JOJO: Saved Cesar at the Start!

Chapter 68

68. Unprecedented Gifted Students!

In the classroom, the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, and the green curtains are swaying.

“Qiao Yu, sit next to JOJO!”

After finishing a bunch of nonsense, the principal pointed to the last position.

In fact, the principal didn’t want the two of them to sit together, but the height of the two of them could not find a third person in the school.

Qiao Yu didn’t care, he just figured out how to swallow the Platinum Star.

The boring course is still meaningless, because Qiao Yu just flipped through the textbook and learned all the content of the subject.

And Jotaro was even more bored. He put his legs on the desk and slept with his arms in his arms.

“How did this guy get into a PhD in oceanography?

I really don’t know that some education is very serious. Thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, but also prevent people from crossing the single-plank bridge by plane.

And this one, in this state every day, can actually be admitted to the Doctor of Oceanography.

Qiao Yu believes that Jotaro, in addition to his professional marine subject, is the knowledge he has earnestly learned in the Dowangcho Hotel.

Other courses must be used to stop, and then look at the papers of the previous classmates.

“You don’t seem to like class too much!

Just after Qiao Yu used the quantum reading memory method to read the last textbook, Jotaro, who was at 060, actually spoke.

It is very strange that this unsmiling poker face Jotaro actually spoke.

“Who likes to study?”

Qiao Yu shook his head and threw the textbook back into his bag, with his hands behind his head and his legs on the desk.

This posture, it is estimated that the teacher on the podium will be mad.

“Then, do you want to go out and breathe?”

Jotaro pressed his face with his hat, and his voice was a little muffled.

“Let’s go, you just happened to be my guide to visit this beautiful campus!”

Jotaro was obviously stunned. He thought that Qiao Yu would not dare to go after his invitation. After all, he was in class now. As a newly transferred student, this was obviously killing him.

It seems that this new guy has a very good personality with himself!

“Aren’t you afraid of delaying your class?”

In Qiao Yu’s eyes, it turns out that Jotaro also likes to talk, but it’s just to see if he is willing, just like the battle against the fat Arab, how happy Jotaro smiles.

“I’ve learned it all! Let’s go!

Before Jotaro could stand up, Qiao Yu stood up by himself and pushed the chair to the front of the table, looking like a well-behaved elementary school student.

But when these words fell in Jotaro’s ears, he couldn’t help shaking his head.

I just thought that this guy had a bad temper, so I started to brag, and I learned it all? What a joke!

After all, this is a classroom, and this move will of course arouse the dissatisfaction of the teacher.

On the podium was a middle-aged woman in professional attire with a serious expression, who seemed to be a very responsible teacher.

This new student is so arrogant, she can’t stand it no matter what.

No matter how the principal just introduced him, he would not be used to these students.

So the female teacher put down the English textbook in her hand and helped the black-rimmed glasses on her face.

“Qiao Yu, why are you going?”

“Report, teacher, I’m going to visit the campus! By the way, JOJO said to be my guide!

This is simply invincible pretending to be coercive, the whole classroom is almost boiling, whoever dares to skip the English class must not want to mix, otherwise JOJO will not be able to sleep in the last row honestly.

All eyes in the classroom fell on Qiao Yu. Some girls had already started to pray for Qiao Yu’s irrational behavior. Before such a handsome classmate could get along with him for a day, he would be kicked out by the English teacher!

Of course, the female teacher was still very tolerant, took a deep breath, and supported her arms on the lecture table.

A pair of small eyes stared at Qiao Yu.

“You have just come to this school, and everything has not yet been adapted to me (cadc) I can understand, but you are blaspheming knowledge! I taught you knowledge, you can’t learn it, I am responsible!

This teacher is really good, but Qiao Yu smiled and scratched his head.

“Teacher, you teach really well, you are the best teacher I have ever met! So, at that moment, I learned everything you taught!

Jotaro, who was on the side, coughed a few times, this is a big blow, just let it go with himself.

Now that you are arguing with the teacher, you might as well say directly that you don’t want to study, just want to go out for a walk, which is not the current situation.

Sure enough, the female teacher was so angry that she almost turned her back, and nodded her head heavily, with an expression like you are so awesome to see how I can kill you.

“Okay, then the teacher asked you a few questions, you can answer them! The teacher let you out, if you can’t answer, then pack up and leave as soon as possible!”

Qiao Yu was not angry either, after all, he felt that the teacher was really good, and nodded with a smile on his face.

“My God, is Qiao Yu crazy?”

“Yes, challenge Lao Ban, who he thinks he is, even if he comes from England, he may not be able to answer Lao Ban’s perverted question!”

“He just admitted a mistake, sat down and continued his lecture, sure that nothing will happen! It’s over! Ouch! 35

Just when everyone thought that Qiao Yu was going to be expelled from the division.

Several answers that surprised the female teacher completely blocked everyone’s mouth.

Even JOJO, who had nothing to do with him, was stunned, where did this kid come from, is he a monster?

“Teacher, I really know it, or I will recite the entire English book to you now!

After speaking, Qiao Yu began to recite the English textbook fluently. Most importantly, he could easily recite the practice questions on each page.

The female teacher was about to cry. For so many years, when did she ever teach such a talented student, this standard pronunciation and punctuation is simply a genius.

“Go ahead and have a good time! The campus is very big, don’t get lost!”

Is this what the teacher should say?

Qiao Yu pointed to Jotaro who was still sleeping.

“Teacher, let JOJO be my guide, so I won’t get lost!”

The female teacher nodded heavily, with tears in her eyes, she waved her hand, indicating that Qiao Yu can go out and visit the campus.

And the jaws of all the classmates seem to be falling, which is simply too unbelievable.

Qiao Yu also nodded politely at the teacher, pulled up Jotaro, and walked out the front door of the classroom swaggeringly.

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