Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 282: Opening the Gate

"You... But how?" Nos expression turned to complete shock while Eldar's face froze; none of the two would have belived that the one standing before them will be no other but Greg!

Elder had a bit of suspicion since the very beginning, but at first, he didn't want to do anything, but when Nos said what was the Evolution Step, his sense of suspicion turned to 100% certainty.

"Haha... How we're you able to tell it was me?" asked Greg in a low tone of voice while his expression demonstrated no sign of surprise nor alarm.

Eldar examined Greg from top to bottom with a cold glint deep in his eyes, and only after staying silent for a bit did he start talking, "Firstly, when you arrived, you did try to hide your presence from us which was strange; if I were you I would have leaked my presence to intimidate anyone around me to show I am superior. Especially if the aim for both of us is to obtain whatever is inside there."

"And just from that, you found out I was not the real Ecron?" asked Greg confused, one of his eyebrows up while the other one down.

However, Eldar just shook his head gently as a reply, "Naturally not. Even I wouldn't be able to tell something like that even if I were three times more powerful."

"Then how?"

"It was when you attacked me. The very moment you used your power a small amount of your presence leaked, revealing that you were, in truth, on the God rank!"

"And what if I did lower my rank on purpose?" asked Greg, his expression still indifferent.

"That is why I stayed still until now. The thought 'what if he just tested me to see if I start to suspect him' also appeared in my head, but when this subordinate of mine told me the real Ecron was a space element user and he was successfully finished with the Evolution Step, everything became clear."

"Oh? How come?" asked Greg, now with a bit of curiosity.

"It's easy. Those with special control over an element can use element immunity, but only against their own element. So watching as Ecron, a space element user, had immunity against all the previous elements that broke out made you suspicious alone. And there was no one else on this world who could have protection when facing the basic six elements but you!"

"Alone? Was there another reason?" asked Greg calmly, but in his heart, he was a bit surprised. To think that he just met with this man only for not longer than 15 minutes and was able to examine him so much... It was frightening!

"Naturally there is another reason why you got busted." said Eldar as the side of his mouth curled up and pointed at Greg's shadow, "At least when you bring guests try to hide them properly."


Upon hearing this, Greg's complexion changed drastically, but the next second he started to laugh, "Haha! True. I even said them to hide their presence as much as they can, but to think even the slightest aura could be detected by you... How unfortunate!"


Immediately as his voice fell, the shadow below Greg's feet moved toward different directions and soon several figures emerged around Eldar and Nos.

"You told us it will be a perfect plan and look at us now... We got busted right away." 

"Don't talk at him like that. It was inevitable. We would have appeared sooner or later, so what is the point coming out sooner?"

"Kuragari has a point, Zane. Stop complaining and concentrate. We are before the Hypnotist Martial Artist." 

Zane, Eliana, and Kuragari emerged from the ground through the shadows in a triangle formation surrounding both Nos and Eldar right in the middle.


Nos watching as most powerful experts currently on earth emerged through shadows made his body tremble and tilt his gaze at his body, but who would have thought that Eldar was not looking intimidated but looked delighted!

"To think the legendary trio has emerged and came right before me. Such a pleasant surprise! It will be ecstasy to devour all of you and make you my servants!"

"You are a weird fuck for sure..." said Kuragari with an odd glance as he patted his katana on his shoulder.

"Haha... I will be happy to see if you will be able to say this again when you crawl behind him." grinned wickedly at Eldar as he chuckled.

As Greg watched this conversation from the side his side was varied with different kinds of emotions. In the beginning, Eldar acted calm, silent, and even surveyed him, however, the very moment the three experts emerged his attitude changed 180 degrees of turn and became arrogant, loud, wicked, and crazy! Just what was happening here?

Wait... Did he say Hypnotist Martial Artist? THAT Martial Artist?

When this sudden realization of who the man before him was cold sweat formed at the back of his neck while his fist started to shake ever so slightly.

Hypnotist Martial Artist was a name and also a title that was given to the man who put fear into everyone in the Southern part of the Federation! And because thousands of people soul's and blood were connected to this man's name people sometimes considered and called him as the Dream Reaper.

His power was was just as his name suggested Hypnotism. But that normal, kid-like hypnotism put people under a strange spell where they couldn't remember what happened but something even scarier. His power let him erase or change everyone's memory in wish while he could also put them into a deep slumber with a single spell, killing them in their dreams; that power was extremely powerful and terrifying!

To think he was facing such a terrific opponent all this time and he acted so casually... He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he would have used his power on him and erase all of his memories. He wouldn't have had the time to use his demon mask for protection!

"Now that I think about it... If he is the Head Master of the Charon Family with such power, it is no surprise the Charons have such a huge amount of manpower. With such power obtaining millions of supporters was as easy as taking a stroll in the park!"

As Greg thought about this he unconsciously swallowed his saliva down and clenched his palm into a fist.

"Do not raise your hopes. Neither I nor those two plan to become your puppy." said Kuragari as he lowered his katana next to his waist, "I warn you only once; fuck off or I will kill you."


The wicked smile from Eldar's face vanished upon hearing this and started at Kuragari then turned his gaze at Zane and Eliana.

Thinking for quite a while he closed his eyes and straightened his back, leaking a kind of arrogant but determined aura.

"I see... Don't forget, it was you who pulled this disaster up in you," said Eldar, and as his voice fell he opened his mouth.

"Quick! Summon your darkness element and demon mask!" suddenly Alice's voice sounded inside Greg's head making him act instantly.

"I am your master... Kneel!" 

And just as Eldar's voice left his mouth, around Greg's body darkness cloaked while right on his face a demon mask manifested.

However, it was exactly the same time as the air trembled and Eldar's voice sounded kind of strange; it felt serene but eerie at the same time!

"What is happening here?" asked Greg instantly as he felt his head turn fuzzy and painful together with his mind and memories, it was almost like some strange power invaded his brain and tried to tear his memories out through the back of his skull!

"Such a powerful ability. I would have never thought a human could reach such terrifying heights. If he can succeed to enter the Evolution Step and finish it successfully, his power will increase leaps and bound; at that time I fear he will be the scariest being among humans." told Alice in a calm voice, but shock could be clearly discerned from his sentences.

To think that a deity such as Alice would feel in this way toward a human who was only just on the God rank... It put fear but at the same time excitement into Greg's heart.


Even Greg was surprised by this feeling and put his palm above his chest, feeling the rapid heartbeat in his chest.

"Just when did I start feeling this way?" pondered Greg but this was the very moment he realized something.

He was excited because he knew he was facing a powerful opponent for the first time after a long time, meaning he could...

Get stronger!

As that thought appeared in his head, Greg's mouth curved up and a determined glint flashed in both of his eyes.

"Who would have thought I would feel like this..."

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