Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 92 - Trial (16)

“You … who killed another female wizard apprentice in Varo and Had Castle?” Jason’s voice seemed to contain gunpowder, which could explode at any time.

“And Baker, he is a wizard apprentice of our Bone Tower, which is a rare good seedling, but I intend to absorb him into my wizard family.” The Bone Tower’s grip is also very ugly, his face Wearing a bone mask, he can’t see his expression clearly, but everyone present can feel his anger at this time.

The faces of the two men in charge are ugly, and it looks like they might be able to do anything with other wizard apprentices present at any time.




The other leaders present were ugly, yelling loudly towards Jason and Stark.

“Want to do it? Did you forget our previous pledge!” Augusti was quiet, but very serious and cold, said: “Don’t forget, if you betray the vow, what price will you pay!”

Jason and Stark glanced at each other, and in the end, they could only endure without incident.

After being silent for a moment, Augustelt took the lead and said: “Okay, now the fruit of the Skole Soul Hunter is ripe, let’s take a look at it first, don’t forget, what is our purpose this time … “

Augulet was talking. Suddenly, a faint figure flashed, and a little flash, then rushed towards the gray light door leading to the secret realm.

“How dare you want to pick peaches!”

“Damn! You are looking for death!”

“Who? Who is it!”

“Evens! You are so brave, okay, okay, okay. This time, no one can protect you, you are going to die! You must die!”

“This lunatic, I wanted to kill him long ago, Ogulet, anyway, this time, Evans, he’s dead!”

The directors of the various wizard organizations were angry, they roared, their bodies just flickered lightly, they rushed towards the front and quickly entered the secret realm.

Bang Bang, a burst of low and dense explosion sound came over, like a missile issued, a violent explosion, this is the people in the fight against non-stop.

Suddenly, Augusti’s voice rang.

“What’s this! Damn, dark elf, no wonder there wasn’t a dark elf just came out. Unexpectedly, you are plotting other things!”

“I feel a powerful force, a very powerful force!”

“This is the power of the bloodline!”

The voices of the executives passed on, with an unbelievable taste, and some unshakable joy.

The blasting sound of the explosion was heard again, and then there was the dark elf night mother Eve, the sound of anger and panic.

Morin stood outside and saw the gray light door trembling, and at the same time, they heard various sounds coming out.

“Hand of Gintama! Damn, you **** hybrids!”

“Son of Gintama? The legend is true, I didn’t expect that there was actually a blood warlock who got the power of purgatory!”

“I understand, dark elves, I didn’t expect you to have such an idea, it’s really a good idea.”

“Run, haha, son of Gintama, you are still too young to compare with us at all, I will grab you and dissect you to see what is flowing on you!”

“Skoll’s Soul Hunting Fruit, which can be promoted by a formal wizard! This is a very valuable resource, Evans, you get out of here!”

“Evens, you, you, you have already … ah!”

“Damn, Gintama Hand, you **** hybrids!”

“Dark Elves!”

Various sounds are mixed, as well as various energy particles and radiation and fluctuations, all rushing out at the same time, so that many wizard apprentices outside the gray light door are pale, and the body is shaky, which is very uncomfortable.

Morin’s mental strength is very high, and has reached the standard of promotion to the ancient wizard. It is considered to be very strong. He squinted his eyes and was able to persevere. He could clearly hear the sound coming from the vagueness inside. Clearly.

Suddenly, the whole gray light door burst open.

Numerous energy particles seem to be turbulent and turbulent, convolving many wizard apprentices, making many wizard apprentices yell, and the body falls to the ground involuntarily.

A figure flew out, and Morin saw a black giant snake ghost with a strong flame and smoky smell. It slightly raised his head and made a huge hissing sound. Several people of the Gintama hand hurriedly read the witchcraft spell , Using their blood to draw weird witchcraft runes on their faces, making the shadow of Hemanduo Lava Giant Snake more intense.

The black giant snake phantom swims, and with the help of those strange witchcrafts, quickly moves away.

When they left, vaguely, Morin could still see the shadow of the head of the giant black snake, lying with Aaron’s figure, but at this time Aaron’s face was pale and his eyes were tightly closed, It seems that the injury is not light.

The elves of the dark elves, Eve and Ani, some dark elves of the dark elves, ran towards the distance ~ ~ They had a crystal box in their hands, with a purple heart in them The ups and downs of the swell and the throbbing jump give a very mysterious feeling.

Evans rushed out with the executives, and as soon as he came out, Evans turned into a black energy rainbow and ran towards the distance. His face was flushed, obviously he was injured, but his face But there was a smile of excitement and joy.

The wizards of the wizarding organization yelled and used a variety of strange witchcraft to chase Aaron, the dark elves and Evans.

Soon, calmness returned to here.

The apprentices of the wizard groaned, and their bodies shook. After a while, they finally stood up slowly from the ground.

Morin’s hand was clenched into a fist. He put his fist in front of his mouth and coughed gently.

He looked ahead, and Aaron showed a strange look on the direction they left.

Many people have left, and there are no strong characters around.

Fell silent again.

The apprentices were silent and did not speak.

Finally, after a long time, the executives finally came back.

The expressions on their faces are different, and no sorrow and joy can be seen.

After a simple conversation, the control of each wizard organization was determined, and the remaining wizard apprentices were taken back in their respective wizard organizations.

“This secret realm has been ruined since then.” Augusti looked at the front, thinking of the broken light gate and the battle that had just taken place in the secret realm, he could not help but sigh.

He turned around and looked at the few apprentices in the dark forest, and smiled slightly.

“everything is over.”

“Okay, let’s go back to the dark forest.”

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