Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 75

Chapter 9 Player: He Actually Used The Emperor Boss As A Mount? !

How can the high-ranking people accept the demands of the low-ranking ones if they haven’t experienced suffering?

Those top players discussed for a while and came up with a strategy to deal with it.

They ordered someone to fetch the rope, set up a shelf, and hung all the remote players upside down.

In this way, the downward attack becomes the upward attack, wouldn’t it be beautiful?

As for how much resentment the player who was hanged upside down has in his heart, it is not within the scope of consideration of the higher-ups.

Zhang Qian rode a ground dragon and came to the side of the White Tiger Emperor, looking at the distant city wall with a smile.

Here, his domain can cover most of the city wall in front of him, and he can receive hundreds of thousands of power of faith every moment.

The reason why he stayed with the White Tiger Emperor was because he was worried about being beheaded by the players.

Zhang Qian still doesn’t know much about the means of those high-level players, but he knows that many players have already ignited the divine fire to seal the gods.

The Fengshen player must have the strength to threaten him, so he must not be unprepared for the beheading tactics.

“The scope of the domain is still not large enough to cover the entire imperial capital, otherwise the speed of gaining the power of faith will definitely be faster.”

Zhang Qian felt a little regretful, the scope of his domain was only about five square kilometers, roughly equivalent to the total area of ​​the dark labyrinth.

But compared to the entire imperial capital, this area is a bit small.

Plus, he can’t get too close to the city wall now, so the area he can cover is even smaller.

Not to mention him, even the White Tiger Emperor did not dare to get too close to the city wall.

Whether it can withstand the damage is one thing. The key is that it is not yet time to launch a large-scale general attack. If it is too close to the city wall, it will be more conspicuous and easy to be concentrated fire.

When a large number of low-level bosses and top-level ordinary monsters rush under the city wall and pose a threat to the city wall, it will be safer to go up.

Wave after wave of monsters rushed under the city wall and began to attack the city wall.

The long-range monsters are separated by a long distance, and attack the long-range players on the city wall.

Among the top monsters, there are many types of long-range monsters.

There are various mages and archers among the humanoid monsters, and many of those non-humanoid creatures have the ability to cast spells from a distance.

Not to mention BOSS, there are very few high-level BOSS that can’t attack remotely.

The durability of the city wall began to drop crazily, and the players also stepped up their attacks.

The battle is getting fiercer.

High-level monsters piled up Arhats under the city wall, layer by layer, and even some monsters with amazing jumping ability have already started to attack the city wall.

Faced with this situation, the melee players who had been bored for a long time couldn’t help but get excited.

Some melee players with the ability to pull people deliberately pulled monsters onto the city wall to kill them.

The commander turned a blind eye to this kind of innocuous little action.

After all, killing one more monster means one less monster. As long as it doesn’t cause chaos in the defense line, there is no need to bother.

Most players are not soldiers, and it is difficult to enforce orders.

It’s a pity to say that the real soldiers of Zhenlong Kingdom.

In those plane invasions in the early years, those pillars of the country sacrificed too much, and they have not recovered their vitality until now.


Suddenly there was a scream in the distance, and all the commanders in the city defense headquarters changed their faces.

Ran Zhi said in a deep voice: “It’s the voice of the demon queen of the last days, and this old witch is here!”

The vice president of the Excalibur Guild, Panda Youyou, said: “Are you also coming to take revenge on our Excalibur Guild?”

As the top two guilds in the imperial capital, they always like to compare each other.

The Magic Light Guild killed the White Tiger Emperor on the front foot, and the Excalibur Guild killed the Doomsday Demon Queen on the back foot.

Everyone grinned and didn’t care about this question.

Whether the BOSS comes early or late [is not important to the players.

Anyway, they will come sooner or later, if they can’t beat them, they will summon the gods, isn’t it like this every year?

So, what is there to be afraid of?

“This year seems to be a bit different!” the panda muttered.

Ranzhi asked, “What’s different this year?”

The panda sighed: “This year, there is an extra Lord of Joylessness. Many accidents are bound to happen in the defense process! I am afraid that many people will be tortured and doubt their lives!”

Ran Zhi shook his head: “Don’t be afraid, there are indeed many people who have been tortured and doubted their lives.”

On the city wall, the players who were hanging upside down shot and killed the monsters below with a super high attack, while swearing and screaming, even the blind could see the dissatisfaction on their faces.

“Bastard! This master of no joy dares to embarrass me so much, what the hell!”

“Don’t let me find him, or I’ll beat him until his mother doesn’t even know him!”

“What do the bosses above think? Why don’t you just kill the Lord of No Happiness?”

“Hi! I must be waiting for other bosses!”

“Get rid of one early now, and the pressure will be relieved later. Don’t people understand this truth?”

“They won’t understand, there must be other plans.”

“Lord of Unhappy Dog Day, I have long heard that he has brain problems, and only now have I learned how despicable this guy is! Damn it!”

“Stop scolding, attack quickly!”

“How about scolding a few words? Isn’t it okay to vent the world?”

Zhang Qian looked towards the direction of the city wall to the east, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The doomsday demon came, and brought a large wave of undead monsters.

Moreover, as soon as the old hag came, she launched an attack directly.

The old witch also cast a debuff on the player, but the coverage is only part of the east wall.

It uses the debuff commonly used by undead creatures, which brings effects such as weakness, magic resistance decay, and reduced hit and dodge to players.

The debuff cast by the BOSS on the player and the buff cast on its own subordinates can be regarded as a kind of rule, a rule added to the territory.

This rule has nothing to do with power, but only with power.

Essentially, this act of adding rules to the territory is to borrow power from the subject of the rules to strengthen oneself or weaken the enemy.

The player is also protected by the rules, the greater the weakening caused to the player, the more power will be consumed.

Most of the bosses are straightforward, wishing to suppress the player’s attributes to zero, that is, use as many powers as there are.

But Zhang Qian is different, he pays attention to balance.

From the perspective of the rules, states such as handstand, upright, somersault, and gibberish do not affect attributes, so they don’t consume much power.

In contrast, directly suppressing a certain attribute of the player consumes more power.

In response to this situation, Zhang Qian designed a unique debuff system.

Use the action state that does not consume much power to determine the attribute suppression effect that consumes a lot of power, and use this positive and negative balance mode to reduce power consumption.

It sounds a bit complicated, but it may be clearer with an analogy.

The debuff that the players are currently receiving increases the attack by 100% in the inverted state, and reduces the attack by 100% in the upright state.

This is probably a bug stuck in the rules, and the rules inside are very complicated and I can’t explain it clearly for a while.

In short, Zhang Qian’s whimsical idea is obviously a success.

He slightly despised the debuff of the Doomsday Demon Empress, then abandoned the White Tiger Emperor and headed towards the Doomsday Demon Empress.

The White Tiger Emperor had been sitting there and did not attack the city, and Zhang Qian couldn’t even get close to the city wall.

On the other hand, the demon queen of the last days, her main character is a tiger character, and she launched a fierce attack on the east city wall as soon as she came up.

At this time, the attention of all the players on the city wall must be on the Doomsday Demon Queen. Zhang Qian thought that after he passed, the field might cover more people.

He cast Shattering Void, traveled tens of kilometers in an instant, and came to three kilometers outside the east wall.

The Dixing Dragon wasn’t brought along, but that’s okay too.

After being promoted to the monarch, Zhang Qian automatically gained the ability to fly. Although the speed is not very fast, he doesn’t have to run on the ground anymore.

Without the ground dragon, he is more flexible.

After stopping to stabilize his figure, he began to observe the specific battle situation on the east wall.

Although I saw some things in the west with super long-distance vision before, it was not as clear as close observation after all.

At the first glance, Zhang Qian saw the extremely huge Doomsday Demon Empress leading tens of thousands of level 150 top monsters under her command, casting various spells to storm the city wall.

Enormization of stature, like abilities such as ultra-long-distance vision, breath perception, and flight mode, is also a general ability of high-level bosses.

This universal ability is useless, it’s just for bluffing.

The Doomsday Demon Empress wears the unique attire of the former empress. The overall image looks dignified and elegant, but her appearance is very ugly and does not match the clothes at all.

But I have to say that this old witch’s methods are really amazing.

With a wave of her hand, countless meteorites fell from the sky, hitting the defensive barrier of the imperial capital continuously.

Some meteorites even penetrated the barrier and landed on the players on the city wall, and some players with lower levels and less health were instantly killed.

There was a burst of chaos on the city wall (bcdc), and it took a while to restore order.

When Zhang Qian saw this scene, his heart moved slightly.

This defensive barrier seems to be very flexible, with a certain filtering function, and the high-intensity attacks it endures will be buffered to a certain extent before being let go.

In this way, the barrier is even less likely to be broken.

The demon queen of the last days has a lot of means. After a wave of meteorite attacks, there is another wave of hail from the sky.

Each hailstone is no smaller than the previous meteorite, and the damage caused is also very exaggerated.

Even if it is filtered by the defensive enchantment, it can cause tens of thousands of damage when it falls on the player’s head.

Without the HP provided by various buffs, many advanced players would not be able to withstand such damage.

Zhang Qian watched for a moment, then flew to the head of the Doomsday Demon Empress, and landed directly on its phoenix crown.

The Doomsday Demon Empress is an undead boss after all, even though she has some wisdom, she doesn’t have much dignity.

As long as Zhang Qian doesn’t attack it, it won’t generate hatred even if it shits on its head.

If it does not generate hatred, it will not attack Zhang Chi.

In this way, Zhang Qian used an Emperor BOSS as a mount, released the domain comfortably again, and applied a debuff with a very strong personal style.

Thus, the players on the city wall heard a terrible system prompt.

【Gold-rank secret realm monarch Wuhuan Lord releases power, all players in the domain will suffer negative status!】

[Ding! You are affected by the power of the monarch. Every time you use skills, you must praise the Lord of Joyless. The sound of praise must not be lower than 80 decibels, otherwise you will fall into a state of epilepsy for 10 seconds; after the praise is successful, the next time you use it Skills have a 50% chance to double the damage; another 50% chance to deflect, hitting any unit within 500 range; deflected skills, the power will increase by 50%. 】

The debuff takes effect immediately!

Many players have not reacted yet, and still maintain the previous inertia of thinking, continue to

Brainless display of skills.

As a result, he accidentally forgot to praise the Lord of Unhappiness, and immediately fell into a state of epilepsy that lasted 10 seconds.

In an instant, a large number of epileptic players appeared on the city wall.

All of them twitched, foamed at the mouth, and some even started to roll their eyes, looking pitiful and funny.

Those who didn’t have time to use their skills were suddenly stunned!

“Fuck! What’s going on? Why did he start to twitch all of a sudden? It’s too scary!”

“I’m a worm! Lord of Unhappiness, that dogbi, isn’t he on the west side of the city wall? Why did he suddenly come to our east side of the city wall?”

“This debuff is still as anti-human as ever!”

“Nimma, I almost threw away my skills just now, I really have lingering fears!”

“Be careful, don’t use skills indiscriminately! Look at the debuffs on your body first!”

“Praise the Lord of Unhappiness? Isn’t this asking us to flatter him? Isn’t this BOSS too shameless?”

“I can’t help it, who is calling someone a BOSS? Seriously, I’ve always heard that the Lord of No Joy is such a dog, but I never had an intuitive feeling. Now I finally believe it!

This boss is a real dog!”

Many players have seen from the regional channel that someone said that the Lord of Unhappiness appeared outside the western city wall, and they were worried about the players in the west, and some even gloated, thinking that they

You can get away with it here.

As a result, it didn’t take long for the Lord of Unhappiness to run outside the east city wall, and launched a ruthless mental bombardment of the players on his side.

Those players who were gloating just now suddenly became extremely complicated, and they simply didn’t know how to describe their mood at the moment.

Ten seconds passed, and the players who suffered from epilepsy finally returned to normal.

They looked blank, not even knowing what had just happened.

They didn’t know that they had encountered such a terrible experience until the players around them who were not recruited told them.

“Damn it, I’ve been tricked just by being quick for a second! How unlucky!”

“Ah! It must be ugly to be insane! The image of my old lady is completely ruined! Lord of Unhappiness, I hate you!”

“I’m going to kill the Lord of Unhappiness! Kill him! This dog is too hateful!”

“Come on! I can’t see the Lord of Huan Huan now, how can I kill him? I don’t know where he is hiding!”

“Are you blind? Isn’t he right on top of the Doomsday Demon Empress? You can’t see such a big Monarch BOSS with such a dazzling halo?”

“Ah? I didn’t notice, shit! Is this guy really on the head of the Demon Empress of Doomsday? Isn’t he afraid that Demon Queen of Doomsday will get angry? The Demon Empress of Doomsday allows other bosses to dominate her head?”

They are all strange, they belong to the same group, how could they get angry?”

“One thing to say, the comparison of the Lord of Unhappy is really compelling! It’s too awesome to use an emperor boss as a mount!”

“Brother, you are good at boasting, let me learn from you by complimenting me a few more words.”

The first wave of epilepsy players demonstrated, and other players became more cautious.

Although there is a debuff on his body, the battle that should be fought must be fought.

Therefore, players who are ready to release their skills overcome their psychological barriers and start trying to praise the Lord of Joy.

“The Lord of Wuhuan is mighty and domineering! Look at my big fireball!”

“Yyds, Lord of Unhappiness! Slash the ground!”

“The Lord of Wuhuan is tall and handsome! Soul Chasing Arrow!”

“The Lord of No Happiness is suave and suave! Healing!”

“The Lord of Unhappiness is my father! Lightning Dart!”

The players all turned into sycophants, blushing and shouting at the sky, and all kinds of praises on the city wall came and went, which sounded extremely disgusting.

80 decibels is quite challenging for some players with relatively low voices and lack of breath, and some people can’t let go, and they can’t shout 80 decibels

Without a doubt, these people directly judged that the praise failed, and immediately fell into a state of epilepsy for up to 10 seconds after releasing the skill.

And those players who judged to be successful, some of them enjoyed the benefit of doubling the skill damage, and suddenly laughed happily.

The other part unfortunately encountered a skill deflection, and beat the surrounding people to the bone.

As a result, the city walls once again fell into chaos.

Many players were furious, and their hearts were full of anger.

These anger cannot be vented to one’s own personnel, but to the monsters under the city wall.

So, they had to hold back their anger and praise the Lord of Unhappiness loudly.

With a smile on his face, Zhang Qian listened to the system prompts coming from his ear, feeling extremely happy.

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