Journey of the Legendary Wizard

v2 Chapter 718 - Paradise Lost of the Gods




A heavy horn sounded, and many church warriors blushed, blowing the horn vigorously to welcome the pope.

The petals of flowers are flying in the air, and the bright red carpet is spreading towards it, and there is a figure on the carpet, which is slowly coming.

It was an old man wearing a silver-white robe. He looked majestic, and the whole person was filled with an indescribable temperament, and was very cold, with thin, thin lips pursed, with a deep murderous intent.

This is the church pope of this generation, and a powerful character who wiped out the coalition of nobles and magicians and completely destroyed all invaders.

Everyone looked at the pope. They knelt and dared not speak.

This is true whether it is a failed noble or other people within the church.

Did not rush at this time to offend the majesty of the pope.

It is said that the pope will re-coronate the kings afterwards. From then on, the king recognized by the pope can become the king of various kingdoms and principalities. If he is not blessed and crowned by the pope, then he is a false king and will be subjected to Joint attack.

Damn it!

The young king kneeling on the ground thought of the legendary news, and suddenly felt an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

They are finished.

Completely finished.

The cold pope with the murderous intention of the old pope ignored the people here. He went straight to the high platform and began the sacrificial ceremony under the auspices of the cardinal.

Everything is methodical and is proceeding according to the established things. No one said anything, no one dared.

Gradually, the cardinals spoke of great gods and gods.

“A long time ago, the world was barren. At this time, our great **** appeared, he calmed down all the dangers, killed all demons, blessed the almost extinct human beings, our great gods are powerful , Is immortal, he still loves the human being created by him, this naughty and incompetent child. “

“The gods gave all the fertile land to mankind, and then passed all the skills to the people. He said, everything is for you, the world is for you, and you will come by yourself in the future.”

“Our God is from the Kingdom of God, and finally returned to his Kingdom.”

“When the gods came to this world to create the world and give us a lot of things, we didn’t know it, but after that, our gods belonged to his country. At that time, the sky showed a brilliant light, in the morning glow, in In the night sky, the world was broken, the glory of the gods was scattered on the world, the golden light paved the way, and the singing of the Holy Spirit rang all around, that was welcoming the return of the gods … “

The protagonist of the red card was full of emotion, and he kept talking to him.

All the people are listening quietly.

This is a ritual, but it is not an ordinary ritual.

Suddenly, someone suddenly opened his eyes as if he had discovered something.

“God Kingdom, God Kingdom …”

“The Kingdom of God appears!”

“The Kingdom of God is in the air, in the air!”

It was completely boiled here, and the priests and warriors around the church were excited. Numerous old cultivators thumped and wept bitterly.

The cardinal had stopped chanting spells. He turned around and looked at the light in the sky. His expression was blank but unbelievable.

Not only him, even the cold and aloof Pope turned around at this time, he looked at the Kingdom of God, his lips flickered slightly, and the Pope’s eyes flashed like he wanted to say something. Glowing, I don’t know what it means to have unclear emotions.

The kings and nobles below were stunned.

How is it possible that the gods really exist? Really in this world? Is it true that only the church is unique, and everything they do is wrong and unnecessary?

At this moment, many people swayed their hearts, and more than one king’s heart was shaken.

Just when the sacrifice was interrupted below, and the pope and the red protagonist wanted to do something, suddenly, someone screamed again.

“Look, some people, some people!”

“There are two people, in high school, there are two people!”

“They are leading to the kingdom of God, to the kingdom of gods.”

“Golden light, golden light appeared, the golden avenue, like the legend, is the connection of the gods!”

Among the people who were shocked below, there was another shout.


Someone is leading to the kingdom of God, to the kingdom of gods?

Everyone couldn’t help but stay, and they saw that two figures appeared in the air in front of them, a young man in green clothes and black hair, and the other one was a young man with clear eyes and shrouded in black robe.

As if discovering the anomaly here, the young man in black robe turned around, glanced at everyone present, and then withdrew his gaze.

He took a step forward and disappeared into the Golden Avenue, disappearing with the girl in Tsing Yi.

All anomalies also disappeared at this time, as if they had never appeared.

The golden light, the morning glow, the sacred, and the many light spots that intertwined and flew off in the air …

be quiet.

There was a strange quiet below.

What … what’s going on?

All of a sudden, everything disappeared.

So the kingdom of gods is gone?

At this time, everyone fell into a dull and dazed state.

And Mo Lin and Tsing Yi who did all this did not know the thoughts of everyone outside.

They also don’t need to pay attention at all.

For Morin and Tsing Yi, whether it is the pope and the young king outside or others, they are just ants.

At this time, Mo Lin they were sighing.

“Finally came in.” Morin thought about some of the previous things and couldn’t help saying that.

In the past, Mo Lin and Tsing Yi discovered that they were wrong. They walked through the void and finally came to the present world. However, they still only found the wrong, but they could not find the wrong source, and they could not enter other places. Find something wrong.

Undoubtedly, this brought a little interest to Morin.

You know, he is already a fifth-level spiritual ring, and he is so special, and he has terrible knowledge that is scary for ordinary wizards to imagine, and he cannot enter other places. This is undoubtedly an abnormal thing.

Tsing Yi didn’t find it, which was even more wrong. Tsing Yi was also very extraordinary. She was a **** in the Endless Tower, and she was in charge of the almost endless knowledge in the Endless Tower.

At this time, Morin discovered that the church in this world had some unusual breath, faint, and somehow related to his key.

This is undoubtedly a very important and important clue.

Mo Lin just wanted to do something, such as the pope who controlled the church, but found that the church had defeated the coalition of kings and nobles and achieved the final victory. They were coming to hold some sacrifices and the like, so Mo Lin He Qingyi waited quietly in the void, waiting a few days, before the sacrifice began.

Sure enough, a unique aura came out at this time, and Mo Lin moved his heart and took out the golden key in his hand.

Immediately he sensed a very different anomalous world, and then there was such anomalous emotions. Then, Mo Lin walked in with Tsing Yi.

This is also the **** of this world, the so-called **** kingdom.

They have now entered that abnormal world space.

Mo Lin thought about the previous things, he exhaled gently, and withdrew his confused thoughts.

“Brother Moline, this world is so strange, and the breath here is really familiar.” Tsing Yi turned her head and said to Moline.

Morin looked around and nodded.

He and Tsing Yi are now floating in mid-air, and on the surface beside them, the powerful defensive witchcraft cast by Morin, but it seems safe here, does not need such a thing.

Morin sensed it and scanned it carefully many times with the chip to make sure that it was indeed safe. Only with a thought in his heart, he withdrew the defensive witchcraft.

Immediately, an alternative and powerful breath surged towards Mo Lin and Tsing Yi.

Inexplicable, ancient, sad, cold, sad, and some old ruins, and other things … wait, wait.

The light in front diffused.

Everything is clear.

Mo Lin and Tsing Yi saw the clusters of light floating in mid-air, different in size and size, as if they were round after round of the sun.

The light group seems to have something very different, just like this in the sky.

The whole sky is particularly dazzling.


Very beautiful and beautiful, and it is also a very magnificent golden color.

In the air, between the unidentified and indescribable light clusters, there are golden flow marks intertwined, changed, shuttled, and connected everything like water waves.

Among all the light groups, there is a vast and indescribable palace.

The palace is stretched into pieces. I do n’t know how big it is, how big it is. The unimaginable expanse has exhausted everyone ’s thinking and ca n’t be described.

But now, the whole hall has been ruined. Although the overall outline of the building is still there, the bricks and stones in front of the hall collapsed, the stone columns fell to the ground, and there was still a lot of dust. An indescribable desolation.

All things, all glory at this time, are completely gone.

But it was not this that shocked Mo Lin and Tsing Yi, but the strange feeling from this strange space.

“God … God … God … A lot of gods, a lot of gods …” Tsing Yi’s face was dyed in a strange color. She looked at the front and spoke subconsciously.

“Yeah, it is indeed the breath of many gods … gods, gods.”

There was a shock in Morin’s eyes, and he could not help saying that.


The gods before the endless years.

Mo Lin thought, he thought a lot, he could not help but shocked.

“Brother Moline, I know where it is.” Tsing Yi turned her head to look at Moline, her voice rang faintly, and said, “The Hall of Gods, this is the Hall of Gods of the Council of Gods.”

“Although I have never been to the Temple of the Gods, when the Council of the Gods was established, they were the God of War and Thor, and Ms. Rainbow also sent invitations to let me come over to participate in the Council of the Gods, High position and authority, but I still did not come. “

“I know it.”

“Undoubtedly, this is the hall of the gods of the council of gods, and only here will have such a rich and rich spirit breath.”

“The change is so great that I didn’t even notice it at once.”

Tsing Yi said, her voice was a little sighed, and there were some strange feelings that could not be said.

Council of Gods.

The temples of the gods.

Mo Lin thought, thinking gently in his heart.

“Yeah, the whole temple of the gods has been ruined to look like this ~ ~ Morin said, he simply smiled and said:” Qingyi, let’s go, let’s go to the gods ahead Look in the hall. “

Tsing Yi did not speak, but nodded vigorously.

Morin and Tsing Yi moved forward.

Soon, Mo Lin they came to the gate of the temple of the gods.

It’s very run down here, really run down. Although the general frame and outline are still there, the desolation and bleakness that have passed through countless years can’t be concealed anyway.

This is the desolation of the gods.

Mo Lin and Tsing Yi stood at the door, and at this time, the expressions on their faces were a little strange.

Standing in the gates of the temples of the gods, you can feel all changes, all changes and changes.

But now is not the time to sigh. Morin thought about it. He carefully sensed and checked to make sure there were no problems, so he finally reached out slowly and pushed open the door of the temples in front of him.


The piercing sound rang, and the silent temples of the gods, who didn’t know much, were finally opened again after endless distance.

A thicker, dusty smell came.

However, Mo Lin was interrupted by a voice before Tsing Yi had time to perceive these breaths and see the scenes of the temples inside.



There was a harsh sound.


After the endless years, there are still people in the temples of the gods?

Morin couldn’t help but be surprised.

He looked over and saw that behind a pillar, a woman in white ragged robes, a woman with white hair screamed, and immediately ran towards the back like crazy.

In an instant, the woman disappeared.

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