JOJO: Saved Cesar at the Start!

Chapter 158

158. Go To Kang Ombo!

Qiao Yu’s room.

Tavorit slowly opened his eyes, as if he couldn’t believe himself in the mirror.

“Is this really me? 39

Qiao Yu smiled and nodded.

“Am I so good looking?”

In fact, Qiao Yu felt that compared to Mitra or Lingmei, it was not a star and a half, but once the fat man lost weight, he did look much better than before.

“Qiao Yu!

Tavorite turned his head sharply and looked at Qiao Yu with a gentle face.

“What’s up!”

If it wasn’t for Qiao Yu being the ultimate creature, I would have thought that this woman had a crush on her~.

“You give me a new name – let’s go!”

“You’ve thought about a different life, right?”

Qiao Yu’s smile hung on his face, his voice was soft but soft.

“Well, you gave me my new life, so I hope you can give me a new name!”

Looking at the woman’s pale blue eyes, Qiao Yu raised his hand and touched his temples, but he really hadn’t named anyone.

“Or call it Mi Xin!”

The woman seemed to like the name very much, and her eyes rolled slightly.

“Thank you, Qiao Yu! The name Mixin sounds really nice!”

For a moment, Qiao Yu seemed to see Lisa Lisa’s shadow in her.

Qiao Yu looked at the progress bar, it was not far from the 6-star star swallower, and the distance between 6 and 7 stars was very close.

As long as you reach 7 stars, you can devour age.

“Well, starting from tomorrow, you will be a brand new you!

Mi Xin nodded and seemed quite satisfied with his current outfit.

“I’m finally not a substitute messenger!”

Listening to what she said, Qiao Yu just smiled. Everyone has their own aspirations. Some people desperately want to have different abilities, while others feel that this ability is their stumbling block.

All this is fate.

Qiao Yu now probably understands the real reason why fate allows him to rescue someone, but does not allow him to kill someone in advance.

Just like the prophecy of God Toto, he does not belong to this world, so fate can’t do anything about him. But the things that have been arranged are on the established track, and it is fate.

“Fate, I swallow you! 99

At this moment, Mi Xin’s laughter interrupted Qiao Yu’s thoughts.

“You know, they say you’re scary and will steal my food! So, I just came to test you at first, and it turned out that you really don’t look like the legend!”

Qiao Yu walked to the window, it was late at night, and the stars in the sky were very bright.

“Actually, you are the only person who can really kill me so far, but you actually shook hands with me to make peace! It’s really interesting, I don’t know fate, what are you thinking about?”

Mi Xin was stunned for a moment, widened his eyes in disbelief and asked, “Really? Then I’m very fortunate to have become friends with you!”

Qiao Yu nodded, the sun was already showing a hint of gold from the east.

“Well, it’s dawn! I hope I didn’t cause you trouble!””

Mi Xin smiled, pushed open the door, and left Qiao Yu’s room with a smile.

“It didn’t cause me trouble? If I use this sub-star, it seems that nothing can hurt me, right? The feeling of invincibility is still a little troublesome!”

Qiao Yu complained with a smile, then looked at the golden sun, slowly rising from the east.

And somewhere in Cairo, a woman slapped herself on the forehead.

With the loss of two more generals, the team of animal gods is less than half left.

The most hateful thing is that she is full of confidence in the hippo goddess, her swallowing ability can absorb all damage, she can also speak directly to Qiao Yu, or suck the star swallower into her body.

However, it’s all to blame for that damn vulture goddess.

Hippo had no opinion, and with a little instigation, he could fight to the end with Qiao Yu, but he was swallowed by Qiao Yu!

But Qiao Yu and the others were only less than eight hundred miles away from Cairo.

On the boat to Kang Ombo, Qiao Yu stood on the bow, enjoying the sea breeze.

“Qiao Yu, make a prediction! Will Huajingyuan marry that nurse girl!

Polnareff seemed to remember again, Qiao Yu’s ability to predict.

However, how could Qiao Yu be clear about this issue?

··0 Seeking flowers…..

“Why do you care about the marriage of Huajingyuan? Gay!

Before Qiao Yu spoke, Abdel came over behind him.

“You, forget it! I just want to know, what will happen in the future, haven’t you thought about it? Master Zhan!”

After all, Polnareff rested his hands on the railing of the boat and looked at the water spray separated by the boat, not knowing which path was his own.

“Originally, I had no confidence in the future, but now with Qiao Yu, I feel very motivated! 35

Abdel turned his attention to Qiao Yu.

“Look, I just said you were gay! Why do you think so much about Qiao Yu again?”

These two love to bicker.


Qiao Yu smiled.

“You two scold each other for being gay, or you can just make do with it! Hahahahaha!””

“I agree!”

Jotaro also came out at this time.

“Hey, JOJO, you and Qiao Yu have learned badly! What do you mean by making us together?”

“In the future, each of us will have a good life! Jotaro will give birth to a daughter, Abdel will give birth to a pair of twins, Polnareff! You will marry three wives! As for Kakyoin, he will be behind him Beauty and headache. This is my prophecy, how?””

“Although it sounds a bit literary, I think it’s very interesting!

Joseph also walked from the cabin to the deck and took a deep breath. He was also looking forward to his future life.

“What are the three wives like? Tell me about it!”

Hearing Polnareff’s longing for his three wives, Joseph laughed.

“Hahaha, I have a friend with three wives! You don’t know how much he envy me now! It’s frustrating to be chased by a group of wives every day!

Polnareff quickly waved his hand.

“No no no, no worries! But why don’t I have a woman now?”

Wang Wang Wang!

At this moment, Iqi ran out of the cabin, and his face was obviously full of contempt.


The hearty laughter of the crowd made Qiao Yu think, this feels so good! Next.

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