Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 240: Energy Chamber

Glancing at the pond on his side, Joe started to think for a small while but still shook his head in the end.

"I won't. I don't have a Soul Creature that would be worth fusing wits, so I will put this matter to the side for the time being."

When Greg listened to this he nodded and said, "I see. Then let's go. We still have loads of things to check out."

With that said, Greg formed a shirt around his body and with Joe on his side started to walk toward the exit.

Walking for more than 30 minutes in the narrow tunnel, the two finally arrived back at the surface.

"Should we seal the entrance?", asked Greg looking back at the hole on the ground.

"No, it's perfectly fine. Even if someone tries to sneak in, I don't think they would know what the use of that pond is."

Nodding and without saying anything else, the two turned around started to walk toward the biggest building on the small hill in the distance.

"Houses, shops, storage facilities... This place is truly like a miniature city. If there would be more people, this place would become perfect.", said Greg next to Joe as he looked around with awe.

"Yes.", nodded Joe in agreement as he looked around too.

However, even like this, the previous feeling that they were watched was still around, which made Greg and Joe to walk forward with raised guards.

Following the jade path all the way to the top, the two eventually arrived before the building and looked at it.

Just like any other building they have seen, it was made out of wood and brick too with a pointy and curvy rooftop. The only difference it had however was its massive size, which was almost as big as a skyscraper.

It was so big that the top of it almost touched the top of the mountain's interior, which was quite stunning.

"Let's hope its size not this big for no reason.", said Joe and continued to walk toward the entrance.

Following him from behind, Greg watched as Joe pushed the wooden gate open and walked inside.

But the moment the two stepped inside, their whole being froze up with shock.

"Th-this? What?"

The interior of the building was something they have never seen before.

The walls, the ceiling, and even the floor were made out of pure and colorful energy crystals, while in the middle a spiral-like staircase could be seen going up to the second floor.

However, although this sight was shocking, what made the two to freeze up was instead the feeling they felt.

"There are energy particles in the air? How?", asked Joe with widened eyes as he looked around.

The sensation he was currently feeling was extremely similar to the moment he used his most powerful ability against Nick, Henry, Scott, and his family members.

"Consume the Sky."

The only difference between this and his power was however that while Joe sucked energy from others, this was consuming the energy from the crystals around. And what is even better, the crystal energy in the air was that of the purest and most refined ones that Joe ever felt.

"My body is automatically consuming the energy. I feel myself becoming stronger.", said Greg with surprise and looked around.

"Yes, but it is a very small amount. It's like the crystals are from Soul Collector-ranked creatures.", replied Joe with a bod and glanced at the stairs in the middle.

"Let's go to the second floor. I think the higher we go the bigger the density will become."

As he said that, Joe and Greg walked up on the stairs and arrived at the second floor.

The sight was exactly as the one on the first floor, but with the difference that both Greg and Joe felt that the energy in the air became stronger.

"I was right. But the density is still in the league of a Soul Collector.", said Joe and without hesitation, he started to go further up on the staircase.

One floor after another. The two climbed up all the way to the 10th floor when they stopped and looked around.

Just like the previous 9 floors, the sight was the same, but this time the density was much greater.

Comparing this floor to the previous one, Greg felt like he just walked instantly from earth to heaven. The energy density was way superior."

"High-Class Ascender rank energy crystals. This place is simply outrageous! Anyone would be able to surpass all the ranks here in no time!"

As Greg thought about this, he glanced at the staircase and asked, "Just how much more floors are there?"

"I don't know, but going further than this would just destroy our bodies.", said suddenly Joe from the side.


Seeing Greg's confusion, Joe sighed and started to explain.

"Just think about it. When you normally consume energy crystals, you control how much amount you want. However, this is not the case here."

Pointing at the crystals around him Joe continued, "Because the air is always filled with pure energy, and your body is automatically consuming it, you can't stop it no matter what. The only solution for that is to go a level lower."

Feeling what Joe wanted to say, Greg frowned and asked, "So you say one can die if one consumes more energy than one's body could accommodate and refine?"

"Yes, I know it's strange. Until now, you have consumed energy crystals only one by one, letting the energy inside you be consumed and refined by your Soul Stone, making you stronger. However, what do you think will happen if you consume a massive amount of energy with high density without stop?"

"Naturally I will explode like a balloon."

"Exactly.", nodded Joe and said, "And that is why I think it is not a great choice to go higher than this. Maybe you can feel it already too, but my body slowly starts to become uncomfortable from the continuous consumption."

As Joe said this, Greg started to feel something like that too. It was like he ate so much that he felt extremely full, but not to the point where he felt uncomfortable. However, he knew that feeling was not too far away.

"True. Then let's go down and rest awhile."

While the two walked down from the 10th floor, suddenly Greg's eyes widened with surprise, and said hurriedly, "Someone has entered the mountain!"

"Huh? Who?", asked Joe with surprise, knowing that it was definitely Greg's fairy that warned him.

"Don't know. I can't communicate with her from such a distance, I only know that someone came because she came back to my consciousness. She was either attacked or was scared."

Hearing this Joe nodded and with Greg closely behind him the two started to run with full speed.


"Just what is this place? This feels way too ancient."

"Dunno. But seems those two are already here."

Two men were talking between each other when suddenly a flash appeared from the distance and two figures appeared.

"Ah here they are.", said the man on the right side with a smile and waved his hand.

"Hi kids, long time not seen. It seems both of you are doing perfectly fine."

"Huh? Russ and Wayne?"

The moment Greg and Joe recognized the two before them, looked surprised, but the next second they smiled too.

"How did you find us?", asked Greg as he looked at Russ with a curious look.

He could remember the two went away to repair the Passage to the Unknown, and since then he didn't meet with them.

Going away from the Forbidden Lands he remembered to leave a letter, to make the two know he went away, but he didn't write down where exactly.

Also, because this was the first time even for him inside Skyfall Mountain, he wouldn't have been able to warn them that he is here even if he wanted to.

Knowing what Greg was thinking Russ smiled and said, "I made sure to mark you with my power, so finding you was as easy as finding a needle in a hay."


When Greg and Joe heard this they looked at each other in confusion. As easy as finding a needle in the hay? Wasn't that instead hard?

"Well... Sure.", said Greg and glanced at the two before.

"Anyway, why did you come here? We're you able to repair the gate?"

"Yes, we did, and guess what! We also find a great surprise!", said Russ with a wide smile and waved his hand.

Instantly, the space before him and the two kids vibrated, and a figure fell onto the ground heavily.


"You... You f*cker! Undo your powers and let me kill you! You will pay for this!"


When Greg and Joe saw the creature on the ground which had abyss black skin, and blood-red eyes, representing a devil, both of them froze up.


Hearing two unfamiliar voices on his side, Ozron turned around with a deep frown. But the moment he did and noticed Greg, suddenly his face turned wicked, and started to smile evilly.

"Oh my... What a great pleasure it is. Keke!"

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