Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 28 - friends

“Being able to break through to become a first-level wizard apprentice in such a short time, it seems that Morin, your qualifications can be considered very good in the fifth-level qualifications, even close to the sixth-level qualification.” Slightly speaking, there was a touch of joy in the voice.

No matter what, Morin is an apprentice after all.

Winnie came over, with a gentle smile on her face, and said: “Congratulations, really congratulations to you, Morin.”

Metz turned his head and smiled at Morin, but then he yelled and started to deal with a few beakers and glass rods and glass test tubes, and it seemed that he had been distracted just now Here comes the deal.

“Well, Morin, you are now a first-class apprentice, so, you think about it, have you learned from me about a paid subject?” The smile on Adrian’s face gradually converged, looking at Mo Lin, the expression is quite serious, apparently looking at Morin’s answer.

Morin was silent.

In the conversation with Lilith just now, he naturally knows that all kinds of knowledge in the dark forest are divided into two types: free and paid. The free ones are generally public classes and basic classes. As for the paid classes, they are generally really advanced. Subject knowledge is the essence of each tutor’s research direction.

“Tutor, can you tell me, what knowledge do you have for paying?” Morin thought for a while and said.

Adrian froze, then nodded and said, “Of course.”

“Morin, I have many subjects to study, but I think you should be like Meslilis and only interested in my pharmacy.” Adrian smiled slightly and said, “After all, you worship at Under my door, to become my apprentice, almost all for my pharmacy accomplishments. “

Said that with a flick of his hand, Adrian immediately grabbed three test tubes of different colors of drugs, namely purple, red and blue.

“Those three pharmacies represent my knowledge of three different disciplines in pharmacy, namely” Basic Principles of Pharmacy “,” Analysis and Demonstration of Biological Pharmacology “,” Initial Conjecture Concerning Biology and Materials Science “, Which one do you choose?”

Morin looked at the three test tubes and eyes in front of him, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

He did not expect that “Basic Principles of Pharmaceutics” turned out to be paid knowledge. No wonder Dairik who was killed by him would hide himself in his body. He already had this door, and naturally it was ruled out. As for the other two, Mo After Lin thought about it for a while, he quickly decided.

“Teacher, I choose” Analysis of Biological Pharmacology “.” Mo Lin said quietly.

“Very wise choice.”

Adrian smiled, but he didn’t see any action. There was only one red medicine test tube in his hand, and the other two medicine test tubes disappeared suddenly.

He smiled slightly and said, “In fact,” Basic Principles of Pharmacology “and” Analysis of Biological Pharmacology “are suitable for you. This is an indispensable thing for pharmacists. After all, you have just started. Only. “

“As for the last subject,” Preliminary Conjecture on Biology and Material Science “, that is just my conjecture and assumption, and it is still being perfected. It is difficult to understand what you got.”

“Okay, it’s yours now.” Adrian passed over the red reagent test tube.

Moline saluted slightly towards Adrian, took the potion, and signed an oath in front of Adrian.

This is inevitable. If the knowledge of higher paid subjects can be leaked at will, then it is estimated that no tutor will impart apprenticeship knowledge, and this also violates the principle of equivalent exchange between wizards.


The orange flame was burning, and the black scroll that made the oath was burned into nothingness. Immediately, Mo Lin felt a restraint in his body imposed on him.

“Teacher, I started.”

Morin gestured to Adrian, then he opened the stopper and drank the red test tube of the potion.

In an instant, Morin felt a cold sensation came over. After a while, he felt a sudden pain in his head, like someone was holding a giant hammer that kept hitting his head.

“Ah!” Morin staggered, feeling blurred in front of him.

“Relax, relax Moline, it’s okay …”

Adrian put his hand on Morin’s shoulder, spoke softly, and then spit out a few syllables from his mouth.

Morin only felt light, and the discomfort immediately disappeared. He smiled at Adrian and expressed his gratitude.

“Morin, you now have paid knowledge. If you have difficulty understanding, you can come to me and I can help you for free.” Adrian looked at Molin with a smile, and slowly took his hand back.

“Thank you tutor.”

Morin bowed slightly.

Then Moline stayed in the laboratory for a while, listening to Adrian’s careful notes and some experiences from Winnie and Metz. Finally, Moline left the laboratory.

While walking on the road, he gently rubbed his brow.

I was able to get paid knowledge from Adrian this time, although it was a bit unexpected, but in general it was good. Anyway, he had to get paid knowledge from Adrian, but it was sooner or later However, in this case, it is better to get a little earlier.

After all, the sooner you get it, you can use the chip to analyze it, so that you can understand it more deeply.

Of course, this is to cooperate with him to continue to learn free knowledge and basic courses in the dark forest. This is the key, Mo Lin will not forget.

The following day, Morin had a very peaceful life. He occasionally visited Adrian. First, Adrian asked for difficulties and doubts. At the same time, he went to the teaching area of ​​the dark forest to learn the basics. During this period, he and Lilith gradually When he got familiar, Morin found that Lilith was very open in front of him.


“Mo Lin, you are here.”

In the dining area of ​​the dark forest, Anthony and Li looked at Morin, and they all stood up and smiled.

Morin nodded with a smile and said, “Richard, and Anthony.” At the same time he looked at Aaron and Lucy Alice sitting next to him, smiling and nodded.

After arriving in the dark forest, Morin and Richard Aaron were separated. They were assigned to different mentors. They were busy constantly, adapting to the environment and atmosphere of the dark forest. After a little settling, Anthony proposed Everyone gathered together, Mo Lin will not refuse.

“Morlin, you are really surprised. You turned out to be an apprentice to the Adrian Wizard. He is a pharmacist. His pharmacy is famous throughout the dark forest.” Richard is still the same as before. Smiled, very happy, and said, “Morin, you have become an apprentice to Master Adrian Wizard. In the future, you will be a pharmacist.”

“Yeah, Moline, congratulations.” Aaron whispered next to her, and Lucy and Alice smiled softly, looking at Moline’s eyes strangely.

“Mo Lin, it is good that the pharmacist’s net worth and income are very rich, but similarly, in the early stage, it is very resource-intensive.”

Anthony looked over and smiled brightly, revealing a convincing power in his tone, and said: “If you have difficulty, you can tell me, you know, we came out together, we are together.”

The last few words of his words were very slow, as if they meant something.


Morin said stubbornly that he understood Anthony’s meaning, of course, but he didn’t have a cold for Anthony’s co-op. The reason is very simple. He killed Derek and the previous wizard seed and got Many magic stones have more than one hundred pieces. These magic stones are barely enough for his early use.

Anthony smiled, and then they talked about other things.

“Oh, damn, the randomly selected tutor is really bad. My tutor is all weird and smells dead.”

“My tutor is cold, and there are many apprentices, hey, I don’t know how to communicate with him.”


Gradually, Richard let them go, and the more they said, the more relaxed, Mo Lin also said a few words from time to time, and finally did not feel very non-existent.

Through their conversation, Morin knew where Richard and Lucy were selected as a female wizard called Vivian. Vivian ’s requirements were not strict, but there were not many precious teachings to the apprentices. UU read books Richard was a bit sad, but Morin was relieved. After all, he knew that Richard was not too dangerous, and he did n’t need to do strange witchcraft experiments with his mentor.

When Anthony talked about his mentor, he was somewhat energetic, obviously very satisfied with his mentor, but Aaron, somehow, remained silent with his mentor.

They also talked about Reias and Anna. It is said that Anna disappeared immediately after entering the dark forest, and Reyth ’s mentor was one of the most powerful mentors in the dark forest, Paine.

“Master Parn, but not less than Lord Evans.”

Alice said aside, her tone was a little envious, after all, her mentor was just average.

It did n’t take long for them to gradually spread out, and then agreed to go to the public class in the teaching area, where there were many formal wizard professors, who taught much better than what Scollet said on the road, and can help them consolidate Basic knowledge.

“Come on, Morin, and strive to become a first-class apprentice earlier.” Anthony’s smile was contagious.

“Come on.”

Molin said lightly, although he was already a first-class apprentice.

Then he said goodbye to Richard and Aaron, turned around, and slowly walked towards his dormitory.

“How about the chip?” Morin asked lightly in his mind.

“Ding! Mission in progress!”

“Information screening!”

“Data processing!”

“” Analysis of biological pharmacology “has been analyzed 84%, the estimated remaining time, 5 hours and 29 minutes!”

“Very good.” Mo Lin nodded slightly.

While walking, he gently pulled the black robe on his body.

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