Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 91: Practicing

Hearing what Kuragari said, the three stayed quiet for a whole minute, not knowing how to react to that statement.

Kuragari seeing them like that laughed and asked, "So what do you think kid?"

Seeing his smile, Greg thought for a while and asked, "So if I understand it right, If I become your student, you will teach me how to fight with weapons?"


"But why? I mean, it doesn't make sense to me that one of the strongest experts on earth just come and choose me as his student. It's strange.", said Greg with a frown as he looked at Kuragari.

However instead of answering, Kuragari just smiled quietly, however, this act made not just Greg, but the two girls too that something here wasn't quite right.

A while later, Kuragari stopped smiling and with a shrug, he said, "It doesn't matter why because this is my decision. If I want to do something, then I will do it and no one can stop me."

Knowing that there was a bigger picture in the background behind this 'decision', Greg started to think.

"Well, it's not a bad decision to have someone to teach you how to fight. And if it's true that he only wants me to learn his skills that would be okay. Also, it's not like he could help me with my cultivation. However, why do I feel that I miss the bigger picture here? Well nevermind, we will figure it out sooner or later."

After thinking about all of these things for a while, Greg finally decided what he wanted and looked at Kuragari. Seeing that he was waiting for his answer Greg bowed slightly and said, "It would be my pleasure to learn from you... Master."

Hearing this, Kuragari laughed loudly and while he patted Greg on the shoulder a few times, he said, "Nice! Nice! Splendid! Haha! Well, let's start your training then."

Saying that out loud, the shadow below the two grew in an instant and with slow-motion, they started to sink down into the darkness.

Knowing that he didn't have too much time left, Greg looked at Emma and Mila and said, "Tell Joe that I'm alright, so don't worry about me. I will be alright and will try to come back as soon as I can."

While listening to what Greg said, Mila and Emma watched as his body finally vanished into the shadow on the floor before their eyes and didn't know what to say.

After a while, Mila finally came back to her senses and said with awe," Wow... Everything just happened a bit too... Fast?"

Nodding in agreement, Emma looked at the place where Greg and Kuragari stood a moment ago and said, "Yeah. I still can't believe that Greg got chosen as a student by the legendary Kuragari. It's simply unbelievable."

As the two talked spiritedly about the things that just happened before their eyes, Greg was already standing in a huge field somewhere else outside the city.

All around him nothing could be seen, but just vast green grass everywhere. Not even a small bush or a tree could be found, that's how big the area was around him.

"Where are we?", asked Greg a bit worriedly, because even if he had abilities with which he could travel faster than anyone else, if he didn't know his location it was useless.

Kuragari, who stood not far away from him looked around calmly and said, "We are in the outskirt of Mythbreak. Don't worry, we are not so far away from it, it's just a few miles."

Hearing this, Greg nodded and asked, "So Master, what sword skills will you teach me today?"

"Who said I will teach you sword skills?", asked Kuragari with a frown after hearing Greg's question.

Seeing his frown, Greg was a bit confused and asked, "But, didn't you sai-"

"I said I will teach you how to fight with weapons, but I did not say that it will be associated with swords. As I said, I have an ability, which can tell if you have talent with weapons, but unfortunately to what type it is that you are talented with is unknown. But don't worry about it, because this is why we are here."

Saying this, Kuragari waved his hand and as a result, a few shadow figures appeared next to him one by one.

After waving his hand for a second time, the shadows started to change shapes and size, while they slowly solidified in mid-air.

Sword, knife, daggers, hammers, and other kinds of weapons were floating in the air next to each other with a deep black color.

"Maybe they are not real weapons, but it should be enough to find out what weapon type is suited for you. So go on choose one and try to do some tricks with it."

Understanding now why Kuragari summoned a different kind of weapons, Greg nodded and walked to a sword, which was the closest to him.

Its shape was exactly the same as any other longsword with the only difference that's shape was totally ink black. 

After inspecting the sword for a while, Greg raised his hand and after grabbing the weapon's hilt, he started to swing it here and there.

Looking at Greg swinging that sword like that, Kuragari shook his head and said, "It's definitely not a sword, so go and choose another one."

With a wave with his hand, the dark sword dissipated into nothingness, making Greg to find a new type of weapon.

Walking to the second one, Greg looked at the pair of short swords before him. The blades were curved and thick, while the hilt was short and thin. 

Grabbing them one after another, Greg felt like holding them was a very strange feeling. But even after that feeling, he still raised his hand and started to demonstrate attacking skills into the air.

However the moment he started to move, he felt as that strange feeling grew stronger with each second, making his body feel incredibly uncomfortable.

Kuragari after seeing Greg's expression waved his hand and while making the short swords disappear, he said calmly, "Next."

Hearing Kuragari's words, Greg nodded and walked toward the next weapon.

Hammer, longsword, bow, axe, daggers, boomerang, spears, and other unique types of weapons. Each and every weapon that Greg tried to fight with, made his body to feel incredibly strange.

It wasn't a feeling that made him unable to fight with those weapons, but simply it made him feel strange.

It was like a bodybuilder tried to wear an S sized T-shirt. Maybe he can put it on, but as time goes on the feeling won't be a pleasurable one that's for sure.

On the side, when Kuragari saw that Greg tried almost a hundred of different weapons, but still not found the one that suited for him, he frowned.

When the last weapon, which represented a scythe vanished from his hand, Greg looked a bit disappointed and looked at Kuragari.

"And now what?"

Looking at Greg's questioning look, Kuragari looked a bit confused and started to replay the previous scenes one by one.

"Strange... The only weapon, which looked better in your hand than the other ones was the spear, but even that looked a bit clumsy after you started to swing it. Maybe because of it's long and straight shape."

Greg after hearing what Kuragari just said, made his eyes brighten in an instant and asked, "Master, you just said shape?"

Looking at Greg's expression, Kuragari frowned and said, "Yeah I said that... Why?"

Not knowing how to explain it, Greg decided not to answer and put his hand out.

Seeing him act like that, Kuragari grew a bit curious and waited for him to finish what he was doing, but the moment when a black staff with strange golden carvings on its surface appeared in his hand, Kuragari frowned.

Just as he was about to ask Greg what he wanted to do with that, suddenly Greg's eyes widened, and murmured, "After touching and holding so many weapons, this is the very first time that I feel that it's... perfect."

Just like the first time, when he summoned the staff before his friends, he felt that it was just an amazing feeling to hold it in his hands.

The grip, the shape, the weight, and the size... Everything about it was just simply fabulous.

Back then, he thought that he felt this way because it was his Soul Creature, but now after thinking about it, he realized that it wasn't the case at all.

Kuragari seeing his excited expression smiled too and shouted with a small laugh, "Haha! You sure are an interesting fellow kid!"

The moment he said that suddenly a shadow not far away from Greg's feet grew in size and without any warning, something flew out of it with insane speed.

Seeing the incoming danger, Greg knew that he didn't have time to dodge, but strangely the hand which held the staff suddenly moved and deflected whatever came at him with a smooth move.


Hearing the strange sound and that something fell down after he defended himself, Greg looked down only to see an iron sword lying motionlessly before his feet.

Seeing the cold weapon, which flew at him a second ago in the hope to pierce his chest, Greg didn't know how to react at all.

Everything happened under a mere second, making him to feel quite surprised by the fact that his body just moved subconsciously.

"It seems that you finally found what is suited for you kid! That staff is your weapon!"

Turning his gaze toward Kuragari, Greg didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that he was almost killed a moment ago.

However just as he wanted to say this out loud, suddenly Kuragari before him started to smile, making him to feel that something was amiss.

Seeing that Greg was looking at him confusedly, Kuragari continued to smile and said slowly, "Let's start it then!"

And just like that, suddenly tons of shadowy figures started to appear one after another on the huge green field, making Greg to feel that the following minutes and hours won't be an enjoyable moment for him.

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