Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 271: Element Array

Before Skyfall Mountain, as the sun was rising from the east, Greg was standing in the air with Russ and Wayne on his side.

"So? How will we do it?" asked Greg with his arms crossed before his chest, looking down at the great mountain before him.

"We want to create an Element Array, but for that to work, we need your power," replied Russ with a calm gaze.

"Element Array? What is that?"

Greg knew what Magic Array and Magic Circles were and understood their concept pretty well. Both were a kind of special seal that used other's powers in the hope to achieve different outcomes. Some used to accomplish tremendous wrecking power while some used for defending against assaults.

For example, what Skyfall Mountain had currently could be obviously categorized into the latter one. By the millions of nullification Magic Circles placed all over the area, Skyfall Mountain was literally undestroyable. Not even thousands of people from the powerful Voodoo Family had what it took to penetrate its defense.

Yet, for some reason even knowing this, Russ decided to create Element Arrays, which in fact, was an unknown definition for him.

"Element Array is a Magic Array that uses different elements as its basic. Once an element has been poured into such array, with the help of an external force it can form the element in it and be used as a way of an attack." explained Russ slowly.

"However, because of the nullification arrays around Skyfall Mountain, creating Element Arrays would be a bit complicated, but Wayne discovered a way where Element Arrays could be used."

Wayne on the side nodded and pointed forward, "By doing a bit of modification on the nullification arrays, I can make them to function in a way where they transfer the consumed power into the Element Arrays. Like that, creating and using Element Arrays won't be a problem at all.'

As Greg listened to this nodded slightly. As he could currently understand, what Russ and Wayne wanted to make was a mechanism similar to rebounding force. With the help of the modified nullification arrays, attacks will be consumed and transferred into the Element Arrays, that in the end, fires back different elements of his.

It could be said, it was an absolute offense in disguise as an offense.

However, Greg realized a single problem. There were millions of nullification arrays, meaning if they wanted to create the Element Arrays, they needed to modify millions of arrays one by one! That was simply too much!

Russ and Wayne naturally knew what Greg thought and sighed.

"Generally, we wouldn't do something so grand as this if it weren't for different reasons." said Russ with a shrug.

"Yeah, taking into account the place this mountain is, also the fact how many secrets it holds, we must protect this no matter what. Just that energy chamber alone could make any family in the world to become a ruling power in the Federation." nodded Wayne in agreement, and continued, "Also, with such opportunity before us, we would be complete idiots not to grab it."

What Wayne said was true. Just the fact alone that the interior of Skyfall Mountain held so many secrets and priceless treasures like the Energy Chambers or the Endless Pressure that could turn any ordinary individual into a genius, makes it well worth the struggle to modify and create the arrays.

Protecting this place is a must!

Also, they have been spared from a lot of work, cause like this that the nullification arrays had been already created, they had less job to do. Maybe Greg didn't know, but Wayne and Russ were well aware that forming a single array could last for hours if not days. It all depended on the complexity of the array and from their view of point, one of those nullification arrays needed at least a week to create.

"I'm quite curious just who were the ones living in this place and what happened with them." thought Russ as his mouth curved into a smile.

"I see. Then let's start it." nodded Greg in agreement, "So, how will we do it?"

"Wayne will do the modification part, while I will create the Element Array with your help. After both of us ended with our respected role, we will channel and connect the two arrays together." 

"Sounds easy." said Greg, but naturally knew it was not easy. Modifying, forming, and fusing his power into millions of arrays will take not only a lot of time from his and their life, but it will definitely take a lot of willpower and endurance.

"Well, compared to the Soul Tempering process, this will be as easy as taking a stroll in a park." thought Greg without saying a thing more followed Russ and Wayne down.

On the very bottom of the mountain on a small tree, Greg noticed the very first nullification array on the side of a rock. It was a small, circular-shaped print with a size of a few feet. It was made out of some mysterious white light, while in its interior thousands of lines, symbols and characters could be seen moving around in a slow manner, giving Greg a kind of strange feeling.

"So this is how an Magic Array looks like." thought Greg with arouse curiosity, as this was the very first time that he saw a Magic Array from this close. 

"We don't really have time to waste so let's get started right away." told Wayne and touched the array on the rock.

Instantly as he did, gentle white light enveloped his fingers and like writing on a piece of paper, started to move his hand here and there, causing the lines to change positions.

"Let's go." said Russ and crouching down, he started to work too.

Just like Wayne, his fingers too started to be engulfed with white light and moved his hand. With fast, but delicate movements, Greg watched as Russ started to draw a circle into the Rock's surface, creating a print with a similar shape and appearance that Wayne was currently working with.

"Creating Element Arrays is not a big deal. They are simple and easy to form. The hard part only comes when you pour the chosen element I to it." explained Russ as he drew the array slowly.

"You will see it, but the moment I finish and you start pouting in one of your elements, it will be like a vampire sucking out your blood. Once it starts, until I don't finish the array, it won't halt the sucking process."

When Greg heard this he looked as unfazed as ever, but deep inside he was still a bit worried.

"Okay, start pouring one of your elements into it." told Russ calmly, but it was visible that he was concentrating quite hard. Just one mistake could lead to unforeseen accidents and he wanted to avoid it at all cost.

With a nod, Greg walked closer and put his palm onto the print's surface.

"Which element should I use?" thought Greg, but knew that the question was a silly one. They will form millions of arrays each having different elements in them, so choosing was useless.

"Then I will go with the wind." shrugged and without hesitation activated his wind element.

Immediately, half-transparent wind blades materialized around his palm and vanished into the Element Array in the following second. It was like some kind of switch had been turned on inside his body, and like a broken faucet his element started to leak without the ability to stop it.

"Amazing." thought Greg with surprise, ignoring the fact that his wind element is getting sucked away at a rapid speed.

"Perfect, this will be enough." nodded Russ calmly, and with a smooth move, flicked his fingers, causing the element suction to vanish at once.

"How are you doing? Need any help?" asked Russ as he glanced at Wayne, watching as he was still drawing lines inside the print.

"Nah, I am good. It's just this array is a bit more complicated than I have thought, so I need more time. Give me 2 minutes and I will finish."

"Sure. Then until then, I will start doing the channeling process," told Russ with a bod, and without waiting for Wayne to reply, his fingers moved.

With the gentle white light around his fingers, Greg watched as Russ touched the array he just created and drew a small, but complicated-looking line toward Wayne's direction.

"Because we not only need to transfer the enemy's attack into the Element Array but also want it to transform the power into an energy source, I need to fuse tiny transformation arrays into the channel. Luckily, I have tens of years in creating arrays, because if not, I wouldn't have been able to create it." smiled Russ proudly, showing off his Magic Array skills to Greg.

Bit by bit, Russ's finger approached the nullification array before Wayne, and just when it was about to touch it, he stopped moving and glanced at Wayne.

"Wait... Wait... Wait..." said Wayne calmly, and after pulling a line from the left side to the right, he shouted, "Now!"

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