JOJO: Saved Cesar at the Start!

Chapter 50

50, Hand Play Year!

If someone is lucky and can always escape from death, Kira Yoshikage is definitely such a person.

When Qiao Yu heard the knock on the door, what he thought of was not who the outsider was, but the fourth time Yoshikage had escaped from his own killer.

The knock on the door was a little anxious, and Qiao Yu didn’t seem to be able to guess who it was, but soon a more anxious female voice came from outside the door.

“Qiao Yu, are you alright, I heard a lot of movement in your house at home!”

Sure enough, it was the nosy Suzume, she was so kind-hearted.

Qiao Yu glanced at Kira Yoshikage who seemed to be in a coma, took two steps, and did not walk out of the house.

After all, he didn’t want Kira Yoshikage to escape.

“Linmei, I’m taking a shower! I accidentally knocked over the cabinet just now, it’s alright, go back!”

Lingmei’s face turned red outside the door. This was a great opportunity to observe Qiao Yu. As an adolescent girl, her pursuit of beauty has never stopped.

However, people don’t even want to open the door for themselves, so they are always a little disappointed.

“It’s really okay, it’s getting dark, go back! It’s not safe outside!”

Girls are like this, even if he rejects you one second and cares about you the next, you will still remember him well.

Suzumi’s face turned even redder, she felt a warm feeling in her heart, and said in a coquettish tone, um!

Then Qiao Yu could hear footsteps, footsteps farther and farther away.

Just as Qiao Yu’s heart dropped, Ji Liang Yoshikage, who was behind him, jumped up instantly and wiped the blood from his mouth.

He stared at himself horribly.

“I’ve done all the calculations, but I didn’t expect you to work hard! Today I will fight with you to let your neighbors find out that you are a murderer!”

After all, something happened that made Qiao Yu laugh and cry, Ji Liang Yoshikage actually held a dagger and pointed it at his neck!

“Are you addicted to court dramas? It’s poisonous wine and it’s forcing you to death. Why does such a big man keep using women’s tricks!”

Obviously Yoshikage Kira couldn’t understand Qiao Yu’s words, but the dagger in his hand was against his neck.

After the episode just now, Qiao Yu suddenly didn’t want Ji Liang Yoshikage to die. As long as he wanted to kill him, something strange would always happen.

This may be the power of destiny.

“Tell me, how can I put down the knife!”

Qiao Yu didn’t go either, with an extremely cold expression on his face, looking at Ji Liang Yoshikage who was a few meters away from him. This distance was deliberately kept by Qiao Yu, and he really didn’t want to get too close to this guy.

“Just let me touch it, touch it, and I promise not to harass you from now on! Really!”

Yoshikage Kira, who had receded from the false cloak, showed incomparable greed on his face, and his eyes seemed to emit fire.

“I think it’s better for you to die!”

Qiao Yu really couldn’t stand Ji Liang Yoshikage’s disgusting look, but now he really didn’t want to touch him, he felt like it was dirtying his hands.

If possible, don’t even want to look at him.

“Hey, don’t look at him, don’t touch it?”

Qiao Yu murmured and thought for a while, and suddenly came up with a good idea.

At this time, Kira Yoshikage was furious and raised the dagger in his hand like Qiao Yu stabbed it.

“As long as you kill you, you are mine! Mine!”

Qiao Yu took a step back, picked up a green plant by the door, and smashed it hard on his stomach.

As you can imagine, this guy was smashed against the wall by Qiao Yu again.

“What a powerful and powerful man!”

“Actually, I have a friend whose arms are more perfect because he seems to have been created by God and has a perfect body. That song can definitely be played for 10,000 years…”

Qiao Yu is like a poet, trying to make the story as complete and vivid as possible. Most importantly, he didn’t forget to play tricks!

Ji Liang Yoshikage’s eyes went from disdain at the beginning to curiosity, and finally a surprise appeared.

Qiao Yu had to admire his ability to speak as an ultimate creature, and of course, thanks to Kaz for this.

Otherwise, how could I have come up with such a perfect protagonist?


Kira Yoshikage’s eyes were shining, and it seemed that he had been pulled into the story by this powerful sense of substitution.

And the man named “Kaz” in the story has become his crooked protagonist.

“The guy named Kaz, where is he?”

Qiao Yu smiled and looked at Yoshikage Kira, who seemed to be in a daze.

“If you want to see him, I can take you there!”

Ji Liang Yoshikage is crazy, just now Qiao Yu said it is too perfect, he has never seen such a perfect man, maybe he is not a man.

Because of the perfect human being in Qiao Yu’s mouth, the restriction of gender has been abandoned.

Hearing that Qiao Yu said that he was going to send himself to see him, Ji Liang Yoshikage nodded, his expression full of anticipation.

Qiao Yu thought this method was very good. He sent Kira Yoshikage to find Kaz by himself, and stopped thinking in the satellite orbit, so that he did not kill him by himself.

After all, it will take at least an hour to launch him into satellite orbit from now, and then he dies, what does it have to do with him?

Ten minutes later, Qiao Yu set up an armadillo-shell rocket exactly like the Kaz launch vehicle in the open space in the yard.

This thing can perfectly guarantee that he will not be penetrated by the powerful force brought by Akaishi. Of course, it is still Qiao Yu who will master his senses after all.

“Go in, you’ll see him in an hour!”

For such a crazy person, there is basically no sense at all, and Kira Yoshikage has no sense at all, and his mind seems to be full of Kaz’s arms.

Hearing the words “Go in”, no matter what it was, after a trot, the whole person got into this special launch vehicle.

Then, Qiao Yu sealed the case and was very satisfied with his plan.

He went behind the shelf again and put Akaishi away.

When I was about to use Ripple…*

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