Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 25 - Choose a tutor

The book was turning rapidly, Morin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly scanned the pages.

“Charles, formal wizard, good at psychiatry, negative energy neutralization, alchemy, requirements: apprentices must participate in a witchcraft experiment half a month …”

“Edward, a formal wizard, is good at shadow witchcraft, anatomy, and high energy plasticity. Requirements: Apprentices can receive advanced subject knowledge and three free magic stones for free, but they must participate in the dissection of their bodies by the instructor …”

“Adrian, formally, is good at dark witchcraft, pharmacy, variation, and planting. Requirements: Apprentices must help clean and take care of special medicinal materials every month, and after a period of time, go to a special place to help collect material……”

“Hogg, a wizard, is good at implantology, variation, anatomy, and requires that apprentices must complete the collection of specific materials and cooperate with the test at least once …”

Morin watched slowly, his face gradually gloomy.

He really didn’t think that everything was so serious, and the tutors accepted the apprentices, and there were such and that demands, which were not free.

“Very good, follow the principle of equivalent exchange, this style, such a style, really worthy of a wizard.” Morin whispered to himself.


The books were closed all at once. Hegel took the books and looked at Morin with a smirk. He said: “Okay, young wizard seed, time is up. How do you choose? ? Would you like to watch it for a while? “

Morin closed his eyes slightly.

“Chip, how is it?”


“Analysis completed.”

“Screening based on all information, removing all false information and inducing information, the subject and language, the best conditions, the most cost-effective is Adrian!”

“Adrien.” Morin whispered to himself, thinking of the discipline that Adrian is good at, pharmacy and dark shadow witchcraft.

Yes, compared to other wizards, Adrian ’s condition is also very abnormal, but it is already very good, and it is much looser. Moreover, Morin has a chip and has a great advantage in learning. The study of pharmacy is very good.

And the dark shadows of witchcraft that Adrian is good at also fit Moline’s own elemental affinity.

Molin soon made a decision. He looked at Hegel and said, “Master Hegel, I decided to choose Adrian Wizard as a mentor.”

“Adrian … Is Adrian?” Hegel smashed his mouth, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look, as if thinking of something, not talking.

Immediately he reacted, looked at Morin, hehe smiled and said: “Choose Adrian, eh, young wizard seed, do you want to be a pharmacist, this is a good note, but it’s not that simple . “

Morin did not speak, but frowned frantically.

“Young seeds of wizards, don’t be excited.” Hegel smiled and said: “Everyone knows to be a pharmacist, although the initial investment is very large, but after you can refine the potion yourself, then there will be no shortage of Magic stone, you know, every pharmacist’s net worth is very rich, so there are many people who want to become pharmacists, especially those of the wizarding family. “

“Not only pharmaceutics, but even alchemy and enchanting, which have long been lost, are the same. Hey, people always want to get generous returns, which is normal.”

“Master Hegel, what do you mean?” Morin asked.

“It’s very simple, there are too many people who want to be a pharmacist, so if you want to be a pharmacist, you have to go with other wizard seeds to complete an Adrian test. If you pass, then you You can become Adrian ’s apprentice. ”Hegel shrugged and said,“ If you ca n’t pass, then you have to choose your mentor again. ”

Morin didn’t hesitate much and said, “Well, Lord Hegel, I’m willing to go to the test.”

Hegel didn’t show much surprise, he clapped his hands, and suddenly a shadow slave appeared again in place.

“Follow the shadow servant, Morin, good luck.” Hegel’s voice came.

Morin smiled slightly toward Hegel, but he didn’t worry much.

You know, when he killed Derek, he got a “Basic Principles of Pharmacy”. He has read it since these days. Although he did n’t understand it very well, he passed the Adrian test There must be no problem.

Moline followed the shadow slave to the outside. Richard and Aaron next to them looked at Moline with deep concern and a touch of inexplicable meaning.

And Mo Lin just smiled and nodded towards them, then followed behind the Shadow Shadow slave and walked in one direction.

Not long after walking, Mo Lin appeared in an empty hall with six or seven wizard seeds, thinking with closed eyes. When Mo Lin came in, they glanced at Mo Lin and then closed again. eye.

Morin glanced around, leaning on a pillar next to him, closing his eyes, motionless.

Several other wizard seeds came in, but they did not attract much attention.

When there were ten wizard seeds in the hall, a girl with white hair wearing a white gauze skirt slowly walked in and stood on the high platform in the center of the hall.

“I am Winnie, an apprentice of Adrian.” Winnie introduced herself and said, “Well, now you have ten people, let’s start the test.”

Then Winnie clapped her hands. Suddenly, the shadow servants walked in, carrying the test benches one by one.

There are glass bottles, beakers, glass rods, test tubes and the like on the test stand. At first glance, they are related to the medicine.

“Your test is very simple, that is, to perform the melting reaction between Streptocarpus and purple cysts, who can complete the fastest and best, then, who is the apprentice of the tutor.” Winnie pointed to a tube on the test bench A few giant black worms in the potions and beakers said lightly.

No one spoke. The ten wizard seeds in the hall quickly picked up the potion and started to get started.

After a while, Morin’s voice rang.

“Winnie, I’m done.”

As Mo Lin said, he raised the test tube in his hand. I saw that the light blue in the test tube kept emitting a white smoke, and the test tube was slightly red, as if it would explode at any time ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Seeing this, Mo Lin just stretched out his finger and flicked it with a bite, and the test tube suddenly heard a sharp bug, like a bug screaming non-stop.

Peng suddenly, a burst of purple smoke suddenly appeared.

The entire test tube suddenly calmed down, and the light blue potion in it suddenly turned into a deep black, shimmering, and looked carefully, as if there were countless small black bugs crawling in the liquid.

“Very good, almost perfect.” Winnie looked at the test tube in Morin’s hand, her eyes slightly shining.

She nodded at Moline and said, “Welcome to you, Moline, the apprentice of the tutor.”

Morin smiled slightly.

Since Moline completed the experiment first, other people were naturally eliminated. Moline ignored the resentful eyes of other wizard seeds and followed Winnie to the outside.

“Morin, the whole dark forest is divided into many areas, including living areas, experimental areas, accommodation areas, teaching areas, exchange areas, etc. You ca n’t go to some areas, you just came, you must pay attention, otherwise it will appear Big problem. “

Winnie was talking to Moline while walking.

“By the way, there is a restaurant over there, you can taste the cuisine of all the principalities, but it takes a lot of money, of course, the magic stone is more popular, yes, over there is the accommodation area …” Winnie kept giving Morin Introduction.

Morin looked around and listened to Winnie’s introduction, did not speak, but secretly let the chip record everything that Winnie said.

Not long after walking, finally, they stopped outside a gorgeous room.

“Morin, the tutor is inside.” Wen Ni said, stepping forward and knocking lightly on the door.

Morin stood behind Winnie and looked quietly in front.

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