Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 194: Karyl's Body


With a sound similar to that of a slight explosion, on Juan's arm, purplish veins started to pop out one after another, while his grip around Joe's sword started to tighten powerfully with each passing second.

While this happened his Rage Eye and horns slowly started to vanish from his forehead and eyes, while the crimson scaled dragon behind him started to melt into his body, just like the black scaled dragon a few moments ago.

Instantly, his already strong-looking body turned even more muscular, while his skin started to grow small scales one after another, giving Juan a similar appearance that the crimson scaled dragon had.

Under a few seconds, Juan looked no more like an ordinary human, but instead a humanoid dragon with beast-like strength and presence.

"Let's start round two then, shall we?", asked Juan with a wide grin and tightened his grip around Joe's weapon in the hope to break it to pieces.


However, what he hoped for didn't happen at all. Instead, the moment he tightened his grip around the sword, instead of cracks, what broke out from the weapon was a thick thunderbolt.


Immediately as the huge thunderbolt pierced right through his palm, Juan released the weapon's blade and increase the distance between him and Joe without a second thought.

Sarah and Sandra seeing this looked shocked and looked at the weapon in Joe's hand. While examining the snow-white color blade and the sky blue hilt, they tried to figure out the sword origin.

Since Juan obtained Karyl's Body, they have never met with a weapon that was able to pierce right through Juan's scales. If Juan used Karyl's Body, it was almost impossible to penetrate through his skin.

Only those could do it, who were several ranks above him and had stronger physical strength, so now that he got injured not once but twice by Joe's sword, the twins felt a bit terrified.

Juan glanced at Joe's weapon also and asked calmly, "What is that sword?"

Joe who felt a bit tired because of him using his power a bit too much looked at the sword in his hand and said, "I found it in an underground maze. I don't know how it is called, but I know it's terrifyingly strong. It can even kill a God rank creature too."

The moment the twins heard this they froze up instantly, but Juan didn't. He just smiled and laughed.

"Haha! So the reason you wanted to avoid it using against me was that you were afraid I would die?"

"Yes.", said Joe, not hiding anything from Juan.

His statement was not arrogant, but a simple fact. If the Jade Sword could kill the Echo Spirit which body was extremely tough even among the God rank creatures, then piercing right through Juan's scales would be like a hot knife slicing through butter. He would have no chance at all to resist.

When Juan heard this nodded and said, "I see. But still, I won't be giving up. Come at me with everything you have."

After he said this, above the stage, a huge circle with strange prints on its surface appeared, making Joe realize that it was Juan's Core Territory.

Feeling as his body started to get heavier with each second, Joe wanted to attack Juan, but just before he could have moved, suddenly the building's door burst wide open and a loud voice sounded.



Instantly as the voice sounded throughout the place, Juan's Core Territory vanished from the air, while the half-transparent dragons behind his back vanished and his body turned back to normal.

Joe seeing this looked surprised and turned back to see who interrupted them, only to see a muscular man in his thirties walking into the building angrily with steady steps.

"Master! We were jus-."

"I don't care what you did or wanted to do! Instead, look at the mess around you! What have you done!?!", shouted the man angrily, not waiting for Juan to finish his sentence at all.

Juan looked around just as the man ordered him, only to see that the hundreds of Sky Crystals from a moment ago currently could nowhere to be seen. Also, the stage below his and Joe's feet formed insanely large and wide cracks with a huge crater in its middle.

Seeing the havoc they created, Juan put his hands together and with a slight bow, he said, "I'm truly sorry, Master! I will compensate for it for sure!"

The man seeing Juan's apologetic look inhaled air and with a gentle sigh, he said, "If it were me, I wouldn't have gotten angry, but if we are talking about your uncle, I had no choice. I still don't know how you got permission to get in here."

Just before Juan wanted to say he didn't have, suddenly the twins walked down from the viewing area and Sandra said calmly, "He didn't have permission, but I had. Dad let us in."

The moment the man heard this, his eyes widened with surprise, and turned around, only to see Sandra and Sarah standing before him calmly with Jay, Mila, and Emma behind their backs.

After thinking for a while, the man cleared his throat and said with a wry smile, "I... I see. But still, the amount of Sky Crystals that went to waste here is still huge. You need to understand, we can't create Sky Crystals that easily, so each piece is a treasure to us."

The moment Sandra heard this she shrugged and said, "I know, but dad was the one who let us in. And because those two wanted to fight that badly, we thought the safest place would be here, but..."

"But, we didn't know their strength would reach such height that the Sky Crystal's resistance would be rendered useless. It was our fault.", said Sarah from the side, and just like Juan, she too bowed slightly at the man with Sandra on her side.

The man seeing kids bowing at him felt a bit like he was some kind of bully, but knowing he was right he just shook his head helplessly and said, "I see, okay, that is enough."

After he said this, the man looked around and a small while later he said, "Still, I need to report this to your father. It's not a matter we can take lightly, especially not if we want to achieve greater things with these crystals."

"Understood!", said the twins and Juan in unison with a bow.

"Now that we came to a conclusion in this matter... Who are you?", asked the man coldly as he looked at Jay, Joe, Mila, and Emma with a sharp gaze.


Back in Iron City on top of Black Mountain, Greg was standing inside Earth Temple, while he was looking around with widened eyes.

The interior of the place was simply way too shocking. Not only was the space inside the temple extremely huge, but there were statues made out of stones and earth almost every inch of the place, while strange carvings could be seen on the pillars' surface on the sides.

Each statue was representing a kneeling creature, each facing toward the other end of the hall, where an even greater statue could be seen.

When Greg saw the statue his eyes widened because the appearance of it was the same that he saw inside the Fire Temple back in the Dimensional Zone.

It was an ancient-looking woman, whose body was insanely curvy and seductive, while its facial expressions were missed. No eyes, no mouth, no ears and nose, only an empty face. However, even like that, Greg felt that the woman's face should be a breathtakingly beautiful sight.

After examining the body of the statue for a bit while Greg noticed that just like in the Fire Temple, the statue had a posture, but this time it was different.

Instead of holding flames before the sun above her head, she was carrying a stone cube above her palm, while behind her figure, a massive mountain could be seen clearly.

While he was looking at those details, suddenly Carter, who followed him inside stepped next to him and started to talk.

"Legends on the west taught us that when our planet was simply an orb of water, a Goddess descended from the unknown, and with a single wave of her hand, she created the today known continents. At first, almost everyone thought it was just a simple fairytale, but the moment this place got revealed with that statue, more and more people started to believe in that 'fairy tale'."

When Greg listened to this, he looked at Carter, but seeing his expressionless face, with his hand on the hilt of his sword, he just nodded and stayed silent.

"Do you feel any similarities in this place?", asked Greg from Alice, trying to see if this place affected her mind just in the same way as the Fire Temple did.

But just as he thought, the moment Alice tried to remember if she knew the place or not, her only reply was a grunt and a deep sigh.

"Still nothing. I feel that I know this place, yet the memory is way too hazy and blurry."

"I see.", said Greg slightly and wanted to step forward, when suddenly Carter's voice sounded in his ear.

"I wouldn't act so recklessly."

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