Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 73

Chapter 7 Player Boss: Please Don’T Give Away The Head To The Lord Of Unhappy!


The exclusive means of igniting the gods and conferring gods can create projections of any level to descend on any plane.

The higher the level of the projection avatar, the more power it can carry the body.

Logan scoffed at the bomb proposal.

I only heard Tang Wan sneer and said: “Come on, how long has Jinhua been a god? The Lord of Huanhuan is not yet level 50. Even if Jinhua uses the projection clone to enter the dark maze, he can only use the projection clone of level 50 to enter the dark maze.” , We may not even be able to beat this kind of garbage projection, can you kill the Lord of Joyless?”

The bomb was completely speechless.

Gray Wolf asked unwillingly: “Is there only one way to block the Dark Labyrinth?”

Yan Zhi said worriedly: “Now the Dark Labyrinth has attracted at least hundreds of thousands of players. Forcibly blocking the Dark Labyrinth will cause public outrage?”

Tang Wan said casually: “The method has already been told to you, whether it is necessary or not is up to you. In addition, I advise you to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise this method may expire at any time according to the promotion speed of the Lord of Joy. At that time, But there’s really no way to limit him.”

Ah Shui shook his head and said, “This method has been considered a drastic move, how could it expire?”

Tang Wan leaned on the sofa, crossed her legs, took a sip of red wine, and said lazily: “The Lord of Huanhuan is still confined in the maze, who knows if he will enter the mortal world in other ways in the future? You can Don’t forget, there have been more than one plane invasion incidents after the era of universal job change. Do you think that if the strength of the Lord of Joy continues to improve

Will he have the ability to launch a planar invasion?”

After hearing this passage, everyone couldn’t help shivering.

There is really such a possibility!

Earlier on the plane of hell, there was a demon king who led troops to launch a plane invasion on the human world.

Although that invasion was quickly quelled, the impact on the human plane was extremely terrifying.

At that time, due to the low level of the players, they couldn’t resist the terrifying demon army at all, and several cities were bulldozed by the demon army [Millions of players and ordinary people died!

In the end, the rules were balanced, and the gods descended from the heavens to kill the demon king, and then the plane invasion was completely quelled.

The Devil Lord is the monarch BOSS, and the Lord of Unhappy is also the monarch BOSS.

So does the Lord of Unhappiness have the ability to launch a plane invasion?

It’s really hard to say!

At this moment, several top leaders 12 really couldn’t sit still.

Yan Zhi gritted his teeth and said: “Then execute it, immediately block the Dark Labyrinth, and don’t let any more players enter.”

The Magic Light Society’s actions are very fast, because the matter is of great importance, so this time the operation to block the dark maze is jointly carried out by the Magic Light Society and the Excalibur Guild.

The two top guilds each dispatched a 100-level elite battle group of about 800 people to firmly guard the entrance of the dark labyrinth.

In order to inform the low-level players of the truth, they also put up a sign at the entrance of the maze.

There is a line of big characters written on it: It is forbidden to give the head to the Lord of Joy!

In addition to this line of characters, there are various reasons why the head cannot be given to the Lord of Unhappiness, and it seriously explains the power and threat of the Lord of Unhappiness.

However, the benefits touch people’s hearts.

The actions of the two top guilds cannot be recognized by those casual players who are eager for benefits.

Many people suspected that the two top guilds just wanted to jointly book the venue.

For a time, the crowd around the Dark Labyrinth was excited, and many people were cursing.

“What kind of lord of joyless will attack the imperial capital? This is simply an excuse!”

“Just kidding! The walls of the imperial capital are more than 30 meters long, and there is such a strong barrier, how can it be so easy to break through?”

“That is, the imperial capital is the head of the twelve main cities. How could it be breached by a monarch boss? You two guilds are looking for an excuse to dominate the boss, and you are also looking for a better excuse, and treat us casual players as fools?”

“It’s disgusting! Normally, it’s fine to reserve the field for leveling, but now we even have to occupy the secret realm. Do we deserve to be bullied by their grand guild?”

“Hey! You’re right, we casual players really deserve to be bullied by the Grand Guild, who told us not to be united!”

“Two dog guilds, there is really no limit! It’s too shameless to even do this kind of thing!”

“Brothers, don’t be cowardly, fuck them! They only have more than a thousand people, and we people can drown them with a mouthful of spit, kill them!”

“Upstairs, Shabi, stop instigating, okay? There are indeed only more than a thousand people here, but there are many masters from the two major guilds. If you kill them, you will not be afraid that the masters will come to kill you again? How many resurrection coins do you have enough for them?” Killed?”

“Warfighters are either stupid or bad, but if they really want to start a war, players with more than a hundred levels can kill a large area in seconds with a single group attack, isn’t that going to kill them?”

“Hey, I can’t fight, so what about us casual players? Do we just swallow this breath?”

“Otherwise, what else can we do? The situation is stronger than people, there is no way, go to other secret realms, or do quests.

“It’s gone, I can’t play anymore.”

Some players left, and some players left.

Many people came all the way from other places. They were tortured by the debuffs in the dark labyrinth for a long time but got nothing. The cost of passing the teleportation array was not recovered.

Under such circumstances, how can they be willing to go back home like this?

Those foreign players were even more angry. Due to cultural differences, many debuffs designed by Zhang Qian were easy for players in the Real Dragon Kingdom to understand, but it was not so easy for foreign players to understand.

So those foreign players suffer more and gain less.

What’s more, international transfer costs more.

If you just return to the country like this, and you can’t get any gains, then these foreign players will lose too much.

So they naturally refused to retreat easily.

But let them attack the elite battle groups of the two major guilds, they also don’t have the guts.

As a result, the two sides had no choice but to stalemate like this.

In this way, there are fewer and fewer players in the maze.

Not long after, Qin Xi’s painting team was killed by monsters in the maze, and they were stopped when they tried to enter again, and everyone was a little puzzled.

Li Xiangjin asked: “Sister, do you think the Magic Light Society and the Excalibur Society really want to occupy the Dark Labyrinth?”

Qin Xihua hesitated for a moment, and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll ask Dad.”

Although it has entered the era of job transfer for all, the population has not remained constant or decreased much.

Players have a longer lifespan and also retain their fertility.

Therefore, the population of the whole world is still increasing year by year.

In the more than 100 years since the era of job change for all, many top players have even created their own player families.

The Qin family in the imperial capital is such a family of players, and the first-generation patriarch even ignited the divine fire and succeeded in apotheosis.

A behemoth like the Qin family has close ties with various forces in the imperial capital.

It is the two top guilds in the imperial capital, there are many Qin family members in the magic light guild and the divine sword guild.

If the two major guilds hadn’t strictly prohibited nepotism from entering the guild, Qin Xiyu would be able to join one of the two top guilds now.

Therefore, many people in Qin Xihua and the two major guilds can talk, and there is basically no difficulty in asking for a message.

Not long after, Qin Xihua closed the private chat channel with a shocked face.

She murmured: “The two top leaders are not here to occupy the Dark Labyrinth, they are really afraid of the Lord of Joylessness!”

The four teammates couldn’t believe their ears because they thought they had heard it wrong.

“Sister, what did you say?” Yang Weiwei frowned and asked: “Sister, I really want to hear from you that the two top guilds are afraid of the Lord of Unhappy? Am I right?”

Qin Xihua came back to his senses, and sighed softly: “You heard me right, the two major guilds are indeed not for occupying the Dark Labyrinth, no, to be precise, it should be the six top guilds. The Sword Guild, the Golden Flower Club, the Wild Wolf Group, the Mages Alliance and the Emerald Dream have made a decision after discussing together, not only will they not allow outsiders to enter the Dark Labyrinth, but they will also not allow their own people to enter the Dark Labyrinth.”

The four teammates were shocked when they heard this.

Six top guilds!

At the same time, it is proposed to block the dark labyrinth and issue an order to block it!

People from your own guild are not allowed to enter, isn’t that fear?

But how is this possible?

That is a top guild, and every top guild has the power to subvert a small country.

All the players from the six top guilds were dispatched, and even a medium-sized country could be wiped out!

Such a terrifying power “would be afraid of ten secret bosses?

Isn’t this a joke?

This is no joke!

This is the truth, otherwise how to explain that the six top guilds do not allow their players to enter the dark labyrinth to hunt treasure?

Therefore, everyone in Qin Xi’s painting team had every reason to be shocked by this.

Li Xiangjin didn’t understand: “Is the Lord of No Joy really that scary?”

Judging from the various previous experiences, the Lord of Unhappy just likes to play pranks, looks very black-bellied, and is not the kind of bloodthirsty BOSS.

Such a boss, why should the six top guilds be so afraid?

Qin Xiyin said calmly: “Knowing people, faces, but not hearts, even human minds are difficult to guess, let alone an undead BOSS? The previous actions may be just a deliberate cover-up by the Lord of Huan Huan. The purpose is to make us players relax our vigilance. If one day he really kills us humans like other BOSS, it will be a terrible thing.”

The four teammates were silent, as if they understood the thoughts of the bosses.

Qin Xiyin said again: “Let’s go, go back and rest for a while, and prepare to deal with the monster attacking the city.

In the Palace of the Sovereign in the Dark Labyrinth.

Zhang Qian frowned slightly, as if troubled by something.

He couldn’t see what was happening outside, but judging from the dwindling number of players in the maze, it wasn’t hard to guess that someone blocked the entrance to the secret realm.

“Don’t let low-level players come in and die? Is there a top guild planning to dominate the secret realm? Or is there another reason?”

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Qian smiled and ignored the fact that the number of players was rapidly decreasing.

Monsters are about to attack the city, and after he walks out of the secret realm, he can play with all the players outside, and the speed of gaining the power of faith will definitely be faster.

In this case, what if the number of players in the dark maze decreases?

It’s just a temporary lack of power of faith, which can be doubled back later.

“So, now it’s time to think about which city to fight.

Zhang Qian’s goal is very clear, taking advantage of this opportunity of the monster attacking the city, he must conquer a human city and obtain the qualification to compete for the world boss.

In the map where the imperial capital is located, there are a total of fifteen large cities.

In addition to the main city of the imperial capital, there are four first-level acropolises and ten second-level cities.

In addition to these fifteen big cities, there are dozens of small towns below the third level.

During the monster siege, the monsters near the city can attack the city nearby, or they can attack other towns far away.

There is no limit to this rule


Basically, monsters with no intelligence will attack nearby cities, and will not choose to attack distant towns.

But Zhang Qian is an intelligent creature. He knows that the difficulty of attacking each city is different, so on the premise that he must capture a town as the goal, he must choose a suitable one.


First of all, the imperial capital must be excluded.

Because the imperial capital has the most players, there are also many high-level players.

Maybe the players from the Grand Guild near the imperial capital will gather in the imperial capital, even if the world boss comes, they may not be able to capture the imperial capital.

No matter how arrogant Zhang Qian was, he would never think that with his current strength, he could capture the imperial capital.

Excluding the imperial capital, there are Jincheng, Tangcheng, Shicheng, and Qincheng in the surrounding area.

The defense strength of these four acropolis should be similar, but the monsters nearby are different.

Zhang Qian can’t see the player’s movements, but he can query the rules for the distribution of lords on the current map through the authority.

Again, the rules are fair to players and monsters. He has given players and monsters many permissions, but both parties do not need individual consciousness.

Other brainless monsters definitely don’t have the consciousness to ask the rules for information, but Zhang Qian does.

Needless to say, the vicinity of the imperial capital, Zhang Qian did not plan to storm the imperial capital anyway.

He carefully selected among the four acropolises, and finally chose Tang City as the attack target.

There are six top bosses around Tang City, so I won’t go into details, but just talking about the ranking of boss strength, the strongest one should be Blood Dragon 497 Emperor of the Great Wall.

The Blood Dragon Emperor is the real Emperor Boss, he has a certain amount of wisdom, and his strength will definitely attack Tang City nearby.

With such a super boss attacking Tangcheng, it will definitely bring great pressure to Tangcheng.

Although there are many super bosses in the other three main cities, none of them can compare with the Blood Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, Tang City is the first-level city most likely to be breached.

In addition to Tang City, Zhang Qian can also choose to attack second-, third-, fourth- and even lower-level towns.

But he has some concerns, worried that the level of the attacking city is too low to qualify to become the world’s BOS$.

Because the information conveyed by the rules is always ambiguous, it does not specify how many levels of cities can be challenged, nor does it explain the difference between the qualifications obtained by capturing different cities


In this case, for the sake of safety, Zhang Qian could only try to choose the big city as the target of attack.

“So, choose Tangcheng?”

On the other hand, players are also actively preparing for the monster siege.

Because the monster siege activity was carried out simultaneously in the whole world, Tang Wan and other out-of-town bosses also returned to their respective cities early and began to arrange various countermeasures.

In the imperial capital, headed by the Magic Light Society and the Excalibur Society, a summit meeting of all the guilds was initiated again.

The question discussed at this meeting was very simple, which was to arrange the defensive positions of the various guilds.

The imperial capital is very large, and it is an incomparably magnificent city.

There are four city walls in total, each of which is tens of kilometers long and ten kilometers wide.

With such a vast defense line, it is impossible for players to randomly choose positions to garrison in a mess. Every force must be reasonably arranged in order to fully demonstrate the player’s numerical advantage.

Therefore, which guild player is stationed on which section of the city wall, and which guild is arranged to be the reserve team must be implemented in detail.

In addition, the number of top players in the club must be more, and these top players cannot all gather together, they must be scattered around to guard, so as not to prevent certain defensive areas from

Insufficient top strength forms a weak link.

At the same time, not only all the guilds in the imperial capital were meeting, but also other cities.

There are large and small player guilds distributed in every city, and every critical moment like this must gather together to hold a meeting to discuss various arrangements.

In the face of endless waves of monsters, the united front work must be done well, otherwise the city may really be breached by monsters.

This is the experience and lessons accumulated time and time again after the era of job change for the whole people.

As time went by, the players boarded the city wall in an orderly manner.

Various consumables were also transported to the city wall in carts.

The war is approaching, and the rain is about to come, and the wind is full of the building.

There was still an hour before the monsters attacked the city, and the whole world fell into a brief but rare peace.

At the same time, the monsters in various secret realms also began to move around.

Many intelligent bosses have set their sights on the city to be attacked from afar.

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The monster siege has begun! The protagonist is free! Torture the senior players outside! Go!

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