Journey to One Piece

309. Don’t ruin my sword

"That was a bit harsh on him," Franky said. He saw the blood flowing down the palm of Senor Pink, and he genuinely felt bad.

"We can't be merciful always, Franky. I know Luffy doesn't care and is all about freedom, but sometimes some people need a smack in the head," Ken replied. Franky agreed with Ken's words but still felt a bit bad for Senor Pink.

Without more words, Ken vanished from his spot with the help of the Kamui dimension, leaving Franky alone. He looked at Senor Pink for one last minute before progressing towards the factory. Of course, many people were angry with what happened, but none actually tried to stop him.

They had seen the cruelty of Punisher; they didn't need more in their lives. Seeing that everyone had moved out of fear, he didn't waste a moment. The small tribe members had already gone in and vacated their own tribe members.

Their princess was finally free. Leo and his team came to rescue her. Thus, the small people were now safe and sound. Franky, getting the green signal, was finally time for the Smile Factory to end forever. Panels on his robotic limbs opened, revealing an array of powerful armaments. His right arm transformed into a high-tech cannon, and he began charging a devastating energy blast.

With a focused gaze, Franky unleashed the energy blast towards the weakened supports of the Smile Factory. The powerful beam collided with the structure, causing a chain reaction of explosions and structural failures. The very foundation of the factory began to crumble.

The once-mighty Smile factory succumbed to the onslaught, collapsing in on itself in a spectacular display of destruction. Franky sighed as he looked at the destruction he had just caused. The Smile factory saga was finally over, and now Doflamingo was in some deep trouble.

Ken appeared again, almost at the gates of Doflamingo's castle. As he appeared, his phone buzzed, and then he proceeded to receive the call.

"Hello, Jinbe."

"Ah, so he is here. Well, we must give them a warm welcome."

"Keep on the lookout."

Ken and Law were together again. He looked at Ken with nothing but annoyance as he had left.

"Where did you go?" Law asked.

"Just helped a friend of mine and took down one of the Doflamingo Pirates," Ken said, and Law looked deeply at Ken. Ken saying those words casually would make Law shiver a bit. He spoke like he had just crushed an ant and nothing more.

But he also knew that only Ken could say those words and make it feel like nothing had happened.

"Who was it?" Law was curious and asked.

"Senor Pink," Ken replied, and Law just nodded. As they came close to the huge gate, they were stopped by two people: two elite officers of the Donquixote Pirates.

Trebol and Diamante.

"Trebol... Diamante..." Law murmured under his breath. Ken looked straight at them and asked.

"Where is the weird-voiced guy... What was his name? Ah yes, Pica..."

"Punisher Kenny... Do you think you are even capable of seeing another one of us?" Diamante asked, and just after he finished his words, blood spurted out from one side of his neck like a fountain. Diamante didn't even realize what had happened, and when he did, he hurried to stop the excessive bleeding.

Diamante barely turned around and saw Ken standing behind him with his back facing him. He could see the sword on his hand. He didn't even notice how Ken had unsheathed his sword and how he moved. The only thing he felt was the hot blood on his shoulders.

"Diamante.." Trebol shouted and looked at him.

"It's nothing.. I..." Diamante wanted to say more but before he could say he felt light headedness. He wanted to assure that he was fine but before he could say so, he felt straight on the floor. The floor soon became a mess as blood flowed in large quantities. Law didn't even feel an ounce of pity for this guy and just looked emotionless. 

Trebol screamed with his childish voice and out of anger attacked. Trebol lunged forward, his mucus tendrils reaching out to ensnare Ken. With a swift swing of his blazing zanpakuto, Ken incinerated the incoming mucus, leaving no trace behind.

Trebol, undeterred, continued to produce more mucus, creating a defensive barrier around him. He might be childish but he wasn't stupid. He knew something was very wrong with the fire that this guy was producing. He had seen Ken's videos multiple times but even then they had not seen something like this before. It was the first of its kind that Trebol had ever seen. 

And for that he felt scared. He was here under the orders of Doflamingo, but he really hoped that his Young master would come and help him.

The heat was intense, but Trebol's mucus proved resilient. The sticky substance absorbed the flames, creating a protective shield around him. However, Ken, with a stern expression, revealed the true power of his zanpakuto.

The temperature soared as Ryujin Jakka's flames turned white-hot. The very air seemed to combust as Ken swung his zanpakuto downward, releasing a torrent of superheated flames that engulfed Trebol's defenses. 

The mucus was gone and he looked at Ken with horror in his eyes. It took some time for explanation but all of this happened within a matter of few seconds. Everything got incinerated by the hot flames and there was nothing that could stop him. 

"I don't want Ryujin Jakka to touch your filthy body. Do you want to knock yourself out or should I send you to the ocean?" Ken asked with no emotions in his voice. 

"You killed Diamante.. You hurt the pride of Donquixote Pirates. Do you think you can live long.. beheheh.. The Yonkos will soon be here..." Trebol wanted to say more but before he could, he only heard. 

"Shinra Tensei." 

And then he found himself in the air. Moving... No.. He was flying.. He flying because he was smacked away into the air and there was nothing that could stop it. 

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