Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 21 - Join and expel

“Morin, is this the first time Aaron has killed?”

In the cabin, Richard and Moline kept walking, talking softly.

Molin nodded and said, “Yes, Aaron said, his father taught him that he wanted him to be a polite and personable nobleman, but he didn’t expect it to happen like this.”

Thought of what happened just now, Morin was still a little surprised, he did not think that Aaron would actually kill Carey in front of them.

Lucy and Alice were scared on the spot, and the look on Richard’s face changed. Only Morin seemed quite indifferent, but he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

“Hey, Carey he …” Richard looked moved, and he could see that he killed Carey before Aaron. After all, everyone was together before, not like those strangers, not much. burden.

Morin smiled, not much to say.

After a few words, Morin returned to his room.

After that, it was even more terrible to **** the black cloth bags for many foods. Many wizard seeds have reached the point of unscrupulously grabbing the black cloth bags. When Mo Lin went to **** them, they were under a lot of pressure. He took out the crossbow machine and fired the crossbow arrow. If it wasn’t for Morin’s quick response, he might be injured by the arrow.

A few days later, dozens of sorcerer seeds have died, and the black armor knights responsible for distributing the food have thrown the corpses into the sea, but the dark red blood on the deck and the **** smell in the air still have not dispersed. .

In order to help each other, Alice and Lucy moved to the room next to Moline and Richard. They had lived with other people next door. They did not agree, but under the toughness of Moline and Richard, they also Had to compromise.

in the room.

“Food is getting harder and harder to get.”

Morin frowned, thinking about what happened recently.

“Yeah, the wizard seeds who dare to **** food now are either very large or very powerful.” Richard nodded deeply.

Lucy and Alice sat next to each other, nodded silently, subconsciously, they looked at Aaron next to them, a strange look flashed between their looks.

Since Aaron killed Carey, it seemed that he had changed into a person. He was shrouded in black robe, and he was very quiet, but his shot was particularly ruthless, and he directly killed the wizard seeds who dare to rob.

Since this time, Aaron has killed the most people.

Bang Bang Bang!

A knock on the door suddenly sounded, Morin and Richard looked at each other, put their hands on the cross sword, and immediately got alert.

“Who!” Richard’s voice was full of alertness.

“It’s me.” The voice outside the door came.

Richard was relieved and said: “Anthony.”

Opened the door, Anthony was standing outside the door, and there were three young men with cross swords on them, who looked alert and followed him.

“Sorry, I don’t mean anything else.” Anthony came in and found out that Morin’s eyes were wrong, and quickly explained, “The three of them are my followers. Don’t get me wrong. After all, at this time, I don’t mean Dare to walk around in the cabin alone, who knows if anyone will kill me, after all, if you can save a wizard seed, you will have a bigger chance to grab food, right? “

“It’s all like this, what can’t you do?”

Anthony’s voice was a bit helpless.

Moline and Richard Aaron looked at each other, and didn’t say much.

“Okay Anthony, what are you doing here?” Moline looked at Anthony.

“Morin, and everyone, we need to join forces.” Anthony said bluntly: “Now this situation is too sinister. If it is alone, we don’t have much chance of getting food at all, so our teams need to join, Unite with each other. “

Morin, none of them spoke.

Experience the things on the ship, more or less, Mo Lin they all grew up.

“Well, I don’t think you will join if I don’t say the reason.” Anthony smiled, looking unpredictable, saying: “It’s Anna, Anna and others have discussed it, there is one The plan requires a lot of people with good strength to join, so I thought of you. “

Anthony said it was plain, but his voice fluctuated, revealing a different kind of emotion.

You know, in the beginning, he wanted to come to solicit Anna, but everything changed after he entered the ship. Although he still has a certain appeal, but compared with Anna, who has strong strength, it is nothing. The original sorcerer seeds followed Anna one after another, making him almost lose power.

He personally came over and invited Mo Lin to join them, which was considered to be a reluctance to let him have a little face in the group. At the same time, he also wanted to sell Mo Lin them a good one.

“Then we …” Mo Lin tilted his head slightly, smiling as if thinking of something.

“We are friends, so of course we are equal, all of us are equal.” Anthony came over and said quickly.

“So, well, let’s meet Anna.”

Moline looked at Richard and they both nodded, believing Moline’s views and opinions.

Under Anthony’s leadership, Morin saw Anna in a house.

It was a girl with white hair and fair skin, and many seeds of wizards surrounded her with stars and stars. When Morin and they came in, she looked over, with a look in her eyes.

“Anna, they are my friends, I think they can join in.” Anthony smiled, his face calm, but there was a very strange feeling.

Anna lightly swept Morin like them, and suddenly shouted a person’s name, saying: “Cromwell!”

A burly teenager came out, slowly pulled out his broad sword, and said roughly: “I am Cromwell, listen, as long as one of you can hold on to three Ten breaths, you can … “

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

With a bang, the dull broken air came over, Morin’s hand shook suddenly, the cross sword turned into a silver light, and Cromwell was shocked, and he hadn’t had time to react. The silver cross sword was already there. Put it on his neck.

Feeling the cold touch of the Cross Sword, Cromwell’s face became abnormally ugly.

“If this is a test, then …” Mo Lin’s mouth twitched and said, “I think we should pass it.”

Anthony they were shocked, but did not expect that Mo Lin’s strength was so strong.

Anna was also a little surprised, but then she touched a bracelet on her wrist, and she became confident all of a sudden.

“Okay, you have enough strength to join.” Anna said lightly, and then turned around.

Moline gently swept Anna’s wrist and laughed silently in her heart.

That bracelet should be Anna’s magic item.

On the next day, Mo Lin finally knew what Anna’s plan was.

“Reias.” Anna stood in front of everyone and looked at Reias in front.

“Anna, why, is this the seed of your previous white robe?” Reyas tilted her head slightly and looked at Anna, and Richard behind them, with a look in her eyes.

“Reyas, you have a lot of people.” Anna looked indifferent.

Lei Si laughed, said: “This is not important, isn’t it, what is important is the strength, let us recognize the strength!”

Anna looked behind Reyes, and the original black robe seeds glanced around. There were many black robe seeds that were weak and not invited by them. They were looking at them in surprise.

“Go ahead.” Anna said softly.

Reias nodded, then looked around, with a grin on his face, said: “Listen, you little garbage, from today, all the food distributed on this ship is ours. , You are not allowed to appear on the deck, you know! “

Quietly, the black robe shouted and said, “Why, these foods …”


The words of the black robe seed were not finished yet, and a crossbow arrow immediately shot over and penetrated his heart.

Quiet around.

Anna and Reias, as well as the many black robe seeds behind them, looked quietly at the weak black robe around them and did not speak.

“Which of you still have an opinion?” Reias looked at the weak black robes with a crossbow machine in his hand.

Those weak black robes felt suffocated and helpless, but there was no way, because no one thought that the most powerful group of people on the whole ship united together and wanted to monopolize all food.

Those weak black robe seeds walked away, because they had no choice.

No one wants to die.

“Okay Anna, according to what we said just now, there are twenty-seven groups of black armor knights, half a person. I want thirteen groups on the left, and you have thirteen groups on the right. The food is divided equally, isn’t it ok? “Reyes said.

Anna nodded and said, “Yes.”

Then the two groups of people got food within their respective ranges, and then slowly returned to their room.

Next is the internal food division. The standard for division is simply strength, because Morin has a good strength, so the food share is quite high, which is almost the same as the food they struggled with before.

“It’s a good idea to unite and then expel.” Morin smiled gently ~ ~ Although there was no **** conflict about food this time, the cold and indifference among them, but It’s not rare, it’s even colder.

Morin recovered his thoughts, opened the door, and returned to the room.

The following days became more and more calm. The powerful black robe seeds used this method to obtain food, thus avoiding **** conflicts, but occasionally there was trouble. Stealing food, but their final result is nothing more than being killed.

Several days have passed, it seems that the next time, it will continue like this.

But on this day, when Mo Lin came to the deck, they suddenly discovered that the original twenty-seven groups of knights were less than half, and only eleven groups of knights were there.

“how come?”

“Why is this happening?”

Many black robe seeds were startled.

“Have you forgotten Lord Evans’ game rules?” Emily looked at the black robe seeds above, her face showing sarcasm.

The seeds of the black robe of many great gods were stunned. They remembered this. Evans said that the share of food will change. It may be the food of two hundred people, it may be the food of one hundred people, the food of fifty Food, food for thirty people, and even no food.

At this time there are only eleven groups of black armor knights, so there is no one hundred people in the food at all.

“With so little food, it is not enough for us to split up?” I don’t know who said such a sentence.

Anna and Reias were startled, and the two people behind them were also startled.

Everyone looked at each other, and slowly, guarded each other.

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

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