JOJO: Saved Cesar at the Start!

Chapter 46

46, Was Tracked!

Before it got dark, Qiao Yu made an excuse to leave the Dongfang house. After all, he really didn’t know when Ji Liang Yoshikage came to kill the Shimonmoto family.

However, the matter of naming him made Dongfang Liangping drink two more glasses, and Qiao Yu thought that he had to persuade him to stop drinking.

However, as soon as he went out, Qiao Yu felt something was wrong.

It seemed that someone was following him.

In this world, but so far, no one should be able to beat himself.

Qiao Yu acted as if nothing had happened and walked in the direction of home.

But the person behind was still following him. Qiao Yu felt that something was wrong, and suddenly found a figure flashing on the corner of his house.

Could it be that this Kira Yoshikage still has accomplices, one stalking himself, and the other going to Shanben’s house to start?

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu’s heart skipped a beat. If this is the case, then it’s better to do it first and take care of these two guys.

“Swallow the one on the street corner first!”

Since they are in such a hurry, they should act for the heavens and solve the murderer hidden in Duwangding!

Just as Qiao Yu was about to make his move, the man behind him slammed into him. The speed could be said to be quite fast. Although he couldn’t catch up with Qiao Yu, his skill was definitely not ordinary.

But what do you think, this Ji Liang Yoshikage can’t have a helper, is there a helper now, and then the Queen Killer also silenced it?

After all, Ito was on the corner, and it was not convenient for Qiao Yu to show off his skills, so he just leaned over and deliberately pretended to tie his shoelaces.

Sure enough, the man behind him was caught off guard, and the whole person was thrown into the air.


A gust of wind blew, and Qiao Yu felt someone fly over his head.

“Hey! My old waist!”

Qiao Yu was stunned, stood up and looked at the man lying on the ground in front of him, crying.

How glad I am now that I didn’t shoot, otherwise.

“Old man, I haven’t seen you for so many years, is that how you greeted me?”

The man stood up, patted the soil on his body, and looked around cautiously.

Qiao Yu also looked around, and Itoyin was no longer there.

“You have infinite life. I am a human being, and I will always get old! I am old when I am old. I haven’t seen each other for fifty years. When I first met, you called me old!”

JOJO stood up, twisted his waist, and heard a discordant voice from his body.

“Shh, can you stop spreading the word about me!”

Qiao Yu thought about it, the whole world seems to know that Jotaro’s ability is to stop time, so he doesn’t want to be the object of discussion in this world.

“I swear, no one knows except Tomoko!”

Qiao Yu shook his head and looked at this old child, he was so old, how could he still be like a child.

Holding up three fingers, he swears to the sky, his expression seems to be the same as it was fifty years ago, nothing has changed, but the wrinkles are particularly obvious under the street lights.

“Stop swearing, come home with me!”


Qiao Yu was helpless, and glanced at JOJO with disgust.

“Didn’t you come to see your daughter-in-law and children? What’s your stay at my house?”

JOJO has never changed much. This may have something to do with him. After all, the death of Cesar was the biggest blow to him. Now that Cesar is alive, the two guys often fight.

Immature, that’s for sure!

“I’m here, of course, to see my brother first!”

Qiao Yu glanced at JOJO disdainfully, his eyes seemed to say, who has such an old brother as you.

However, he said coldly, “Tell the truth!”

“I’m really looking for you for something. This matter is very important! The important thing is that I have to make a trip in person!”

Qiao Yu shook his head, as if he had guessed something, and said, “The excuse you and Si Ji Q made was to see me?”

JOJO froze for a moment and gave a thumbs up.

“Qiao Yu, I thought back then that you knew everything! Now it seems that you really know everything! Oh my god!”

“Don’t change the subject, tell me, why do you live in my house! Otherwise, don’t come to my house!”

Just because of these words, Jotaro Kujo came to the Duwang Town Hotel where he stayed in Duwang Town, and Joseph made a reservation for him in a hurry.

Otherwise, if you run into such a bad friend and don’t let yourself live, wouldn’t you be living on the street?

With a look of sadness and grievance, JOJO hugged Qiao Yu’s shoulders.

“Don’t I dare, Tomoko’s father is a policeman, very powerful!”

Qiao Yu shook his head and glanced at this somewhat old but still young JOJO.

“Unexpectedly, there are things you are afraid of!”

JOJO smiled, he didn’t look like an old man at all, Qiao Yu seemed to see the young JOJO.

In fact, it stands to reason that he should not be very old at this time. After all, he is a ripple warrior, and it should be because of Xi Sa. Thinking about it this way, this kid is really interesting.

“Who told you to leave without saying goodbye, you don’t know, my wedding night! Your performance is not good!”

Qiao Yu raised his foot and wanted to give him a kick, but if it was seen by others, it wouldn’t mean that he was bullying the old man.

The poor performance on the wedding night is also my own fault. This JOJO really knows how to make excuses.

“Oh, you’re not doing well! Why are you looking for another?”

JOJO was about to cry, even if he couldn’t beat Qiao Yu, now it seems that he can’t say it, the key is to rent the house with his own money.

“I really don’t have a place to stay, and the Duwang Town hotel is full! Let’s squeeze together, or you have a girl? Isn’t it convenient for me to go?”

What is a friend, maybe this is it!

Although I have not known JOJO for less than a day, Qiao Yu has known everyone in this world for a long, long time.

“You can also live at my house, tell me what happened over the years!”

After speaking, the two of them put their shoulders on their shoulders and walked into the door of Qiao Yu’s house together. *

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