has the fallen dark sword master taken gunpowder? Why did the level increase so much all of a sudden?

[Ninth Director Jiang Pingfan]: I just made a clear investigation, and now the Dark Labyrinth is no longer a lord’s secret realm, but a king’s secret realm! The fallen dark sword master has super-evolved into the King of Huan Huan. It is estimated that players below level 40 will not be able to kill him, so a large number of players will be sent to let him upgrade quickly. If you don’t do this, maybe this boss will super-evolve soon, and it will be even more difficult to deal with.

[Vice-President Meteor]: Hiss! Evolved into a king? What happened to the fallen dark sword master? Why is he so good? It is difficult for other bosses to advance once in a hundred years, but he has turned on the super evolution mode. This guy is a bit scary!

[Rogue Rabbit]: What are the bosses talking about? Boss also has super evolution mode? How do I not know?

[Ninth Director Jiang Pingfan]: These materials are in the library of the guild. For more than a hundred years, all the BOSS materials that have been killed are in the materials. There are also many exclusive materials about various aspects. Don’t blame yourself ?

[Vice President Ruanzhi]: Since you are watching this matter, then I don’t care about it. The monster siege is about to start. I will take people to buy some divine power crystals and try to upgrade the resurrection spring in the secret realm of the guild by two more levels. In addition, feeding the BOSS is beneficial to all top guilds, and it cannot be done by our family. I will communicate with other top guilds and ask them to contribute.

[Ninth Director Jiang Pingfan]: OK.

The situation of the other top guilds was similar to that of the Magic Light Society. The sudden change in the entry restrictions of the Dark Labyrinth Secret Realm caused quite a stir in the player circle.

This is also due to the high and scary burst rate of the dark maze.

Fashions will be exploded at every turn, and strengthening stones may be exploded by hitting any mobs. There is even the latest news that the skeleton monsters in the dark maze have also exploded purification stones.

Refining stones can purify some useless attributes on high-end equipment into useful attributes, and their value is many times higher than that of strengthening stones.

Therefore, the strategy value of the Dark Labyrinth ranks among the best among all the secret realms. Even if you can’t beat the boss, you can only fight mobs. It’s definitely not a loss. It’s attractive to players is unparalleled.

Such a high-value resource point, those top guilds naturally don’t want to miss it.

However, the players in the Great Guild are relatively high-level, and players with high combat power cannot enter the Dark Labyrinth. Therefore, after learning that the fallen Dark Sword Master has evolved into the King of Joyless, many top guilds have made the same decision.

That is, send a large number of low-level players in to die, and feed the King of Unhappy as soon as possible.

Only in this way can advanced players enter the dark labyrinth as soon as possible.

This plan may sound a little stupid, but the king boss has a high probability of exploding the artifact.

How about sending some low-level players to kill the boss for the artifact?

Anyway, it’s just some resurrection coins, and some experience things, and some low-level players are willing to do it if they are fully compensated.

However, the low-level player recruitment plans of the top guilds still ran into trouble.

Because most of the players who changed jobs last year have now reached level 50 or above, while the players who changed jobs this year are still hovering at level 20 or 30.

There is just a blank interval between the 30th and 40th levels, and there are not many people in this interval.

However, even if players of level 30 or 40 are not sent, as long as there are enough players of level 20 or more, it is enough.

After all, monsters need far less experience to upgrade than players, and the quality is not enough to make up the quantity.

As a result, the top guilds have lowered their recruitment standards and expanded their recruitment scope.

Some guilds even directly released recruitment information abroad, luring foreign low-level players to die with benefits.

Although the world has already entered the era of job transfer for all people, there are still certain connections between countries.

Even because of the appearance of the teleportation array, the distance between countries has become shorter.

As long as there is no declaration of war between the two countries, players can travel freely through the teleportation array, and the cost is only a few dozen gold coins.

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