Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 261: A Change in One's Heart


The moment Greg has waved his hand, a terrifying explosion broke out from his body, painting the dark sky crimson instantly.

By using his First and Second Flow at the same time, the Wind Flames engulfed all the Voodoo Family members, causing loud and fearful screams to sound all over the place.

"Argh!! Help! Help!"

"It hurts! Hurts!!"

People screamed and yelled painfully, trying to extinguish the golden flames on their bodies, but couldn't.

No matter how hard they struggled or what powers they used, the flames didn't vanish from their bodies and slowly started to turn their bodies into ash and dust.

Russ who stood next to Greg looked at this sight in silence, but deep inside he looked a bit scared.

Greg, who was only at the Ascender rank, with only one wave of his hand killed hundreds of people who were higher in power than him.

Even him, who has already surpassed the God rank felt a threat from those flames, which was quite a terrific aspect.

Just the heat those flames radiated could make any God rank powerhouse feel trouble let alone those below it.

"Just what is that Guardian?", thought Russ as he glanced at Greg.

He knew that Greg's Guardian was special because it was the legendary Elementalist who was told as the right hand for the Creator, but still...

This power only at an Ascender rank was way too powerful!

"If he surpasses the God rank, I fear his power will something not even I could foresee."

While Russ thought about that, Greg watched with an unfazed expression as the hundreds of individuals around slowly died and turned into ash.

Maybe it was cruel how he ended their lives, but that's how life worked.

Until this moment, he always tried to find ways for peace, but he realized it was only a ridiculous dream.

No matter how he thought about it, but every time he fought, people always wanted to kill him or his loved ones.

Back in the Tournament, in Iron city, in the ruins, and also here in Skyfall Mountain. Every time he was targeted and found, those who stood close to him would be in danger too.

Just thinking about how mercilessly Carter killed Emma or how fast did Shadow want to kill Mila, Greg realized that finding peace with these kinds of people was only a waste of time.

If they try to kill them without hesitation, then why should Greg forgive them? If you plan to murder someone, bear the consequences, no matter what.

"Until this moment, I have always tried to be kind, but it seems I was wrong. From now on, I won't hesitate to kill."

With that thought, Greg glanced at Russ indicating that it was time for them to return, but suddenly a flash appeared on their side.

"Again?", said Greg with a cold glint in his eyes, but the next second seeing who they were, he lowered his guard.

"It's just you guys."

The ones who appeared before Greg and Russ were no one else but Zane and Eliana, the two powerful experts currently on the 'top' of humanity.

They told Greg that they will go look for the next Temple holding one of the remaining keys and since then days have passed.

And now that they have appeared here, it seemed that they have found the next Temple, which was either the one holding the end key or the darkness key.

Eliana was about to say something but noticed the dust and the intense heat in the air, so glanced at Russ and Greg with a slight raise of her eyebrow.

"Only a small commission, but we have already taken care of it.", answered Greg, knowing explaining things would be completely useless.

As he said that, Eliana looked at Zane, but seeing he didn't care she just sighed and nodded.

"I see. Then let's get going. You already know why we are here."

Greg indeed knew it, so turned his head to the side and said, "I will come back soon. Please look out for the other, especially for Joe."

Russ understood what Greg meant so nodded and after glancing at the two experts slightly he vanished into thin air.

"Let's get going.", said Eliana and after she grabbed Greg's shoulder they flashed away like a shooting star.


Somewhere far away from Skyfall Mountain, the three appeared high above the clouds, making Greg look around with confusion.

"Where are we?", asked Greg as he turned his head here and there hoping to see the Temple.

But no matter where he looked, what he saw was the clear night sky.

"We have found the Wind Temple, but it is surrounded by a complex maze.", said Eliana and explained to Greg everything she knew.

After she arrived at the end of her story, she pointed before her and said, "And that is where the Temple is. It is surrounded with a barrier, that for some unknown reason we can't enter."

"So another restriction.", thought Greg and nodded.

"Wait for me here then.", said Greg and walked forward.

"Huh? Hey! Wait!", shouted Eliana in an instant, realizing that Greg started to walk toward the Wind Temple that was surrounded by destructive wind blades.

Not even they could resist their violent power, so there was no way Greg had the power to do so.

However, just before Eliana could have warned Greg once again not to do what he wanted, suddenly an unexpected sight occurred.

The moment Greg reached the territory of the wind blades, the air vibrated for a bit, then stopped.

But, to the two experts' surprise, after that happened, no injury appeared on Greg's body, and he strolled forward like he would in a park.

"What is happening here?", though Eliana, curious to find out what was Greg doing to prevent the wind blades from killing him.

Even Zane looked curious because he knew also just how terrifying those wind blades really were. Seeing as Greg just casually walked forward while ignoring them, made him wonder too.

But in all honesty, Greg did nothing special at all but used his not long ago discovered power, his Element Consumption.

Just as Alice told him until it was a power made out of the natural element, his body would be able to consume them without a problem.

Naturally, these wind blades were made out of the pure element of wind so there was no way they could cause harm to Greg.

No, instead they gave him boon than an injury that made Greg quite satisfied.

Each time he consumed a wind blade from his surroundings, he felt as his connection with his wind element became stronger.

The feeling was quite a pleasant one, so Greg continued to walk forward without any care in the world.

Step by step, he consumed every wind blade that could kill even powerful experts and soon arrived before the so-called carrier that Eliana and Zane talked about.

If it weren't for what Eliana told him, Greg wouldn't have been able to see it, but after Eliana's warning, he was able to.

The barrier looked extremely transparent and only small vibration could be seen here and there that told him that it was a barrier.

"Just enter it. It won't cause any harm.", said Alice in Greg's head, making sure that Greg should not fear anything.

Greg heard this so nodded and without hesitation stepped forward.

Instantly, the moment he stepped through the barrier, which felt like he just walked through a waterfall, before Greg a whole new scenery arose.

The clear night sky vanished and what appeared before Greg was an extremely huge floating mountain, with a temple visible on its summit.

"So that is the Wind Temple.", thought Greg, and wanted to use his power to fly up, but found out he was unable to.


Glancing at his body with great confusion, Greg found that every power in his body got locked, making him unable to use them.

"What is happening here?", asked Greg with a slight frown.

"You won't be able to use any help here. You need to climb that mountain with nothing more but with your own bare hands and feet."

When Greg listened to this he turned surprised and asked, "Not even my other elements?"

"Not even your other elements.", replied Alice as calmly as a Buddhist.

Greg heard this and turned silent. Glancing at the huge mountain before him, he didn't know if he were able to do it or not.

Maybe he had greater stamina and physical strength than anyone else, but the smooth surface and the seep parts of the mountain made Greg wonder how will he be able to climb all the way to the top.

There were even parts where he will hang with his feet in the air! It was crazy!

"Well, unfortunately, this is what I need to do, so let's not complain and let's begin.", said Greg and without hesitation walked to the bottom of the mountain and started to climb.

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