Journey to One Piece

304. Cheer for Lucy

The announcer was having a very hard time expressing and screaming what was going on the in the arena. It was madness. He was seeing multiple Lucy fighting multiple of them and that too Lucy giving each of them a hard fight. And for some reason Lucy was actually coming on top. 

Luffy, always one to charge headlong into battle, grinned and lunged forward. Smoothie, with an air of calm confidence, raised her sword, a blade with the ability to extract the very essence from her opponents.

The clash began with a burst of speed as Luffy closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye. His fist, enveloped in Haki, surged towards Smoothie with the force of a cannonball. Smoothie, unfazed, smoothly sidestepped, her sword cutting through the air with a liquid grace.

The arena echoed with the sound of steel meeting rubber as the two fighters engaged in a high-speed dance. Luffy's movements were unpredictable, his body contorting and stretching to evade Smoothie's precision strikes. In turn, Smoothie gracefully dodged and parried, her sword leaving trails of juice in its wake.

As the battle intensified, Smoothie decided to unveil the true extent of her powers. With a swift motion, she swung her sword through the air, creating a vacuum that sucked the moisture out of everything around her. The very arena seemed to wither under the effects of her ability.

Luffy seeing this as a major concern shouted. 

"Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)"

It sent a long straight fire at Smoothie and as she involuntarily sucked in the fire too but this time fire getting sucked proved very bad for her as she didn't expect that and felt a very bad burning sensation that passed through her body. It had to be remembered that this fire was actually based on chakra and what she did was consume chakra inside. 

Her body wasn't altered by the system like Luffy and thus felt more pain as her body had never taken anything like this before. She screamed in pain as she did so. Luffy didn't know all this as he had never faced this situation before so he too was surprised that this would ever happen. 

On the other side of the arena, another clone of Luffy was fighting Sasaki.

Sasaki, wielding a massive sword that matched his imposing stature, charged forward with the thundering weight of a charging beast.

The battle ignited with a clash of steel and Haki-infused fists. Luffy, his movements agile and unpredictable, dodged Sasaki's sweeping strikes with a dancer's grace. Sasaki, undeterred by Luffy's acrobatics, swung his massive sword with a force that sent shockwaves through the arena.

Luffy, sensing the sheer power behind Sasaki's attacks, decided to up the ante. With a burst of energy, he activated Gear Second, his body enveloped in steam as he propelled himself toward Sasaki like a rubber bullet. The clash of strength and speed unfolded as Luffy unleashed a barrage of rapid punches, each strike infused with the fiery intensity of Gear Second.

Sasaki, showcasing the resilience of a prehistoric beast, weathered Luffy's assault. The triceratops-themed swordsman retaliated with a powerful swipe of his sword, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the arena. The crowd gasped as Luffy skillfully evaded the razor-sharp blade, narrowly avoiding a devastating blow.

As the battle raged on, Sasaki decided to unleash the full extent of his Zoan-type Devil Fruit powers. With a mighty roar, he underwent a transformation, his massive form shifting into that of a towering triceratops. The arena shook as Sasaki, now a living juggernaut, charged at Luffy with the unstoppable force of prehistoric fury.

Undeterred, Luffy activated Gear Third, his body expanding to giant proportions. The clash between the rubber pirate and the armored triceratops became a spectacle of raw power. Tremors echoed through the arena as Luffy and Sasaki exchanged blows that would shatter stone. 

In a final, explosive moment, Luffy gathered his strength for a finishing move—Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling. His fists, enlarged and empowered, rained down on Sasaki with a barrage of relentless punches. But before Luffy could deliver the final punch, his shadow clone simply vanished. And this wasn't the case only for Sasaki, but also for the ones fighting the others. Before all the fights could finish, they vanished in a puff of smoke and the main body Luffy who was fighting with staff against Jack. 

Jack hurled his huge trunk at Luffy and he was thrown back, almost falling off the edge of the arena into the bull shark infested water. The vanishing of all of his shadow clones hit Luffy hard as the shadow clones also take damage and get into the main body after vanishing. Naruto was just a pervert of not being damaged too much when he used it. 

Luffy getting himself together, slowly stood up. He was huffing a bit as he stood up. 

"Your clones.. You take their damage too once they vanish away. Doesn't it Straw hat Luffy." 

Luffy, who just got up looked at Jack and said. 

"Still have the energy to take all of you down together. Hehehehe." Luffy gave his iconic and brave smile as he said. The other people listening to him had their eyes wide open as he said that. They felt humiliated. Meanwhile the announcer screamed through the mic and said. 

"The clones of Lucy had just vanished and now Lucy is all alone fighting Jack and Sasaki of the Beasts Pirates and Madam Smoothie and Perospero of the Big Mom Pirates. Ladies and gentlemen, we have never witnessed anything like this in the history of the arena ever before. 4 big shots of Yonko pirate group are facing a single man and he took them all alone and fighting toe to toe. This is unprecedented."

The announcement buzzed through the audience as they themselves were dumbstruck by what was happening. They thought that Lucy would be taken down quite fast and easily but it seemed the Yonko Pirates were ganging up on him. They couldn't understand why at the beginning but now they did. 

The audience erupted with cheer as they cheered Luffy. Of course with the name of Lucy. 

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