Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 152: A Dire Situation

"Then let's do it.", said Joe and looked at Greg.

"Sure, then..."

Standing up too, Greg patted the fairy's head gently in his shoulder and said, "If you would be so kind."

The little fairy turning away her hostile gaze from the tiger nodded and waved her little hands, making Greg to float high into the air.

However, as she did that she flew before the tiger on purpose and looked at it with a cocky look, that she could do the exact same thing as the tiger did.

Greg seeing this just shook his head helplessly and said to the tiger, "You help Joe."


Not wanting to turn the creature's attention below them the tiger growled quietly and with Joe on its back, it started to fly above the Light Creature.

"Smart.", said Greg with a complimented look, but suddenly he felt a piercing look on his neck from the fairy, making him to smile wryly and saying, "You are smart too."


With a small pout, the fairy stopped looking at Greg and just sat onto his shoulder without saying a single word.


Seeing this, Greg could only laugh quietly, but the next second his expression turned serious, and looked down at the Dark Creature.

"Well then..."

With the ability of the fairy, Greg flew above the creature and started to think.

"I have only one chance to kill it with a single attack, so..."

As he thought about this, Greg summoned Shapeless into his hand in a form of a thin sword, very similar to that of a katana, and looked at Joe in the distance.

Feeling a gaze on his skin Joe turned his head toward Greg and with a nod he signed that he was ready.

"Nice.", said Greg and after showing a same nod he grabbed the sword with both hands and said, "Let's do it!"

And just as he said this, white light covered his body immediately, and in an instant, his whole body burst forward like a bullet.

Seeing that Greg acted, Joe smiled slightly and without any hesitation, his body too exploded forward like lightning, making the whole forest filled with the sound of thunder.



With a huge shockwave created behind their body, both of them appeared above the creatures and slashed at their core in their forehead.



Without the chance to scream up, both of the creature's core got broken into half, making their body to dissipate into thin air in an instant.

As it's bodies started to slowly vanish, an energy crystal with an appearance of pure shadow fell before Greg, making him instantly happy.

"This wasn't hard at all", said Greg with a smile, but when he picked up the crystal his expression froze.

Inches away from his eyes, a sharp claw covered with blinding light appeared out of nowhere, ready to cut his head up into several parts.



However before the claw could have cut his head up, suddenly, Joe's sword appeared out of nowhere, chopping the creature's hand off with one single slash.

"Move!", shouted Joe while he jumped to the side as he avoided a fatal blow from the Light Creature which was about to kill Greg just a moment ago.

Knowing that Joe was warning him, Greg didn't hesitate to jump to the side. And just as he did, from the shadow on the ground, a pair of abyss black claws emerged following a Dark Creature, which presence was much scarier than the one Greg just killed.

"Don't tell me...", said Greg quietly with disbelief as he thought about something.

Russ said that if one of the creatures dies, then the other one will be strengthened, making them very dangerous foes to fight against. They could easily rival other creatures or people on the bottom of the Ascender rank, showing just how scary this power of theirs really was.

And this was the reason why Russ told them to kill them at the same time. 

They did exactly what Russ said, however, they ignored one crucial detail that could put their lives in danger instantly.

Because they thought that the Dark and Light Creatures were together, they killed them without hesitation, but what will happen if they weren't associated with each other at all? What if there were another Light and Dark Creature out there?

Well, it seems this fact that they have ignored was happening with them currently, putting their lives on the line in an instant.

"Dark and Light Creatures with strengthened powers.", said Greg with shock and realizing their current situation, he wanted to turn toward Joe to see he was okay, but before he could have done it, suddenly from the tree's shadow on his side, the Dark Creature popped up.

Its claws were spread wide open ready to chop Greg's body wide open.

However, even with its strengthened presence, for some reason, Greg didn't feel his life threatened at all. Or at least the Light Creature which wanted to kill him, was much scarier than this one that is for sure.

Maybe it was because of its insane speed or because it could attack him without turning both his Silver Wolf's and First Flow's power on, but Greg felt that the Light Creature was a bigger threat.

"But even like this... This creature will be a bit hard to deal with.", thought Greg with a deep frown, and with the power of his First Flow he avoided the creature's attack.

However, as he did that he made sure to look in the direction of Joe.

However, to his surprise, Joe was doing greater than he has expected. Not far away from him, among the woods two flashes were zigzagging here and there with insane speed, leaving only shiny images behind their path.

"He is fast.", said Greg with awe as he watched as Joe's figure which was like thunder itself moved exactly as fast as the Light Creature.

Naturally, everyone knew that thunder wasn't as fast as light, so it was quite surprising for Greg that Joe could continue his escape even against a creature that was related to the element of light.

However, Greg's surprise couldn't last too long, because suddenly the Dark Creature appeared on his side again, making him to concentrate on it again.

"Well... It seems Joe is doing well, so before helping him let's kill this one first.", thought Greg with confidence, and after tilting his torso to the right to avoid the creature's attack, he slashed at its head with Shapeless.


With a fast and clean cut, Greg slashed the creature into two different sections, however unfortunately he didn't hit the core in the creature's head. As a result, the body of the Dark Creature started to melt together again, and under a single second its body was just as great as before.


With a deafening scream, the creature vanished into the shadow below its body and appeared behind Greg the next second.


Knowing that the creature would do this, Greg was about to turn around and slash at it again, when suddenly from the sky a huge paw appeared, smashing into the creature's body and breaking the core into several parts in an instant.



It was Greg's Soul Creature, the Typhoon Beast. With Greg drawing its attention away the Typhoon Beast could easily sneak behind the creature and with the usage of its Size Change ability, it could easily stomp on it, killing it as effortlessly as a fly.

Maybe the Dark Creature was one rank higher than the Typhoon Beast and it could easily kill it with one slash with its claws, but unfortunately, it wasn't as intelligent as the Soul Creature.

The Typhoon Beast saw before how Greg and Joe killed the creatures before, so it instantly knew what it had to do. 

With its power to change the size of its body parts, no matter where the Dark Creature's core was until it stomped on the whole body, the core had no chance to remain untouched. 

"Interesting.", said Greg with surprise, but after remembering that this Soul Creature of his was a Dimensional type, he turned sad and thought, "Unfortunately I can't rank him up, because of the risk. What a shame."

As he thought about this, he picked up another energy crystal from the ground and looked at Joe and the Light Creature in the distance.

Seeing their insane speed as they were moving amongst the dense forest, Greg frowned and thought, "The Typhoon Beast wouldn't be any help here. That thing is just too fast."

"Just use your light ability to beat it.", said suddenly Alice inside his head.

"Huh? You want me to race with that creature? Are you insane?", asked Greg with shock.

"Just do it and you will see what I meant. Oh, and one more thing. Go as fast as you can.", said Alice calmly and after that, she stayed silent.


Hearing this, Greg didn't know what to say. 

To use his light ability at its maximum speed among this dense forest would be insanely hard for him. Just with the slowest speed that was faster than his First Flow's speed boost could make him die instantly if he doesn't concentrate enough.

Just one mistake amongst these woods and he could easily become the creature's target, making his life to end right there and then.

"She can't be serious, can she?"

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