Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 69: One Soul Two Guardian

Up in the estrade, the experts looked at the sight with a confused expression.

All of them watched Juan turn into more and more like a wild beast, while a strange power engulfed the whole stage.

"Is he using... Gravitational powers? But isn't his strength comes from his Guardian's ability, which is one of the Ancient Dragons? So how can he have a power like that?"

As the skinny guy asked this with surprise, suddenly the legendary man, who has never spoken until now, suddenly opened his mouth.

"Dual Guardians. One Soul with two Guardians. It's a very rare occurrence, where one on the ceremony gets chosen by two different Soul Guardians at the same time. I once fought against a man who was just like that boy. It was a hard-fought victory, where I almost died."

Hearing this, all the experts were surprised by the fact that the most powerful man on earth had a hard time dealing with someone and what's more he almost died. It just showed how scary Dual Guardians could be.

"So he has a Guardian, which can give him inhuman strength, while the other can affect the gravity around his opponents? Isn't this a bit unfair?", asked the skinny guy as he looked at the fight below with a serious expression.

"That white-haired boy is done for sure this time."

In the spectator seats, the girl and the guy next to her watched the fight before them with calm expressions.

"What do you think will happen, bro? asked the girl as she looked at Juan's scary appearance.

The guy next to him looked calm, but this time the smile nowhere could be seen from before. After thinking for a bit he looked at Greg and said, "I think Team 77 will win."

Hearing this, the girl looked confused and asked, "That guy with the fire abilities? Why?"

The guy as an answer just simply smiled and said, "Who said he has only fire abilities?"

And just as he said that an explosion occurred on the stage.

Juan's figure with a huge explosion burst forward toward Greg, while a huge crater was left below where his feet were a second ago.

Greg seeing this, wanted to move to the side, but his body was so heavy it felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back. Every step he tried to take, made him to struggle.

As he was thinking about solutions, Juan has already appeared before him with a creepy smile and punched toward his face with scary power.

"I don't have another solution.", said Greg and activated Alice's speed boost ability, and in an instant, he jumped to the side.

Of course, because of the gravitational power, the jump was much slower than normal, but it was still enough to dodge Juan's attack.

"That was close!", thought Greg and started to jump here and there trying his best not to be affected by gravitational force, but try as much as he wants, the heavy feeling didn't vanish.

Juan seeing this looked much more bloodthirsty and chased after Greg, trying to hit him with terrifying kicks or punches one after another.

People all around the Arena seeing the blood boiling fight made them cheer even louder than ever before, making the whole city filled with loud cheer sounds.

Cloud looked around and smiled slightly, "Oh my. We are only just in the third round and look at this. The morale of these people has reached such a level. Such a wonderful sight!"

Emma hearing this didn't know if she should laugh or cry, but still trusted in Cloud's words. However as she was looking at the fight on the stage, suddenly an idea popped up in her mind, and looked at Cloud.

"Wait, can we use our Soul Creatures, or is it prohibited?"

Hearing the question Cloud looked at Emma and chuckled slightly, while saying, "As I said, the first rule is that out of killing everything else is allowed."

Listening to this Emma nodded and wanted to shout at Greg to use his Soul Creatures, but suddenly Cloud's staff appeared before her face.

"Sorry to stop you, but you can't help him. If he wants to use them, he needs to realize that fact all alone. Of course, when the fight is over you are free to tell him, but until then no."

Hearing this, Emma put her hands down slowly and nodded.

On the stage, Greg was dodging every attack he could, but still, he suffered some injuries. No matter how fast Alice's speed boost ability was the power on his body grew stronger and stronger with each second.

As time went by suddenly Alice's voice suddenly in his ear, "Why are you using my ability only that way?"

Greg hearing this looked surprised and asked, "What do you mean like this way? Is there another way to use your powers?"

"Of course there is, stupid. I wanted to wait until you reached the fifth level, but it seems I need to help you again."

As she said that, suddenly he felt as small points opened up in his body, making the currently used power flow through those little points one by one, filling up his body with a familiar feeling.

"This feeling..."

"Yes, the exact same feeling you felt when you used my earth powers. Not just using the power, but manipulating it wholly. Until now, you just used the other five elements as basic skills without using their true potential, but now things are different. However, the flow inside you isn't entire, because you still didn't reach the last level in the Body Grade, so until then you can't really access them fully. But still, this should be enough to get rid of that annoying gravitational force on your body. You just need to concentrate the power inside you and everything will be okay."

Listening to Alice's explanation Greg nodded and started to focus the power inside him.


As he dodged the attacks one by one, slowly he felt as his body started to turn lighter and lighter, while the air around his body started to slowly move.

The air all around his body formed thin layers of vortexes, from which some rotated clockwise and some counterclockwise.

They were so thin that it could be hardly seen around his body, but for Greg, they could be seen as clear as day. Only those with very good eyesight or by special means could detect the vortexes around his body.

By concentrating on the power inside him, he could freely control them by changing their speed or rotation direction. As for what will happen if he changes it, he doesn't really know yet, but the feeling was like he was one with the air itself.

"It really works!", thought Greg in surprise, while he felt as his body started to move faster than ever.

Hearing Greg like that, Alice chuckled and said, "Hehe! Surprised yes? This is only the beginning and what awaits you will be much more surprising!"

Ignoring Alice's proud speech, Greg leaned to the side and let Juan's hand pass him above his head.

Seeing the fast and smooth move from Greg Juan was a bit surprised, but still smiled at the end.

"You are much interested than I thought!"

Hearing this Greg didn't answer but instead concentrated on accelerating the vortex's rotation around his body. And as he did that an amazing scene happened.

Like a professional dancer, with a fast move, he twisted his body and suddenly appeared behind Juan's back in an instant.


Juan saw this and was shocked by the speed and the process as Greg appeared behind him. He saw as Greg's fist was coming at his face and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.


Just like the first time, Juan's body exploded onto the shield in the distance, but this time he instantly stood up started to run toward Greg.

Greg saw this and was about to punch Juan again when suddenly an unexpected scene happened. 

When Juan was meters away from him, a figure appeared behind Juan with lightning bolts rolling all over his body, while he handheld a strange-looking sword.

"Joe!", thought Greg and watched as Joe trust that sword toward Juan's shoulder.

Juan saw this and with the insane reaction, he turned around and was about to hit Joe with the back of his palm, when suddenly a powerful fireball hit his hand, making it to miss Joe.

With this opportunity, Joe used his speed and appeared before Juan and stab him in the shoulder.

The moment the sword was pierced into the flesh of Juan, Greg saw as Juan's terrifying aura and strength started to flow into the sword, while the gravitational force around the stage started to weaken bit by bit.

"A Soul Creature? What a joke!", said angrily Juan and with clenched teeth, he grabbed the hilt of the sword and tried to pull it out.

However as he tried to pull it out, he found out that it didn't budge, so he used his strength to make it move, but the moment he did so, the sword started to crazily suck his powers away.

Greg saw this looked at Joe and asked, "What is happening?"

Joe still looking at Juan answered calmly, "That is a Soul Eater Bug and it's a Creator-ranked Soul Creature. It can suck away the power of anyone after getting into contact with the target. Luckily it's not lethal only just makes the target unable to use its power. However unfortunately I can only use this item once."

Hearing this, Greg was shocked and watched as Juan's power and strength get sucked away by the sword.

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