Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 88

Chapter 22 Start Harvesting! The Cruelest Torture!

The flame demon continued to burst out layers of fire waves, burning to death wave after wave of bugs.

But those bugs kept emerging from the void, and they couldn’t be killed!

Even if a single bug can only cause extremely weak damage to the Flame Demon King, the accumulation of countless bugs can cause extremely terrifying damage.

Moreover, it’s not just the Flame Demon King who is receiving this kind of treatment.

All creatures in the entire secret realm, including monsters and players, are facing attacks from countless cosmic zergs.

All kinds of bugs, some like cockroaches, some like butterflies, some like longhorns…

Good-looking, ugly, fragrant, smelly…

All the creatures in the secret realm rushed in groups.

Apart from Zhang Qian’s side, there is no paradise.

Those fire element creatures are fine, they don’t have intelligence, and they don’t have any emotions. They are the same as bugs, and they won’t be afraid of anyone.

If you encounter it, kill it, if you can’t kill it, you will die.

In contrast, the players collapsed directly.

“Ah! Why are there so many bugs all of a sudden?”

“Damn it! I have a dense phobia, disgusting! I want to vomit!”

“Where did the bug come from? Get the hell out of here!”

“Kill! Get together to kill, these bugs don’t have much health, but they look scary, so don’t waste them!”

“Kill a hammer, it’s all over the sky and everywhere. These bugs came out of the void. I don’t know how many there are in the future. How can I finish killing them?”

“What should I do if I don’t kill it? Do you want to watch yourself being gnawed clean by bugs?”

“tui! What the hell, a fly flew into my mouth, it’s disgusting!”

“What’s going on? The bugs are also attacking those fire elemental creatures! Is it an alien invasion?”

“Who knows what’s going on, just kill them quickly, these bugs have a lot of experience!”

Human beings instinctively feel fear, nausea and repulsion towards dense insects. The players in the Huoling Cave are doing well in spawning monsters, and suddenly a large number of Zergs appear for close contact without any buffer.

No one can accept such a sudden and terrible shock!

Many female players fainted from fright, this is a protective measure of the brain, and it can avoid severe mental trauma at critical moments.

No matter how high the strength is, if the ability to resist pressure is insufficient, one cannot resist this kind of body instinct.

Most of the female players, although they are quite high-level, in fact, they may not have experienced any cruel scenes in the past battles.

After all, after the national transfer, everything has been digitized, and no matter how fierce the killing is, it is just adding and subtracting again and again.

When the blood volume is emptied, it turns into white light and disappears without leaving bloodstains or corpses.

In this case, it is not surprising that they cannot withstand the close-range impact of dense Zerg.

And bug 887 doesn’t care if you faint or not, they just show their ferocious mouthparts and crazily devour everything.

As a result, those female players who fainted were gnawed out of blood in an instant, turning into white light and exiting the secret realm.

Those male players who dare to fight can’t last long. This is a swarm of insects that can set off a doomsday catastrophe. How can tens of thousands of players in the secret realm deal with it?

If it weren’t for the barriers of the secret realm, I am afraid that several cities outside could be breached.

After about half an hour, all the creatures in the secret realm were killed by the Zerg, and the Mieling Cave began to gradually collapse.

Zhang Qian opened the attribute panel and took a look, only this wave of his level has been raised to level 100.

【Lord of Unhappy (Undead Monarch)】

【Level: 100 (Experience Points: 2323w/le)】

[rank: Dark Gold Monarch]

【Evolution: 1.4e/10e】

[Super Evolution: 2.4e/10e]

【Life: 8000w】

[Mana: 800w]

【Attack: 800w-1200w】

【Defense: 800w】

[Skills: Dark Sword Slash, Death Pact, Dark Nine Slash, Dark Flame, King’s Power, Eye of Chaos, King’s Domain, Chaos Sword, Shattering the Void, Elegy of Soul, Gate of the Underworld, Elemental Control, Driving Personal Conquest, Last Judgment]

【Territory: Dark Labyrinth】

“The experience value required for leveling up has increased again! Next leveling up will be slower!” Zhang Qian looked calm, and his mood was not affected.

The upgrade speed of monsters is basically the same as that of players.

However, the monsters in the early stage will receive some preferential treatment. Every time you kill the player, you can get the experience dropped by the player in proportion.

This mode will change after level 50, which corresponds to the player’s first turn.

As long as the monster reaches level 50, the speed of gaining experience will be the same as that of the player. If you kill a player or monster of the corresponding level, you will get a fixed experience value.

After reaching level 100, the speed of gaining experience remains the same, but the experience required for leveling up is greatly increased.

The same is true after the player reaches level 100, and the upgrade speed will also become slower.

However, for the strong with ultra-wide range attacks, it is not difficult to upgrade.

For example, Zhang Qian and Yao Yao can still instantly kill the whole map with one big move, and their experience will still increase rapidly.

Seeing that the Fire Spirit Cave was about to collapse completely, Zhang Qian hurriedly returned to the Dark Labyrinth through the space passage.

Whether it is the Royal Conquest or the Doomsday Judgment, it needs to consume a lot of mana to cast it.

Using two big moves in a row like this, Zhang Qian’s mana was already close to drying up, and he had to return to the dark labyrinth to rest (bcff).

The farther the passage opened by the royal conquest, the greater the coverage of the Doomsday Judgment, and the more mana will be consumed.

The mana consumed by such a big move is not fixed, and with Zhang Qian’s current strength, he can’t ignore this consumption, so he has to rest for a period of time after each wave, waiting for the mana to be full before doing the next wave.

Of course, he can instantly restore mana by consuming the power of faith.

But there is no need for that. The power of faith is more difficult to obtain than experience points. It was a helpless move to do so in the early days. It would be too wasteful to restore mana in this way now.

While waiting for mana to recover, Zhang Qian counted the number of players in the dark labyrinth.

After a period of accumulation, the number of players in the dark labyrinth has reached more than 300,000, and they are basically distributed on the first floor and the plus and minus two floors. A small number of players have rushed to the plus and minus three floors and began to experience various dark games.

All the players are in a state of excitement, but Zhang Qian can vaguely see fatigue and resentment from their eyes.

There is no way not to hate it!

A monster that can be solved with one skill, but one more skill is needed. Time and time again, the blue medicine has been used bottle after bottle, and the monster has not beaten many, so it pays a large amount of money for the potion first.

Use basic attack? That can’t stand it!

Are stamina potions more expensive than mana potions?

The frequency of basic attacks is higher, each time you have to repeatedly attack the air again, and your stamina will drop again and again, even if you drink the stamina potion to restore your physical strength, you will be hard to recover from mental exhaustion in a short period of time .

Many players were able to swear a few times at first, but after rushing for a while, they completely lost the strength to swear.

A death game field with plus and minus three floors.

The players are distributed among the game scenes one by one, stunned and at a loss.

To put it bluntly, the so-called death game field is actually a large-scale illusion.

In the illusion, players can experience some small games.

After clearing the game, you can reach the next level.

The content of the game Zhang Qian set up is not difficult, and the levels are not too many, but the problem is that these players are young, and they don’t know anything about ancient small games like Super Mario and Tank Wars.

In this case, even in the game scene, they dare not act rashly.

From the point of view of the situation, it must not be a while for these players to rush to the cheaters behind to send cards.

So Zhang Qian just took a few glances and stopped paying attention to these Muggle players.

He came back to his senses and used the ultra-long-range vision to search for a secret realm that could be attacked.

The ultra-long-distance vision can be understood as a means of perception, and the quality of the gods will later evolve into omniscience and omnipotence.

At this stage, Zhang Qian is still unable to see the real world beyond the secret realm with ultra-long-distance vision, but he can see the secret realm beyond the secret realm.

In other words, he can only see the vision in the same dimension.

The real world is one dimension, all secret realms are one dimension, and dungeons are another dimension.

If you become a god, then the barriers between dimensions will disappear, and you can look wherever you want.

Soon, Zhang Qian selected a suitable target.

Then, he used the Royal Conquest, and did not hesitate to use the Doomsday Judgment directly after landing.

The messenger of doom summoned by this wave is the Great Flood!

As the skill took effect, the entire secret realm was submerged by the flood in an instant.

This flood is not an ordinary flood, but a flood with terrifying lethality, because it is probably equivalent to the super forbidden spell of the water system.

In just a moment, all the creatures in the entire secret realm were killed by the boundless waves.

Call it a day!

Next, Zhang Qian followed suit, destroying a secret realm every once in a while.

Four doomsday messengers appear in turn.

big flood!


Interstellar plague!

Cosmic Plague!

No secret realm can persist for more than half an hour.

Wave after wave of players were sent back to the city for free, and one high-level secret realm after another was forced to close.

Once again, the player’s social platform broke out.

——Crazy! Crazy! What’s going on? Why is it like this? I was brushing the secret realm, and suddenly a big fireball fell from the sky. When I looked up, it turned out to be a small star. My star! Just hit me on the head like that, who would believe it?

———Brother, I dare to believe that I was also smashed back by the asteroid, so I am convinced, why are there still asteroids in the secret realm? Is the sky falling?

I was killed by a big wave. I was confused, and suddenly the whole secret realm was flooded. Before I figured out what was going on, my whole body was swept away by a big wave!

Being shot to death by big waves together +1!


—Brothers upstairs, being crushed to death by an asteroid or being hit by a big wave is not a tragedy, but I am really miserable! I was poisoned to death by the plague, and I watched my life falling down while drinking blood medicine , Hundreds of thousands of life points, lost in ten seconds! Can you feel that kind of despair?

——— Being poisoned to death isn’t too bad, right? In this secret realm I’ve been brushing, I’ve encountered insect infestation, and endless insect monsters pounced on them and gnawed on them! A large piece of flesh and blood disappeared after one bite. Can you imagine how terrifying this is? Almost all the female players in the same secret realm were stunned!

— Woohoo! I’m so miserable, sucked dry by a group of mosquitoes!

– You are not miserable, I am miserable! I was used as an incubator by a group of flies!

—Pfft! What are you talking about? I can understand it separately, but I can’t understand it together. What’s going on? Did you find a new map and start reclaiming the wasteland? Haven’t met either?

—Is there anyone who doesn’t know that the dungeon around the imperial capital was invaded by the Lord of Wuhuan? Then I will tell you now that the above things are all caused by the master of Wuhuan! I lead the boss, ABEL

Suddenly appeared beside us, and then he started to make big moves. Well, as you said, a big flood killed everything! Even the 180-level Dark Gold King BOSS went smoothly.

The hand is gone, the dick is inhumane!

——Hiss! What? The above actions are all caused by Wuhuanzhi? Is he so strong? Can he just go to other dungeons to make trouble?

—Yeah! It’s unbelievable, this is a secret boss capable? Are you sure he is not a world boss?

——It’s not that exaggerated, I counted it, and the secret realms he destroyed were all dark gold king secret realms below level 200. I don’t know if the BOSS kills the BOSS and we players kill

Is there any difference between the BOSS? I don’t know if the BOSS in the secret realm will be refreshed or not. What is certain is that these secret realms may not be able to open in a short time.

——What does the Lord of Unhappy want to do? Why did he attack those secret realms? Who knows the reason?

—Does it need to be said? He just wants to drive everyone to the dark labyrinth, so that he can do whatever he wants, and wantonly torture us players to gain negative beliefs!

—However, this doesn’t make sense! The level limit of the dark labyrinth is so low, how can we senior players get in?

—Hehe, who said you can’t get in? Go and see for yourself, the Lord of Unhappy has already reached level 150.

——When did it happen? How did he level up so quickly?

——Can’t you be quick? How much experience do you need to kill a monster and player in a secret realm instantly with a big move? Boss skills don’t have cds, so as long as you have enough mana, how do you use them?

You can use the skills as you can, and the mana recovery speed is still so fast. Unlike our players, even a mage who knows the forbidden spell will take many days to cast the forbidden spell once.

— If this continues, will he conquer all the secret realms in the imperial capital?

– Don’t worry about that, he can’t beat those top secret realms.

【The great evil ruler, the Lord of Unhappiness, is in a rage, and he is brewing the most cruel torture in the world! It is brewing…】

[Countdown: 00 hours and 30 minutes!]

As the countdown gradually came to an end, the players in the dark maze finally began to panic.

They went back the same way, hoping to leave the instance before the countdown ended.

However, there are countless monsters on the way back, and it will be impossible to kill them for a while.

Zhang Qian couldn’t help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth when he looked at the players’ distressed appearance.

After more than ten hours of accumulation, the total number of players in the dark labyrinth has reached a terrifying 660,000!

With so many players trapped in the dark labyrinth, once the harvest is completed, the power of faith gained must be astronomical.

Finally, the countdown is over.

All the players in the dark labyrinth heard system prompts.

[The Lord of Unhappy Lord of the Dark Gold Secret Realm releases the power, and all players in the domain will suffer from the negative state! 】

[Ding! You are affected by the power of the monarch, and you will randomly experience vomiting, sneezing, coughing, thinning, cramps, crying, deep sleepiness, gibberish, mouth every five minutes.

Crooked eyes, hemiplegia, acute appendicitis, and two states of severe epilepsy. In the state of vomiting, the attack power increases by 100%; in the state of sneezing, the HP increases by 100

%; in the state of coughing, the defense is increased by 100%; in the state of thinness, the attack speed is increased by 100%; in the state of cramp, the movement speed is increased by 100%; in the state of crying, all attributes are increased

Increase by 100%; in the state of heavy sleepiness, the life recovery speed increases by 1000%; in the state of nonsense, the defense is transformed into a sacred attribute; in the state of crooked mouth and eyes, skill power

Strength increased by 100%; in the state of hemiplegia, the movement mode changed to rapid flight; in the state of acute appendicitis, the attack distance increased by 100%; in the state of severe epilepsy

Force recovery speed increased by 100%. 】

[From now on, revolvers will be randomly refreshed in the dark maze. Players can start a roulette game against other players after picking up the revolver. The winner can transfer a certain state of himself

For the loser, the status refresh time lasts three times. Before the roulette game is completed, the explosion rate of all players’ belongings increases by 300%! Every time a roulette game is completed, the belongings

The product explosion rate is reduced by 10%, all players are requested to proceed with caution!]

In an instant, all the players changed their expressions.

“Damn it! The two most difficult debuffs in the maze are actually combined together by Wuhuan!”

“Hiss! This is the so-called cruelest torture? It really is abnormal!”

“Damn! I didn’t have time to evacuate, it’s over!”

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