Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 222: Two Fruits, One Luck

Just as the legends told, when God's Tree bears its fruits, people will do anything to obtain them for themselves. They would do anything to become stronger, no matter if it meant killing.

And Greg saw that this statement was 100% true.

The moment he stepped through the gate and saw as the fruits started to appear, he noticed that everyone turned instantly hostile against each other.

And what surprised him even more, that, Hogan and Cloud were also there, not so far away from them.

"Did they get here through Jay's gate too?", thought Greg with confusion.

However, what Greg didn't know was that originally, Hogan wouldn't have been here.

He was there only because the moment Jay came to take Cloud away, he accidentally spilled the beans that they have found the tree.

And because Hogan was with Cloud at that time, he couldn't stop him to come there. Or at least he didn't want to.

If he would have tried to fight against Hogan to stop him from following them, then he was 100% sure he would have missed the appearance of the fruit.

"Well, luckily no one knows which fruit is the real one, so we are fine.", thought Greg and glanced to the side.

Next to Hogan and Cloud, he could see Eliana and Zane too, but that was not a surprise. He knew they will be here because they followed Jay here from Mythbreak.

No, instead what made Greg extremely stunned was their hostility toward them.

Even though knowing that they wouldn't have stood a chance against someone like them, who were at the top of the God rank, both of them showed extreme opposition.

It was very clear that they wanted the fruit for themselves, no matter what.

Seeing this, Greg glanced at his friends, and noticing their expressions he sighed and stepped back.

He knew that they needed to rest. Especially Emma. After going through the things she did, it would be a total foolish play to try to obtain the fruits from those experts.

Also, Greg felt his body was still numb from the fight before, even though that he drank the Healing Potion, so he decided not to try his luck.

Instead, he stepped back next to his friend and waited for the events to unfold before his eyes.

Time ticked by slowly, and the fruits were still growing out from the middle of the flowers on the tree.

In the beginning, it had a size of an average apple, but right now it was almost as big as a melon. And what was even more shocking, that both of them were still growing.

"Just how can one eat something that huge?! It's almost as big as two adults' heads!"

Watching the huge fruit which looked extremely inhumane, Greg tried to figure out which fruit was the Blessed one and which was not.

Activating his Silver Wolf's Prey Sense to try his luck, Greg tried to see maybe he can discern a difference between the two.

But unfortunately, he couldn't. It wasn't because his ability was useless, but instead, it worked way too well.

The moment he activated his Prey Sense, his sight turned black and white, while the two fruits changed color.

However, the problem here was with the colors. The moment Greg took a glance at one of the fruits, the light became like a blazing sun, making him blind almost instantly!

If it wasn't because he deactivated his power just in time, Greg was quite sure he would have become blind for the rest of his life.


While Greg thought about that, suddenly the fruit's growth slowed down and finally stopped.

Both fruits stopped at the size of a human kid, making not only Greg but everyone else to remain stunned.

"It's simply way too huge!", said Mila on the side with widened eyes.

Greg hearing this nodded and wanted to say something when suddenly the five experts' strength broke out at the same time.


Each expert had their suffocating presence engulfed their body, making the four kids on the side to step behind several steps instantly.

"They are on a whole other level!", thought Greg with surprise.

He thought that because he has already fought against others who were on the God rank, but their presence was not like this.

Especially Zane's. Carter's strength compared to his was like comparing a child to an adult. They were on a two, whole different level.

Zane's strength maybe looked weaker than that of Ozron's or those two humanoid tigers from the Forbidden Lands, but it was very close.

As for the others, Cloud's, Hogan's and Eliana's strengths were better than average who were on the God rank but still weaker than Zane's.

But as for Jay...


When Greg looked at Jay, he thought he saw something wrong. Jay's strength was on par with Zane's, but with the only difference that he was going easy!

He was showing his crazy strength, yet at the same time, he made sure not to show his full power! This made Greg and the others feel instantly speechless!

Even the other 4 experts felt shocked by Jay's presence, but naturally, they had pride too, so didn't show it.

"Just how strong us your father Emma?", asked Greg with a stunned expression as he glanced at Emma next to him.

However, what made him surprised that even Emma looked speechless. Her expression told everything.

"Wait... You didn't know your father had such strength?", asked Greg with surprise.

As an answer, Emma shook her head and said, "No, I knew he was strong, but I didn't know he was this strong. It's a surprise even for me too."


While Greg listened to this, suddenly all the 5 experts moved.

The very first one to move though was Eliana. With her golden eyes, she burst toward the fruit on the left side like a bullet.

And what was even more surprising, that all the other 4 experts followed her!

"It's not a surprise at all. Eliana has the title of Mistress of Fortune. She has a Guardian which can control luck itself, so she has the highest probability to see which fruit is the right one. Following her is the right choice."

When Mila heard what Joe said, she nodded and said, "Yes that is true. But I don't think she has what it takes to beat those 4 in speed. Especially those two."

As Mila said that, she pointed at Zane and Jay, who picked their speed up and flew right past Eliana.

"Told you."

Greg seeing that the two wanted to snatch the fruit before Eliana could have, squinted his eyes and a while later he smiled.


When his friends heard him say that, they looked confused, but suddenly Eliana moved.

When the two before her were already before the left fruit, she changed direction and with a speed greater than before flew toward the one on the right.

When the 4 experts saw this, they looked surprised, but the next second they realized something.

"She tricked them. And how easily. Haha!", said Greg with a slight chuckle as she watched Eliana.

Now that this happened, Greg realized that if he would have been the one there, he would have been tricked just in the same way.

Eliana knew the fact that her title and power held great authority, so she cleverly used it to her advantage.

Knowing that she would be followed and the fact that her speed was way inferior to the other four, she decided to make them believe that she wanted the left fruit. By making them to pass her, she could get the chance to create a bigger lead and obtain the other fruit with much easy.

And just as she believed, this is what exactly happened. The two 'top' experts in the world had been tricked by a simple trick. It was so funny that even Eliana couldn't stay still without a slight chuckle.

"God's Fruit is mine!", said Eliana with a smile, but just before she could have touched the fruit, a hand appeared next to her.


It was surprisingly Jay, whose body now was completely blood.

"How? Just in a flash?", asked Greg in surprise not understanding how was Jay able to travel that distance in a flash.

The speed he showed now was as fast as his light element's acceleration power if not faster! And what was even scarier that he had no light or wind element affinity, so this speed of his was simply outrageous!

"And his power is still getting hold back. Just who is he?"

Eliana couldn't believe that someone with the power of blood could be possibly this fast. This speed of his would make even the top speedsters out there ashamed. 

This speed was simply inhuman!

"I will still get that fruit!", said Eliana and put her hand out to touch the fruit.

However, yet again as she did, this time a third person appeared on her side, making her look surprised.


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