Journey to One Piece

318. Let me walk the talk

"Oye.. You guys.. What happened. The ship isn't big enough for someone to just vanish. Search more closely. If you don't find him, I will throw you out to the sea." Jack barked from his mask. The mask had made his voice weird but the intimidation remained.

They searched long and wide but they still couldn't find the person they had been looking for. The fog was slowly dissipating but somehow they felt like the clear light which should have come back by now as the sun was shining brightly didn't light the place up. 

It was a very weird sensation for a minute or so, as most of the people searching including Jack and Sasaki were busy looking for Ken. At first all the shadow around after the fog dissipated a lot made everyone think that there was some sort of a huge cloud over the top of their head. 

But they soon realized that the shadow was getting deeper. This made many of them look up to see what the hell was up with the clouds, but when they looked up they stiffened. 

"Oye.. What are you looking up at. Search for Punisher already." Sasaki shouted. One of the crew could only open his mouth and clatter a bit before saying. 

"Is.. Is he a God," 

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jack shouted and looked up in curiosity and when he did, he had the same feeling as his subordinate. This must be some kind of joke. 

At first he saw Ken who was high up in the air. He seemed to standing on air and looking down on them with no emotions on his face. He looked down at them as if they never existed and they were just air to him. That wasn't the outrageous part. 

The exaggerating part was the fact that there was a huge chunk of hard rounded rock falling down on them, coming at an extreme fast speed. Yes, Ken just summoned a meteor on them. Since these guys wanted to be cruel and unleash a poison miasma, then it was better to give them a taste of their own medicine. 

The meteor was a huge one, almost 10 times the size of the boat and it was coming down quite fast. Normally a meteor should burn if it was coming from outer space, but it wasn't like that here and Ken controlled the speed enough to let them see the meteor. 

Jack, who didn't fear anything until this point, for the first time regretted his moves and maybe a small part of him regretted going actively after the Straw Hats. The live video feed he had watched 2 years ago seemed to be a joke to him then. 

As the meteor descended with frightening speed, Jack and Sasaki exchanged determined glances. The fate of the ship and theirs rested on their shoulders, and without hesitation, they leaped high into the air, propelled by their incredible strength and agility. 

Their combined efforts were awe-inspiring. However, despite their valiant attempts, the sheer magnitude of the meteor proved overwhelming. Ken's chakra had infused it with an otherworldly strength that defied their best efforts.

As the colossal rock continued its descent, Jack and Sasaki strained against the forces of nature, desperately trying to alter its trajectory. The tension in the air was palpable as their muscles bulged, and the sky seemed to hold its breath. The sea beneath them churned with anticipation, mirroring the turmoil in the hearts of our brave heroes.

In a heartbreaking twist, the meteor proved to be too much for even these formidable warriors to handle. Their strength waned, and the meteor descended at an unstoppable pace, crashing into the open sea with an earth-shattering impact. The force of the collision sent shockwaves rippling through the water, causing colossal waves that swallowed their ship whole.

As the vessel sank into the depths, Jack and Sasaki, now battered and defeated, succumbed to the inevitable pull of the ocean.

Of course before they could beyond sun's embrace they both were sucked into the whirlpool that Ken just created. The crew members were probably dead, while Jack and Sasaki were holding their last breaths by a hair. Only to be saved by Ken. 

With one of the main players of Kaido taken care of, he was back in Dressrosa. Luffy was way too tired after the fight in the arena, thus Bartolomeo took him to a secluded location and brought him food. In fact, even Ken was a bit exhausted, so he too proceeded to take a nap with the others. 

Zoro and others had been running around so they too needed some rest as they came together and just had their rest. Kyros came and thanked them, even King Riku came late at night. The reason these people could find the place was because the Tontatta tribe told Riku as he wanted to thank the Straw hats for freeing their island. 

The next day, Bartolomeo came running in with bad news saying that the Navy were coming to catch them. This made Nami and others scared and almost ready to take their bags and vanish from their place but Ken said there was nothing to worry about as he would handle them. 

This made Ussop, Nami and Chopper relieved and urged him to go. 

"You guys with even all the powers and abilities, should be more confident." Ken said. 

"What are you talking about. They call me the Most confident man in the world." Ussop declared to which Ken just rolled his eyes. He vanished from his spot. 

"Hey don't you think he will fight the Navy again?" Chopper asked once he disappeared from their view. 

"Maybe. maybe not. He always does this behind the scenes work that makes our sailing quite easier." Ussop said. Ken always felt like he doing his job in quite the hidden manner but except for Luffy everyone knew what he did behind their backs. 

And all of them were in support of what he did. This made the Straw Hat crew safe. 

"He killed the Beasts Pirates yesterday." Law said as he was also with them in the location. Sanji, who had been cooking, asked.

"Those sneaky bastards who came to the arena to fight for the fruit?" 

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