Journey of Void Survivor

Volume 1 Chapter 7: Zombie Fight

*Swish* *Thud*

*Swish* *Thud*

*Swish* *Thud*

"That three more to the count," I said, swinging my Bokken to clean all the blood gathered on it.

Doing this, I looked at the trail of the dead zombies I left behind in my walk. Counting the bodies, the total comes to twenty. Adding the fifteen from before, the grand total becomes 35.' I thought to myself as there are no more zombies trying to attack me.

Turning my head I looked at the graceful figure of Saeko, who is currently being surrounded by zombies from all sides but none of them can get close to her as the moment one of them gets close to her, they will receive a full force strike to their heads, ending their lives in an instant. I am also not worried about Saeko, after fighting her earlier I am fairly confident that as long as she is not surrounded by hundreds of zombies, none of them can even put a little scratch on her clothes. Other than that, I also don't want to disturb her fight due to the smile that is there on her lips right now as she fights a life-and-death battle. I really like that smile of hers.

Keeping an eye on my surroundings for any more zombies, I mentally asked Raphae, 'Hey Raphael. Can you tell me the amount of SP I have?'

{Yes, master, due to me being chosen as your Artificial Intelligence assistant. I have been granted access to operate the system as long as I have your permission.}

'Okay, then please check and tell me the amount of SP I currently have.' I asked her.

{Checked. 1,450 is the amount you currently have.}

"So much. Can you break it down into details?' I asked for a more detailed report.

{Confirmed. 250 SP from 25 Rank D- souls with 10Sp for each of them, 200 Sp from 10 Rank D+ souls with 20 Sp for each of them. Other 1,000Sp were there from the start.}

'Oh! 1,000Sp from the get-go. That was very generous of Aisha. I have to thank her when we meet next time.' I made a note to myself.

I then think of how can I make use of the fact that Raphael can access my system, thinking of the Idea I told Raphael, 'Raphael, I want you to access the system library and search for an appropriate Mana-based Cultivation manual, Meditation exercise and anything else that fits the talk we had before. Can you do that?' I asked her.

{Confirmed. Master, I can.}

'Then please do that.'

After saying these words, I ended my talk with her as I walked towards Saeko who had already ended her fight.

"So, where do we go from here?" I asked her.

"I am thinking of going to the school infirmary, to check whether the school nurse is still there or not. I personally know her, she might be an air-head sometimes but her skills are the real deal, so I think she might be a great addition to our group if we want to survive this virus outbreak.' Saeko made a well-thought-out decision.

"That's a really well-thought decision," I praised her decision-making skills. "But to think that you have already started thinking of us as a group." I tried to tease her and it worked as her cheeks reddened a bit even if she tried to maintain her blank face.

"That's really cute of you, Saeko. Trying to hide your smile behind that blank face, but still, the redness of your cheek gives away your real feelings." I pointed out.

In return, she turned her face away, not trying to hide her embarrassment any longer. I moved and came face to face with her and finally saw her blushing face, but she turned her face again. I again moved and came face to face with her as she again turned her face away. Like this, we continued our game of hide and seek.

"Okay, okay. I wouldn't tease you anymore, just let's take a good look at your smiling face. Pretty please." I asked her in the most innocent tone I could muster.

"Okay, here you go," Saeko said. I cheered internally. Then I moved and came face to face with her.

"Fu! Hahaha!!" I laughed out loud on looking at the angry expression she made on her face.

"Woahh, you know you look like a chipmunk with your nose scrunched up like that. Oh! That's so cute of you." I tease her after ending my laugh intruding in her personal space as I pointed at her scrunched-up nose.

In return she puffed up her cheeks, it caught me off guard as my mind took some time to register this move. But then as soon as I registered all that, I smiled unconsciously as I said, "Yes, that suits you more than the blank mask you were wearing a few moments ago and the first time we met this morning."

I said pointing out the fact that she just a few moments ago wore a blank mask on her face to hide her true feelings. I then continued, "You don't need to hide your true feelings behind any mask when you are with me, I like your battle-hungry smile from before we were sparing and the predatory one while you were fighting just now. In simple words, Saeko, you accept my existence, even after I told you my story and it can be proven by the fact that you are allowing me to be by your side. So, in return I want you to be your true self when you are with me, you might think that that I am weird which is true as during the small amount of time I have to spend with you I have come to like you, as a friend and as someone from the opposite sex. I want to know more about you, your hobbies, your likes, dislikes, even your kinks, everything that is there to know about you, and in return I will tell you everything you want to know about me." After finishing my long confession, I asked her, "What do you think?"


Saeko started to laugh out loud as I ended while hiding her mouth behind her hand. I also unconsciously smiled as she finally let go of her true self.

A few moments later, after Saeko stopped laughing, she had a large predatory smile on her face as she looked at me, and then she said, "You know, that was my first one hearing someone confess his love like that."

"Yes, my ways are just as unique as mine", 'Even Raphael's Appraisal says the same if the Singularity title in it is true,' I said with a huge smile, then I waited for Saeko's next words.

"Yes, it is very unique to confess and I kinda like it. But are you sure you want me as your lover?" She said with a strained smile.

Hearing that, I understand that this girl has some self-confidence issues. 'Raphael, please keep a watch on our surroundings.

{Yes Master}

After getting a reply from Raphael, I stored my Bokken in my inventory and then did the same with Saeko's. Note minding the surprised look of Saeko, I wrapped one of my arms around her waist as my other hand grabbed hold of the back of her head.

"What are you doing?" She asked me while being a little flustered.

"Showing you how amazing you are." With that said I didn't give her time to think any time and my lips overlapped her as my arm previously resting around her waist, it is now roaming around her slim waist with a good amount of fat on it, then my hand finally rested on her plump ass, which I squeezed making her moan.


Due to her lips being overlapped with mine, her moaning is muffled. Taking advantage of her opened mouth, I intruded her mouth with my tongue, which resulted in her eyes opening wide. But with time as I roamed every nook and cranny of her mouth, she finally stopped holding back and started responding by introducing her tongue in my mouth as her hands also wrapped around my body, taking the feel of the muscle hidden behind my clothes.

Taking the introduction of her tongue as a declaration of war, I got serious and increased the intensity of my attack which left her stupefied as my tongue dominated hers. Her legs started to bobble as they become weak due to lack of oxygen and my continued attacks. But I was already ready for it, as soon as her legs gave out I supported her body by grabbing her ass making her moan again. But I continued our kiss.

A minute later, I finally ended our kiss when Saeko was on the brink of collapsing due to a lack of oxygen. We separated, leaving a bridge of saliva connecting our lips.

"Huff, Huff." Saeko breathes heavily, taking in as much oxygen as possible.

"Do you like that?" I asked her as I wasn't as heavy breathing as she must be due to my 250 endurance.

"Huff-yes. it felt- huff-intoxicating," she said in between deep breaths.

"Me too," I said, resting my forehead against hers.

"So, what are your thoughts about my confession now?" I asked, looking straight into her eyes.

She looked back, regaining control over her breath she said, "Yes, I agree, and do you think I would let you go after you took my first kiss?"

"First kiss," I asked back. "Yes," she said shyly.

"I never thought that you would be following those old traditions. Not to dislike them or something, instead, I will say that I will like them if they are the reason behind your 'Yes'. But still, I am a little disappointed that my kissing skills are not the reason behind your decision." I said the last part with a moke disappointed tone that earned a giggle from her.

"You got me wrong, it was your kissing skills that forced me to say yes." She chided me like a child.

"Oh, is that so?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"Then do you want to do it one more time?" I asked, reaching for her lips once again. But she moved away, moving out of my arms, with a mischievous teasing smile on her face, "Not now, we need to reach the infirmary." she said.

"Agh! That's frustrating, but your point is also true. Let's go.'' I said after a sigh. Taking out our Bokken's I passed Saeko hers, then as she came close to take it from me I said in her ear, "But remember, we haven't just now. We will continue it, later on after reaching some place, where our safety is guaranteed."

Saying that, I looked at Saeko who bowed her head in shame, but she still nodded in return and said, "Okay."

"Okay, now let's go. As soon as we meet with that nurse, we will quickly find a safe place for ourselves and have more time for ourselves." I said and holding Saeko's hand, we started moving in the direction she pointed at.

Here is the promised 1 out of the 2 chapters of today.

One more thing, I have uploaded the Prologue of the new version of this story on my Patreon.

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