Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 64: A Monster

Greg couldn't believe what just happened moments ago.

He was taken away by Cloud to the most legendary figures in the Federation and one of the most influential woman on earth just said him to flip a coin.

"What the hell has happened? What did she want by me flipping that coin and why did the mask respond that way?", thought Greg with hundreds of questions in his mind, but he had to halt his thinking because Joe put his hands on top of his shoulder.

"Are you all right? You look quite troubled.", asked Joe as he looked at the other team in the distance.

Hearing Joe's question, Greg after a small hesitation nodded and said, "Yeah, kinda. I will tell everything, but first, let's beat those."

Listening to what Greg just said, Joe started to smile, while suddenly Cloud's clone started to talk on the side, "Welcome to both teams! Please, both of you choose your substitute, while will need to stand here next to me."

Joe hearing this turned around and looked at Emma.

"You will be a substitute. I hope it's not a problem."

"No, not at all.", answered Emma with a smile and walked next to Cloud.

The other team did the same and sent a girl as a substitute, while the other three guys looked at Greg and the others with sharp glares.

"Perfect! Well then, let's start the fight, shall we?", said Cloud and after confirming that both teams were ready, he raised his stick slightly and hit the ground with it.

In an instant, as the signal was heard, two out of the three from the team in the distance started to run toward them, while the guy, who stayed behind raised his hands up.

As his hands were high in the air, immediately yellow light appeared around the two of his teammates, making their speed incredibly fast.

In less than a second, the two were a few meters away from Greg, Joe, and Mila. One was a guy with twin daggers in his hands, while the other one used some kind of power to make his body blurry, giving his opponent a feeling that there was more than one body.

"Interesting.", said Greg, but before he could do anything, a huge fireball passed by his ear and hitting the guy with the daggers with immense power.


The moment the fireball touched the guy's clothing, a huge explosion occurred, making Greg, Joe, and everyone else look at the sight with shock.


As they were surprised what just happened, the guy who got hit fell onto the ground unconsciously with charcoal black skin. It was a shocking sight to watch that was sure.

Greg after seeing what just happened turned around and looked at Mila, who was happily smiling at him.

"She got this strong only after a month? I wonder how far she could get in the future if she continues like this.", thought Greg, but suddenly his Silver Wolf's sixth sense turned on automatically, making his neck feel all numb suddenly.


Without any hesitation, Greg jumped to the side by using Alice's wind ability to boost his speed and the moment he did, a cold glint passed by where he stood a millisecond ago.

Seeing as a small sharp object fell to the ground, Greg turned his gaze from where the attack came from and saw that the guy with the blurry body looked at him with a smile.

"Then it's settled. I will fight y... ?!"

Just as he wanted to say something, suddenly Joe appeared behind the guy and with the side of his palm, he hit him on the neck, making the guy to fell to the ground unconsciously just like the other one.

"Really? Can't you at least leave me a little bit of fun too?", asked Greg as he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Joe hearing this just simply shrugged and turned around to face the last guy.

Seeing that he was the last one standing from his team, the guy didn't know what to do, so in the end, he put his hands down and surrendered.

'Round 1, Winner: Team 77'

The moment when those words appeared on the hologram, the same silver light appeared around Greg's body and made him teleport back from where he came.

"That was fun!", said Mila as she punched into the air with her small fist.

Greg saw this and could only sigh slightly. He couldn't say anything or complain. He has already had a match with Emma, so it was only natural that Joe and Mila wanted to fight too.

"Well, we won that's the only thing that matters.", thought Greg, while he looked at the card in his hand.

'TEAM: Qualified for Round 2'

Just like what appeared before, same looking words appeared on his card one by one, but the difference this time was the Team word instead of the Duo.

As Greg was looking at the card, Emma stepped next to him and asked with a shy smile, "Hey. Are you still hungry? If you think we can go and eat something."

Hearing the word food, Greg started to drool a bit and nodded.

"Sure, let's go. Do you guys wanna come?", asked Greg from Joe and Mila as he turned toward them.

Hearing the question, Joe wanted to say something but was suddenly stopped by Mila from the side.

"No, we are not hungry, so you guys can go and eat comfortably. However, if you could find some snacks for me, I would appreciate your kindness."

Greg hearing this nodded and turned around with Emma, walking away toward the exit slowly.

Joe looked at Mila with a confused expression, not knowing why she did that.

Feeling his gaze, Mila just rolled her eyes and said, while turning toward the stages, "You guys never understand girls."


Walking on the street, Greg was looking here and there looking for a place where they could eat, while Emma was by his side.

She glanced at Greg from time to time, not knowing what to do. Just as she wanted to ask something from him, Greg caught her hand and pulled her toward a building.


Getting caught by surprise, Emma's head instantly turned red, while she followed Greg into a restaurant.

"Welcome. How can I be on your help?"

The moment they stepped inside, a woman in a nice uniform walked before them and looked at them with a gentle smile.

Greg looked around, while still holding Emma's hand, making her blush even more with each second, and asked, "Can we have a seat for two?"

"Sure, please follow me.", said the woman, and with that, she turned around and started to walk forward.

Greg started to follow her while pulling Emma behind her.

After walking for a while, the woman stopped before a table and gestured at it.

"Will this be okay Sir?"

"Yes, perfect. Thank you.", answered Greg and sat down next to the table with Emma.

The woman smiled and walked away, but a second later she came back with two small books in hand and gave them to Greg and Emma.

"These are today's offer. There are a lot of delicious meals from, you can choose from  so please take your time and when you have chosen please call for me."

And with that, the woman walked away, leaving Greg and Emma all alone.

Greg opened the book and watched all the foods with an excited expression, which made him instantly drool.

However, Emma on the other hand didn't. She just looked down at the table, while her hands were clenching her shorts a bit.

After a while, Greg noticed this problem and put down the book.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?", asked Greg, while looking at Emma.

Emma looked up, but the instant her eyes met with Greg's eyes, she immediately looked back down, while her face got even redder.

Greg didn't know what was happening, so he wanted to ask Emma again, but suddenly three guys stopped next to them and the one in the middle put his hand on the table.

"Hi kiddo, I hope it's not a problem that we disturbed you in the middle of your meal, but I and my friends saw you come in with this beautiful lady and we thought, if it's not a problem, we would like to invite her for a drink."

Looking up, Greg saw three guys with tattoos, piercings, and gangsta hairstyles stood next to him, while the guy, who just talked looked at Emma with a hungry expression.

Emma the moment as she noticed the man's gaze instantly paled. She wanted to sit a bit further away, but unfortunately, she was sitting next to the wall, so there was no more space for her to sit, which made her quite helpless.

Seeing this, the guy on the right smiled and stepped a bit closer to her. When he was ready to put his hand on Emma's shoulder, suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist from behind.

"Wh- huh?"

The guy wanted to curse out loud, but the moment he turned around to see who was so brave to grab him, his mouth stopped moving, while suddenly fat sweat drops started to form on his face slowly.

The one who grabbed his wrist was Greg, whose ice-cold face was inches away from the guy's face.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that."

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