Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 133: A Strange Key

Activating his Second Flow through the heat from the surroundings, golden flames appeared around Greg's palm.

"Let's see if this will work.", said Greg quietly and fired two blazes toward the gaps at the same time.



The two flame balls hit the two gaps at the same time with a loud bang, but after a second the fire vanished in the hole, making the three to watch this sight with confusion.

After a few seconds when nothing happened, Russ frowned and wanted to say that maybe they were wrong when suddenly the edges of the door lit up with golden flames and started to cover the whole entrance slowly.

"It worked!"

Watching as the whole door got covered with Greg's flames, Russ and Wayne were extremely excited and they almost couldn't hold back themselves.

Under a few seconds, the flames wrapped the entrance wholly and the next moment both sides of the door started to move.


With a loud and rusty sound, the doors opened releasing a huge amount of dust from the inside in an instant.

"Cough~cough... How old is this place?", said Greg as he waved his hand to make the dust fly away.

Russ on the side shrugged and said, "Dimensional zones are a not only a huge mystery for humanity, but even for us, so things like how old it can be are nonexistent. Or I could say you have no reason to bother yourself with it."

As he said this he looked at Greg and said, "From now on, it is very important to stay as close to us as you can. Maybe you don't know but we are in a God ranked dimensional zone, so you can die even just a creature's breath."

"Understood.", said Greg with a nod and stepped closer to Russ, waiting for him and Wayne to start walking.

Seeing as Greg behaved just as he asked, Russ nodded and looked at Wayne.

"Let's go.", said Russ and with that, the three walked inside the huge temple.

After a few minutes that they went in, suddenly the mysterious man appeared in the distance and looked at the huge temple with a frown.

"What are they looking for?", asked from himself the man, but the moment his eyes fell on the writings on the door's surface his eyes widened.

"Don't tell me..."

Inside the temple, Greg was walking next to Russ's side, while Wayne was following them from behind.

Seeing that it was pitch black inside the building, Greg raised his hand, making his whole arm to be covered with crimson flames, lighting up the whole place in an instant.


The only word that he could say was that. The moment the interior of the temple has turned visible, what waited for the three was an insanely spacious hall.

Just like a temple, it was full of wooden seat for a place to pray, while at the end of the hall, a huge statue representing a faceless woman could be seen.

However, even though it had no face that could show just how she looked like, her body was still extremely curvy, indicating just how seductive a woman she could have been in the real life.

Behind her head, a huge sun was apparent, while both of the statue's arms were on fire, indicating that she was an extreme expert controlling the fire element.

Greg watched this statue with awe when suddenly Alice's confused voice sounded in his head.

"Why... Is this place so familiar to me? I have been never here before so wh... Argh... This feeling again..."

Knowing that Alice was experiencing the pain again, Greg asked a bit worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Y... Yeah... I think so."

Hearing Alice's somewhat painful voice, Greg wasn't convinced at all, but before he could ask her again, suddenly a crimson light broke out from below the statue, making Greg to turn his gaze toward there.

"What is that?"

While Greg watched as the crimson light, which was instead crimson fire started to form a shape, suddenly Russ's voice sounded.

"We found it! That is what we were looking for!"

"What is that and why are both of you so excited?", asked Greg with a frown as he looked at the two men's excited look.

Russ feeling that he was a bit too excited, cleared his throat, and instead of answering he asked, "Ever heard of a legend which says that somewhere on this planet there is a place where one's dream and wish can become true?"

"No. But such a place could really exist?", asked Greg.

With a shrug, Russ shook his head and said, " I don't think so, but the legend stated also that to reach that place one needs to obtain six keys. As to what type of keys and where it can be found is unknown. But after seeing that..."

While saying that Russ pointed at the floating key, that was formed from pure fire, smiled, and said, "I start to believe in that legend."

Listening to this Greg turned his gaze toward the key and examined it while thinking, "Such a tale could really exist?"

While Greg thought about the legend if it could really be true or not, they walked closer to the key.

After a few seconds, all three of them were standing before the floating key, watching it with keen curiosity and excitement.

Especially Russ. He was so excited that he didn't hesitate and wanted to take the key away, but the moment his fingers touched the fire, his skin got burnt in an instant.


Pulling his hand away, Russ looked at the key with a slight surprise.

"Does it really made out of the fire? And on top of it, it is a very strong one.", said Russ and looked at Wayne.

"Can you take it away?"

Looking at the key, Wayne thought for a while and a second later he tried to take the key away with his power covering his hand, but just like what happened with Russ, his hand got burnt too.

While shaking his head, Wayne held his burnt arm and said, "Even with my power I can't grab it."

Listening to this Greg was totally stunned.

Two men who broke through the God rank and completed the Evolution Step we're entirely helpless before a small fire. They even got injured while they wanted to touch it, showing just how terrific those flames really were.

"What should we do now?", asked Russ with a frown as he looked at the key before him.

"I don't know either. Those flames look completely natural for me, yet they have such a destructive power it's almost ridiculous."

While the two were thinking of a way to obtain the key, Greg thought about something and asked, "What if only those can take it who can control fire? Should I try to take it using my power?"

Hearing this, the two men looked at each other and a while later Russ scratched his neck and said, "Well... We don't have a better idea so give it a try. But be sure, if you feel even a tiny bit of danger, you stop instantly. Understood?"

"Sure.", said Greg with a nod, and after turning toward the key he breathed in a deep one and said, "Let's try it."

Without hesitation, he activated his Second Flow, and just like before his whole palm got covered with golden flames.

While he reached toward the key slowly, Russ and Wayne on the side were on guard, ready to help Greg at any given moment.

They were this careful because if Greg was not right and he couldn't control those flames in the end, his whole body could turn into ash within mere seconds.

His body was not like theirs, because he didn't complete the Evolution Step yet, so playing with those flames were like dancing above razor-sharp knives. It was simply a suicidal move.

"Let's hope he will be alright."

Greg watched the key before him in the air and reached toward it slowly, but somehow he felt the flames that formed the key started to behave gentler and gentler the closer his hand went.

"Strange. The key looks the same as before, so why do I feel this way?", thought Greg with confusion, but even like this he didn't stop and grabbed the key.

Seeing Greg's sudden move, Russ and Wayne flinched and was about to use their powers to help Greg, but to their surprise, nothing happened.

Instead what they could be, was that the key floated above Greg's palm and a small while later it vanished.

"What happened? Where did the key go?", asked Russ with widened eyes as he looked at Greg with a questioning gaze. 

"Don't worry it is still here.", said Greg and summoned the key above his hand without problem showing Russ he could summon the key whenever he wanted.

Seeing this, Russ smiled and with a small chuckle, he patted Greg on the shoulder and said, "You are a specialist to surprise people kid! Haha!"

As Russ was happy by the fact Greg could obtain the key, suddenly Wayne squinted his eyes and said calmly, "Someone is coming, prepare yourself."

Hearing this, Russ stopped talking and turned around to see only a single man walking in slowly while looking around the temple with awe.

"Amazing! I have never thought it could really exist. One of the legendary six temples, The Temple of Passion!"

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