Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 82 - Trial (6)

Is silent all around.

Everyone listened to Aaron’s story, and there was a feeling in his heart that he couldn’t say.

Aaron’s voice is very flat, not much ups and downs, but everyone knows that his story contains such blood and tears and bitterness.

“I am back.”

“Blue Ring and Wizard Apprentice in the Dark Forest, everything is finally unimportant and finally over.” Aaron’s mouth slightly raised.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

His voice is also very soft.

“Let’s die.”



A wizard apprentice near Aaron yelled, his body burst suddenly, and turned into a sky of blood mist, floating down the sky.

The other wizard apprentices have finally reacted now. They yelled, looking at Aaron’s eyes, full of terrified fear.

“You, you, how dare you!”

“No, no, please don’t kill me.”

“Fight with you, I will fight with you!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The wizard apprentices were backing away, some were yelling, some were begging for mercy, some were crazy, and wanted to fight desperately with Aaron. At this moment, everyone’s appearance was completely revealed.

Unfortunately, as Aaron just said, everything is useless.


The black pupil of the black giant snake was very cold. It raised a silent hissing sound from the sky, and then moved suddenly toward the wizard apprentices in the front.



The apprentices of the wizard yelled that the flames on the black giant snake’s phantom burned into a very fly ash. Even if someone wanted to escape, but in the end, they were still not spared.

No wizard apprentice can resist.

This is a massacre.

Everything was quiet again, and there was peace all around, except that there was a black and gray on the ground.

The ground was cratered, white smoke kept blowing, messy, as if it had just experienced a volcanic eruption.

Morin looked at this scene in front of him and was a little shocked.

Combined with the scene he saw before leaving the dark forest, he already knew what it was all about.

Apparently, Aaron got the laboratory left by that Gregorian, and thus merged the blood vein of Hemanduo Lava Giant Snake, and became Hemanduo Lava Giant Snake Warlock.

I just didn’t expect that the power of the bloodline is so powerful, how long has it passed, Aaron’s strength has been changed dramatically, and now Aaron has at least the strength of a formal wizard.

“This is just a subspecies of Pancora. If, after I got the blood of Pancra scarlet snake, I will use the Minai Totem to become a real ancient wizard.”

“So, my strength will be …”

Morin did not feel the slightest frustration. He thought of something, and his heart became hot.


Countless smoke and looming flames were surging, and disappeared cleanly behind Aaron. Aaron slowly flew down from the air, his expression was light, and the cloud was breeze.

“Moline.” Aaron whispered, he looked at Moline with gentle eyes and said, “I haven’t seen you for a long time. I really didn’t expect that we would meet in this way.”

“Yeah, it’s really unexpected.”

Morin sighed with emotion.

Aaron looked at Morin without speaking.

After a while, he suddenly smiled and said, “Mo Lin, thank you, my friend.”

“Once, when I was going crazy for Elena, you and Richard came to comfort me and let me spend the most painful period; while on the boat, you also protected me many times and let me spend the most Dangerous stage, if you have n’t done it before, I think I should be dead. “

“Also in the dark forest, you are not the same as other people, because my qualifications dismissed me, but helped me a little.”

“You, Richard, in short, thank you, thank you.”

Aaron sighed, the most sincere smile appeared on his face.

Morin was startled.

He touched his nose and said nothing.

“Mo Lin, now in the secret realm is very dangerous, so you must pay attention to safety, do not have accidents.”

Said Aaron.

He felt a little stunned. If it wasn’t for sneaking in because of the legendary blood, he might protect Moline until the end of this trial.

This trial was too dangerous, and he didn’t know Mo Lin’s cards and secrets at all, so he inevitably worried about Mo Lin.

You know, Morin, this is one of his few friends.

But Moline could not follow them, because even Aaron could not be sure what would happen to them, and it would not necessarily be safe for Moline to follow them.

“Moline, go southwest, where we once swept through, there shouldn’t be many wizard apprentices in a short time, Moline, you go there, it is much safer.”

Allen said, suggesting to Mo Lin.

Morin froze, then nodded and said, “Okay, I will go.”

He knew that Aaron regarded him as an ordinary wizard apprentice, so he suggested this, but Mo Lin had not completed what he wanted to do, how could he go to that area.

If you want to maintain a good level among the surviving wizard apprentices, you must observe the points of other wizard apprentices and pay attention at all times. Otherwise, you will kill some wizard apprentices indiscriminately and hide. The points will be more or less. Well, it’s not so good.

Morlin must at least find out the approximate strength of other wizard apprentices, so that he can make an assessment in his heart, and then accumulate points, so that’s enough.

Aaron nodded, he looked at Mo Lin, thought about it, and suddenly took out a silver token and handed it to Mo Lin.

When the silver token was just taken out, a light silver flame appeared on the surface, but it didn’t take long for those silver flames to disappear on the surface of the token.

The entire token looks ordinary, without any trace of abnormality.

“Morin, you hold this token, maybe it will be useful in the future.” Aaron said softly.

Those who were in black robe had been watching beside them. When they saw Aaron took out the silver token, their faces all showed a horrified look.

“Under the crown, this is Gintama token, how can you …”

A man in black robe couldn’t help it, he came forward and wanted to say something.

But Aaron just glanced at him, and made him a scorner, so he didn’t dare to say more.

“Moline, please accept it.” Aaron looked at Moline with a sincere expression on his face.

“it is good.”

Morin thought for a while and nodded.

The smile on Aaron’s face was warm. After he had spoken to Moline again, he took the others and walked in another direction.

Morin stood on the spot, looking at the disappearing Aaron and those in black robes, and then at the silver token in his hand, he couldn’t help shaking his head and smiled.

“Really …” Morin exhaled. There were too many twists in what happened, and he didn’t know what to say.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the woods, it was Sig.

“Jack, you …”

Sig appeared nearby, he just wanted to say something, but he was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

There is a mess around. It is estimated that many wizard apprentices have died. All of this is because of the person in front of me, Jack?

“Sig, I didn’t expect you to catch up.” Moline turned his head, looked at Sig, and raised his eyebrows.

“No, no no, no, I am not.”

Sig’s face changed instantly.

He waved his hand and kept talking, saying: “Passing, passing, I just pass by, just pass by.”

After he finished speaking, he turned around immediately and ran into the forest.

Soon, Sieg’s figure disappeared completely.

Morin was surprised, but when he saw the messy ground nearby, he understood Sieg’s idea.

He couldn’t help smiling lightly.

After lightened his mood a little, Mo Lin turned around and walked in other directions.

He still has to look around.

After traveling a while, Morin met a lot of wizard apprentices, dark forest, haze labyrinth, bone tower, etc., all members of the wizard organization.

Of course, the final result is naturally self-evident. Moline with the alchemy grenade is simply not comparable to ordinary wizard apprentices.

But when Morin saw the creature in front of him, his face still couldn’t help but appear surprised.

“Dark Elf?” Morin raised an eyebrow.

The dark elf opposite is a tall female elf with a concave-convex body, wearing gorgeous leather armor, exquisite face, and looks beautiful.

“Witch apprentice, you came here, then, you don’t have to be alive.” The dark elf slowly pulled out the cross sword.

Her body was agile, like a cheetah. After a little movement, she rushed over.


The crisp impact sounded.

Morin didn’t know when the cross sword was pulled out, just a flash, it very strangely blocked the dark elf’s attack.

“You are looking for death!” A sneer appeared on the corner of Morin’s mouth.


The dark elf was surprised.

But it has not much effect.

Countless tiny blood-colored vines didn’t know when to show up, and entangled her tightly. Just when the dark elf tried to struggle, he threw a cross sword into the neck.

Morin slowly pulled out the cross sword, and saw the dark elf gradually losing vitality in front of his eyes, and the expression on his face was indifferent.

“I … I am … I won’t let you in … His Royal Highness … His Royal Highness … The task entrusted to me is to block the nearby human wizard apprentice … for … for our dark elves … you … you cannot … … “

The dark elf coughed up blood constantly. She reached out and tried to hold Morin’s clothes, but it didn’t help much.

Morin made up a sword and killed the dark elf.

As he retrieved the cross sword, Morin thought of what the dark elf said.

“It’s really interesting.”

Morlin’s mouth twitched.

After thinking about it, he turned around and walked in the direction that the dark elf had just guarded.

Not long after he left, Suddenly, Mo Lin found that the surroundings became more and more strange, and even the composition of the air had changed.

The analysis given by the chip gave him a little peace of mind, so Morin moved on.

He came to a cave. Inside the cave, there was a sealed witchcraft circle, which contained a stone with the size of a baby fist sealed, and the surface was covered with blood marks, beating like a heart. The same, very strange.

But now, UU reading www.’s witchcraft array is dim and weak, and the stones are beating, like they are about to break through the seal.

“What’s this?” Morin’s eyes showed a surprised look.

Without much hesitation, Morin held out his hand and grabbed the stone in his hand.

At this time, Morin found a hole on the other side of the cave. From the hole, you can see that there are many dark elves sitting outside, chanting witchcraft spells in a low voice.

A dark elf found Morin and shouted something in Guandas.


“His Royal Highness, the bloodstone is taken away by a human wizard apprentice!” Ani looked anxiously and said beside her.

Freya’s complexion is ugly.

With their numerous dark elves, they quickly let the blood vein stone break through the seal, flew out on their own, and then completed the things that the night mother had explained. Who can think that at this critical time, a human wizard apprentice appeared, take It’s the bloodstone.

**** it!

Freya hit a stone on the stone next to it, and immediately, a huge stone next to it was smashed into pieces.

“Shout to the wizard apprentice, as long as he is willing to hand over the bloodstone, we are willing to pay the price!” Freya squeezed her lips and said fiercely.

Ani beside her nodded her head, and she just shouted a few words. Suddenly, Freya realized that the human wizard apprentice raised their hands towards them, and then put the blood on the stone in her arms, and turned away. Too.

Before leaving, the human was still laughing.


“damn it!”

All the dark elves had a stunned and unbelievable expression on their faces, while Freya looked at Morin’s disappearing direction, and her face became very ugly.

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